Freshwater Information Platform

Abbreviations and other explanations

Coding systems for ecological parameters

For most purposes in community ecology research and freshwater ecosystem assessment, ecological information for taxa needs to be transformed into numerical values. Simple "yes/no" coding, which either or not assigns a species to only one category of an ecological parameter, did not always reflect the complex characteristics and the heterogeneity of the species' adaptations. Therefore, three options of coding were used, depending on structure and availability of ecological knowledge:

  • Ten point assignment system: Most freshwater species inhabit several habitat types or utilise various food sources during their ontogenesis, rather than being solely dependent on a single habitat or food source. The ten point assignment system considers these gradients of habitats, feedings types and other relevant parameters. It is based on the average distributions, occurrences or behaviours of a taxon within the environmental gradient or organismic flexibility under consideration. The ten point assignment system was first introduced by Zelinka and Marvan (1961) for the classification of saprobic valences and was extended by Moog (1995) to other parameters, such as stream zonation preferences and feeding types. Within freshwaterecology.info the ten point assignment system was used for coding the majority of those parameters, which comprise several categories.

    Example for the parameter "stream zonation preference": If 70% of a species' records are observed in spring brooks and 30% in the upper trout region, 7 out of 10 points will be allocated to the category "hypocrenal" (spring brook) and 3 points to "epirhithral" (upper trout region) to describe the expected occurrence of this species within the longitudinal zonation of a river. For all other categories "0" will be used.

  • Single category assignment system: The single category assignment system is used, if a taxon can be allocated to only one category of an ecological parameter. If the category applies to the taxon, "1" is assigned, if not, "0" is used.

    Example for the parameter "temperature range preference": If a species only lives in cold water, then "1" will be assigned to the category "cold stenotherm", the categories "warm stenotherm" and "eurytherm" will get a "0".

  • Presence/absence assignment system: The presence/absence assignment system is used, if a taxon can be allocated to more than one criterion/category of an ecological parameter.

    Example for the parameter "altitude preference (WFD)": If a species occurs in an altitude range from 100 m to 700 m above sea level, then a "1" will be assigned to the categories "between 200 and 800 m sea level" and "below 200 m sea level" meaning that the species is present in these altitudes. For the category "above 800 m sea level" the value "0" is used indicating that the species is not present in this region.

Moog, O. (Ed.), 1995. Fauna Aquatica Austriaca: A Comprehensive Species Inventory of Austrian Aquatic Organisms with Ecological Notes. Federal Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry, Wasserwirtschaftskataster Vienna: Loose-leaf Binder.
Zelinka, M., Marvan, P., 1961. Zur Präzisierung der biologischen Klassifikation der Reinheit fließender Gewässer. Arch. Hydrobiol. 57, 389-407.

Information for traits of benthic macro-invertebrates according to Tachet et al. (2010)

One of the goals of the Tachet et al. (2010) handbook was to investigate autecological information from literature and then to synthesise the very large and scattered biological information on benthic macro-invertebrates - readily accessible only to specialists - into easily interpreted sets of attributes including features concerning the life cycle of taxa, the resistance or resilience potential of organisms, general physiological traits, behavioural aspects of reproduction or nutrition of organisms, and multi-scale descriptors of taxon/habitat relationships. The authors resolved "traits" describing biological characteristics and ecological preferences of taxa into a number of "categories".

Tachet et al. searched for a simple coding procedure (i.e. the "fuzzy coding"; cf. Chevenet et al., 1994) that assigns a score to each taxon describing its affinity for the different categories of a trait. This score, allocated to each category of a trait, ranges from 0 indicating "no affinity" to 5 indicating "high affinity". Thereby, the relevant features of a taxon are described by the relative distribution of the information among the categories of each trait. This procedure is a pertinent and simple way to "translate" the available knowledge about species traits of organisms into numerical values. It also avoids the obligate assignment of a taxon to a single category, which can lead to inaccurate characterisations of biological or ecological trait profiles. In the case of missing information for a taxon and a trait (i.e. taxa not documented), authors coded "0" for all the categories. Eleven biological traits (63 categories) and 10 ecological traits (50 categories) were coded for 472 benthic macro-invertebrate taxa, often at higher taxonomic levels.

Chevenet F., Doledec S. & Chessel D. (1994): A fuzzy coding approach for the analysis of long-term ecological data. Freshwater Biology, 31, 295-309.
Tachet H., Bournaud M., Richoux P. & Usseglio-Polatera P. (2010): Invertebres d'eau douce - systematique, biologie, ecologie. CNRS Editions, Paris, 600 p.


All abbreviations, which are displayed on the Result-page are explained on the Search-page, for example by clicking on the icon next to the parameter name. On the Result-page an explanation is available with tooltips. Just move your mouse pointer over the abbreviation and the full name will appear. Additionally the abbreviations are explained if you click on the icon in the parameter headline.

The following abbreviation table summarises all abbreviations used on freshwaterecology.info. It also offers explanations of individual parameters and categories. The table can be sorted per organism group, per parameter, per category, alphabetically and it is also possible to filter for all entries.

Organism groupParameter nameCategory nameAbbreviationExplanation
Fishabsolute fecundity (no. oocytes)55,000 - 60,000fe2number of oocytes between 55,000 and 60,000 (fecundity 2)
Fishabsolute fecundity (no. oocytes)< = 55,000fe1number of oocytes less than or equal 55,000 (fecundity 1)
Fishabsolute fecundity (no. oocytes)> 60,000fe3number of oocytes more than 60,000 (fecundity 3)
Fishacid toleranceintermediateimintermediately tolerant to acidification
Fishacid toleranceintolerantintolintolerant to acidification
Fishacid tolerancetoleranttoltolerant to acidification
Fishbody length (cm)20 - 39 cmbl2body length between 20 and 39 cm
Fishbody length (cm)< = 20 cmbl1body length less than 20 cm
Fishbody length (cm)> = 39 cmbl3body length more than 39 cm
Fishcatchment regionAdriatic SeaAdSeAdriatic Sea
Fishcatchment regionAegean SeaAeSeAegean Sea
Fishcatchment regionalienaspecies not native to the catchment
Fishcatchment regionAnglian CoastAnCoAnglian Coast
Fishcatchment regionBaltic SeaBaSeBaltic Sea
Fishcatchment regionBay of BiscayBaBiBay of Biscay
Fishcatchment regionBlack SeaBlSeBlack Sea
Fishcatchment regionBristol ChannelBrChBristol Channel
Fishcatchment regionDanubeDanuDanube
Fishcatchment regionDouroDourDouro
Fishcatchment regionEbroEbroEbro
Fishcatchment regionElbeElbeElbe
Fishcatchment regionEnglish Channel ER 13EC13English Channel ER 13
Fishcatchment regionEnglish Channel ER 18EC18English Channel ER 18
Fishcatchment regionGaronneGaroGaronne
Fishcatchment regionGreat OuseGrOuGreat Ouse
Fishcatchment regionGuadalquivirGuquGuadalquivir
Fishcatchment regionGuadianaGuadGuadiana
Fishcatchment regionGulf of RigaGuRiGulf of Riga
Fishcatchment regionIonian SeaIoSeIonian Sea
Fishcatchment regionIrish SeaIrSeIrish Sea
Fishcatchment regionKattegatt SoundKaSoKattegatt Sound
Fishcatchment regionLoireLoirLoire
Fishcatchment regionMediterranean Sea WBMeSeMediterranean Sea WB
Fishcatchment regionMediterranean Sea WB North PyreneesMSNPMediterranean Sea WB North Pyrenees
Fishcatchment regionMedwayMedwMedway
Fishcatchment regionMerseyMersMersey
Fishcatchment regionMeuseMeusMeuse
Fishcatchment regionnativenspecies belongs to the catchment
Fishcatchment regionNE Atlantic OceanNEAONE Atlantic Ocean
Fishcatchment regionNemunasNemuNemunas
Fishcatchment regionNorth Atlantic OceanNoAONorth Atlantic Ocean
Fishcatchment regionNorth SeaNoSeNorth Sea
Fishcatchment regionOdraOdraOdra
Fishcatchment regionRhineRhinRhine
Fishcatchment regionRhoneRhonRhone
Fishcatchment regionSeineSeinSeine
Fishcatchment regionSevernSeveSevern
Fishcatchment regionSkagerrakSkagSkagerrak
Fishcatchment regionStrait of GibraltarStGiStrait of Gibraltar
Fishcatchment regionTagusTaguTagus
Fishcatchment regionTeesTeesTees
Fishcatchment regionThamesThamThames
Fishcatchment regionTrentTrenTrent
Fishcatchment regionTyrrhennian SeaTySeTyrrhennian Sea
Fishcatchment regionWislaWislWisla
Fishcatchment regionYorkshire OuseYoOuYorkshire Ouse
Fishclimate change affected species according to www.climate-and-freshwater.info (caf)
Fishegg diameter (mm)1.35 - 2ed2egg diameter between 1.35 and 2 mm (egg diameter 2)
Fishegg diameter (mm)< 1.35ed1egg diameter less than 1.35 mm (egg diameter 1)
Fishegg diameter (mm)> 2ed3egg diameter more than 2 mm (egg diameter 3)
Fishfeeding diet (adult)detritivorousdetriadult diet consists of high proportion of detritus; the digestive tract is unspecialised
Fishfeeding diet (adult)invertivorousinvertadult diet consists of more than 75 % insects; individuals have terminal or supraterminal mouth, take aerial, drifting or swimming insects and invertebrates
Fishfeeding diet (adult)omnivorousomniadult diet consists of more than 25 % plant material and more than 25 % animal material; generalists
Fishfeeding diet (adult)parasiticparasitfish that exhibit a parasitic feeding mode
Fishfeeding diet (adult)phytovorousphytoadult diet consists of more than 75 % plant material; fish have terminal or subterminal mouth with bony slashing jaw for clipping and tearing aquatic vegetation; often the digestive tract is as long or longer than the total length of the individual
Fishfeeding diet (adult)piscivorouspisciadult diet consist of more than 75 % other fish; individuals have a wide mouth aperture with needle-like teeth and a strong jaw with marginal and palatal bones; they pursue a prey by stalking, chasing, ambushing or lying-in-wait approach
Fishfeeding diet (adult)planktivorousplanktadult diet consists of more than 75% zooplankton and/or phytoplankton; fish having fine gill-rakers and elongated pharyngal teeth; they have no stomach but an elongated, undifferentiated intestine
Fishfeeding habitatbenthicbenfish prefer to live near the bottom from where they take food; they usually do not go to the surface for feeding purpose
Fishfeeding habitatwater columnwcfish that feed in the water column; they usually do not go to the bottom to search for food
Fishfemale maturity (years) 2 - 3ma2females mature for the first time between 2 and 3 years (maturity 2)
Fishfemale maturity (years) 3 - 4ma3females mature for the first time between 3 and 4 years (maturity 3)
Fishfemale maturity (years) 4 - 5ma4females mature for the first time between 4 and 5 years (maturity 4)
Fishfemale maturity (years)< = 2ma1females mature for the first time before or equal 2 years (maturity 1)
Fishfemale maturity (years)> = 5ma5females mature for the first time after 5 years (maturity 5)
Fishfish region (fiBS)epipotamalepbarbel region
Fishfish region (fiBS)epirhithralerupper-trout region
Fishfish region (fiBS)FRIFRIspecies-specific fish region index
Fishfish region (fiBS)hypopotamalhpbrackish water region
Fishfish region (fiBS)hyporhithralhrgrayling region
Fishfish region (fiBS)metapotamalmpbream region
Fishfish region (fiBS)metarhithralmrlower-trout region
Fishfish region (fiBS)S2-FRIS2-FRIspecies-specific fish region variance
Fishfish region indexfish region index
Fishhabitatbenthopelagicbenspecies living and feeding near the bottom as well as midwaters or near the water surface
Fishhabitatdemersaldemspecies living and feeding near the bottom
Fishhabitatpelagicpelspecies living and feeding in the pelagic/free water zone
Fishhabitat (fiBS)indifferentinno clear current velocity preferences
Fishhabitat (fiBS)rheophilousrheofish prefer to live in a habitat with high flow conditions
Fishhabitat (fiBS)stagnophilousstagnofish prefer to live in a habitat with low or standing flow conditions
Fishhabitat degradation toleranceintermediateimintermediately tolerant to habitat degradation
Fishhabitat degradation toleranceintolerantintolintolerant to habitat degradation
Fishhabitat degradation tolerancetoleranttoltolerant to habitat degradation
FishHD threatIIIIAnnex II
FishHD threatVVAnnex V
Fishincubation period (days) 7 - 14ip2incubation time is between 7 and 14 days (incubation period 2)
Fishincubation period (days)< = 7ip1incubation time is less than or equal 7 days (incubation period 1)
Fishincubation period (days)> 14ip3incubation time is more than 14 days (incubation period 3)
Fishlarval length (cm)4.2 - 6.3ll2length of larval fish between 4.2 and 6.3 cm (larval length 2)
Fishlarval length (cm)< = 4.2ll1length of larval fish less than or equal 4.2 cm (larval length 1)
Fishlarval length (cm)> 6.3ll3length of larval fish more than 6.3 cm (larval length 3)
Fishlarval stage duration (days) 12 - 25ld2larval stage between 12 and 25 days (larval duration 2)
Fishlarval stage duration (days)< 12ld1larval stage less than 12 days (larval duration 1)
Fishlarval stage duration (days)> 25ld3larval stage more than 25 days (larval duration 3)
Fishlife span (years)8 -15 yearsls2life span between 8 to 15 years (life span 2)
Fishlife span (years)< 8 yearsls1life span less than 8 years (life span 1)
Fishlife span (years)> 15 yearsls3life span longer than 15 years (life span 3)
Fishmigrationdiadromousdiamigratory fish species; parts of the life cycle are spent in fresh and salt water
Fishmigrationno migrationnomspecies with no migration movements
Fishmigrationoceanodromousocemigratory fish species; whole life cycle is spent in salt water
Fishmigrationpotamodromouspotmigratory fish species; whole life cycle is spent in freshwaters
Fishmigration (fiBS)anadromousanabrackish water or marine fish that ascend rivers to spawn
Fishmigration (fiBS)catadromouscatafreshwater fish that move the sea to spawn
Fishmigration (fiBS)longlonglong distance movements
Fishmigration (fiBS)mediummediummedium distance movements
Fishmigration (fiBS)potamodromouspotamospecies that migrate only in freshwaters
Fishmigration (fiBS)shortshortshort distance movements only
Fishoxygen toleranceintermediateimrelatively tolerant to low oxygen concentration
Fishoxygen toleranceintolerantintolintolerant to low oxygen concentration: more than 6 mg/l needed
Fishoxygen tolerancetoleranttoltolerant to low oxygen concentration: 3 mg/l or less
Fishparental careno protectionnono protection of eggs or larvae (no parental care)
Fishparental careprotectionprotprotection of eggs and/or larvae, often including some form of parental care (nest or eggs hidden in any manner)
Fishrelative fecundity (no. oocytes/g)57 - 200fr2relative fecundity between 57 and 200 (fecundity relation 2)
Fishrelative fecundity (no. oocytes/g)< = 57fr1relative fecundity less than or equal 57 (fecundity relation 1)
Fishrelative fecundity (no. oocytes/g)> 200fr3relative fecundity more than 200 (fecundity relation 3)
Fishreproduction (fiBS)litho-pelagophiliclitho-pelagophilicstone and gravel spawners or pelagic spawners
Fishreproduction (fiBS)lithophiliclithophilicstone and gravel spawners
Fishreproduction (fiBS)marinemarinemarine spawning
Fishreproduction (fiBS)ostracophilicostracophilicspawning in shells of molluscs
Fishreproduction (fiBS)pelagophilicpelagophilicspawning in the pelagic zone
Fishreproduction (fiBS)phyto-lithophilicphyto-lithophilicspawning in submerged plants or stone and gravel spawners
Fishreproduction (fiBS)phytophilicphytophilicspawning in submerged plants
Fishreproduction (fiBS)psammophilicpsammophilicsand spawners
Fishreproduction (fiBS)speleophilicspeleophilicspawning in crevices or caves
Fishreproduction habitatariadnophilicariadspecialised nest building fish that may exhibit some form of parental care
Fishreproduction habitatlitho-pelagophiliclthpeleggs are released at the surface of hard structures (stones, gravel) and drift suspended in the current
Fishreproduction habitatlithophiliclithspawning exclusively on gravel, rocks, stones, rubbles or pebbles; hatchlings are photophobic
Fishreproduction habitatostracophilicostraeggs are deposited into the gill cavity of living mussels using a laying tube
Fishreproduction habitatpelagophilicpeleggs are released into the free water body and float
Fishreproduction habitatphyto-lithophilicphylithfish deposit eggs in clear water habitats on submerged plants or on other submerged items such as logs, gravel and rocks; larvae are photophobic
Fishreproduction habitatphytophilicphyfish deposit eggs in clear water habitats on submerged plants
Fishreproduction habitatpolyphilicpolynon-specialised spawners
Fishreproduction habitatpsamnmophilicpsamfish spawn on roots or grass above sandy bottom or on the sand itself
Fishreproduction habitatspeleophilicspeleggs are deposited in existing or newly created burrows, where brood care is performed
Fishreproduction habitatviviparousvivilive bearers
Fishreproductive behaviourfractionalfrafractional spawners: spawning events either repeated in a season or different components of the population spawn at different times
Fishreproductive behaviourprotractedproprotracted spawners: spawning occurs over a long period during the potential season
Fishreproductive behavioursinglesinspawing event at only one time in the season
Fishrheophily (habitat)eurytopiceuryfish that exhibit a wide tolerance of flow conditions, although generally not considered to be rheophilic
Fishrheophily (habitat)limnophiliclimnofish prefer to live in a habitat with slow flowing to stagnant conditions
Fishrheophily (habitat)rheophilicrheofish prefer to live in a habitat with high flow conditions and clear water
Fishrheophily (habitat)rheophilic Arheo Afish prefer to live in a habitat with very high flow conditions and clear water
Fishrheophily (habitat)rheophilic Brheo Bfish prefer to live in a habitat with moderate flow conditions and clear water (close to eurytopic)
Fishsalinitybrackish-marinebrmbrackish to marine waters
Fishsalinityfreshwaterfrefresh waters
Fishsalinityfreshwater-brackishfbrfresh to brackish waters
Fishsalinityfreshwater-brackish-marinefbmfresh to brackish to marine waters
Fishsalinityfreshwater-marinefmafresh to marine waters
Fishshape factor4.35 - 4.78sh2ratio is between 4.35 and 4.78 (shape factor 2)
Fishshape factor4.78 - 5.6sh3ratio is between 4.78 and 5.6 (shape factor 3)
Fishshape factor< = 4.35sh1ratio is less than or equal 4.35 (shape factor 1)
Fishshape factor> = 5.6sh4ratio is more than 5.6 (shape factor 4)
Fishspawning habitateuryoparouseuryno clear spawning habitat preferences
Fishspawning habitatlimnoparouslimnopreference to spawn in stagnant waters
Fishspawning habitatrheoparousrheopreference to spawn in running waters
Fishspawning timesummer spawnerst2fish spwan during summer time (spawning time 2)
Fishspawning timewinter spawnerst1fish spwan during winter time (spawning time 1)
Fishswimming factor0.38 - 0.43sw2ratio is between 0.38 and 0.43 (swimming factor 2)
Fishswimming factor< = 0.38sw1ratio is less than or equal 0.38 (swimming factor 1)
Fishswimming factor> 0.43sw3ratio is more than 0.43 (swimming factor 3)
Fishtemperature toleranceeurythermaleuryfish capable of withstanding a wide range of temperature
Fishtemperature tolerancestenothermalstenofish capable to withstand only a narrow temperature range
Fishthreat Austria critically endangeredCRcritically endangered
Fishthreat Austria endangeredENendangered
Fishthreat Austria least concernLCleast concern
Fishthreat Austria near threatenedNTnear threatened
Fishthreat Austria not evaluatedNEnot evaluated
Fishthreat Austria regionally extinctREregionally extinct
Fishthreat Austria vulnerableVUvulnerable
Fishtoxicity toleranceintermediateimintermediately tolerant to toxic contamination
Fishtoxicity toleranceintolerantintolintolerant to toxic contamination
Fishtoxicity tolerancetoleranttoltolerant to toxic contamination
Fishtrophy (fiBS)filter feederfilter feederfood consits of filtered organisms and particles
Fishtrophy (fiBS)herbivorousherbivorousfood consists of plants
Fishtrophy (fiBS)inverti-piscivorousinverti-piscivorousfood consists of invertebrates
Fishtrophy (fiBS)invertivorousinvertivorousfood consists of invertebrates
Fishtrophy (fiBS)omnivorousomnivorousopportunistic feeders
Fishtrophy (fiBS)piscivorouspiscivorousfood consists of fish
Fishtrophy (fiBS)planktivorousplanktivorousfood consists of plankton
Fishwater quality tolerance – generalintermediateimin general intermediately tolerant to usual water quality parameters
Fishwater quality tolerance – generalintolerantintolin general intolerant to usual water quality parameters
Fishwater quality tolerance – generaltoleranttolin general tolerant to usual water quality parameters
Macro-invertebratesacid class preference11continuously neutral (not acidic)
Macro-invertebratesacid class preference22predominantly neutral to episodically weakly acidic
Macro-invertebratesacid class preference33periodically critically acidic
Macro-invertebratesacid class preference44periodically very acidic
Macro-invertebratesacid class preference55permanently very acidic
Macro-invertebratesacid class preferenceacid classacid classacid class
Macro-invertebratesaltitude according to Tachetalpine levelalp> 2000 m
Macro-invertebratesaltitude according to Tachetlowlandslow< 1000 m
Macro-invertebratesaltitude according to Tachetpiedmont levelpie1000 - 2000 m
Macro-invertebratesaltitude preferencealpinealp2400 - 2900 m
Macro-invertebratesaltitude preferencecollincol300 - 800 m (in low mountain ecoregions: 150 - 300 m)
Macro-invertebratesaltitude preferencemontanemon1000 - 1900 m (in low mountain ecoregions: 450 - 1500 m)
Macro-invertebratesaltitude preferencenivalniv> 3100 m
Macro-invertebratesaltitude preferenceplanarpla< 300 m (in low mountain ecoregions: < 150 m)
Macro-invertebratesaltitude preferencesubalpinesal1900 - 2400 m (in low mountain ecoregions: > 1500 m)
Macro-invertebratesaltitude preferencesubmontanesmo800 - 1000 m (in low mountain ecoregions: 300 - 450 m)
Macro-invertebratesaltitude preferencesubnivalsni2900 - 3100 m
Macro-invertebratesaltitude preference (WFD)200 - 800 m28hbetween 200 and 800 m sea level
Macro-invertebratesaltitude preference (WFD)< 200 ml2hbelow 200 m sea level
Macro-invertebratesaltitude preference (WFD)> 800 mg8habove 800 m sea level
Macro-invertebratesaltitude preference (WFD)maximummaxmaximum altitude
Macro-invertebratesaltitude preference (WFD)minimumminminimum altitude
Macro-invertebratesaquatic stagesadultaduquatic stage as adult
Macro-invertebratesaquatic stageseggeggaquatic stage as egg
Macro-invertebratesaquatic stageslarvalaraquatic stage as larva
Macro-invertebratesaquatic stagesnymphnymaquatic stage as nymph
Macro-invertebratesaquatic stagespupapupaquatic stage as pupa
Macro-invertebratesaquatic stages according to Tachetadultadultquatic stage as adult
Macro-invertebratesaquatic stages according to Tacheteggeggaquatic stage as egg
Macro-invertebratesaquatic stages according to Tachetlarvalarvaaquatic stage as larva
Macro-invertebratesaquatic stages according to Tachetnymph/pupanymphaquatic stage as nymph/pupa
Macro-invertebratesclimate change affected species according to www.climate-and-freshwater.info (caf)spring region
Macro-invertebratesclimate change vulnerability score (CCVS)00invulnerable
Macro-invertebratesclimate change vulnerability score (CCVS)11
Macro-invertebratesclimate change vulnerability score (CCVS)22
Macro-invertebratesclimate change vulnerability score (CCVS)33
Macro-invertebratesclimate change vulnerability score (CCVS)44
Macro-invertebratesclimate change vulnerability score (CCVS)55
Macro-invertebratesclimate change vulnerability score (CCVS)66highly vulnerable
Macro-invertebratesclimate change vulnerability score (CCVS)climate change vulnerability scoreCCVSvalue indicating the vulnerability to climate change
Macro-invertebratescurrent preferenceindifferentindno preference for a certain current velocity
Macro-invertebratescurrent preferencelimno- to rheophillrppreferably occurring in standing waters, but regularly occurring in slowly flowing streams
Macro-invertebratescurrent preferencelimnobiontliboccurring only in standing waters
Macro-invertebratescurrent preferencelimnophillippreferably occurring in standing waters; avoids current; rarely found in slowly flowing streams
Macro-invertebratescurrent preferencerheo- to limnophilrlpusually found in streams; prefers slowly flowing streams and lentic zones; also found in standing waters
Macro-invertebratescurrent preferencerheobiontrhboccurring in streams; bound to zones with high current
Macro-invertebratescurrent preferencerheophilrhpoccurring in streams; prefers zones with moderate to high current
Macro-invertebratescurrent velocity (preferendum) according to Tachet< 5 cm/s
Macro-invertebratescurrent velocity (preferendum) according to Tachetfastfast> 50 cm/s
Macro-invertebratescurrent velocity (preferendum) according to Tachetmediummedium25 - 50 cm/s
Macro-invertebratescurrent velocity (preferendum) according to Tachetslowslow5 - 25cm/s
Macro-invertebratesdevelopment: holo-/hemimetabolichemimetabolichemispecies with an incomplete metamorphosis
Macro-invertebratesdevelopment: holo-/hemimetabolicholometabolicholospecies with a complete metamorphosis
Macro-invertebratesdisjunct isolated populationsdipdipspring region
Macro-invertebratesdisjunct isolated populationsecoregiondip_erecoregion, in which the isolated populations appear
Macro-invertebratesdispersal according to Tachetaerial activeaerial activespread actively via air (e.g. activelyy flying)
Macro-invertebratesdispersal according to Tachetaerial passiveaerial passivespread passive via air (e.g. through wind or animals)
Macro-invertebratesdispersal according to Tachetaquatic activeaquatic activespread active in water (e.g. swimming)
Macro-invertebratesdispersal according to Tachetaquatic passiveaquatic passivespread passive in water (e.g. drift)
Macro-invertebratesdispersal capacityhighhighigh dispersal capacity
Macro-invertebratesdispersal capacitylowlowlow dispersal capacity
Macro-invertebratesdispersal capacitymediummedspring region
Macro-invertebratesdispersal capacityunknownunkunknown dispersal capacity
Macro-invertebratesdispersal strategyaerial activeaeaspread actively via air (e.g. activelyy flying)
Macro-invertebratesdispersal strategyaerial passiveaepspread passive via air (e.g. through wind or animals)
Macro-invertebratesdispersal strategyaquatic activeaqaspread active in water (e.g. swimming)
Macro-invertebratesdispersal strategyaquatic passiveaqpspread passive in water (e.g. drift)
Macro-invertebratesdispersal strategydoubtfuld
Macro-invertebratesdrought indicationintermittent: strong indicatorint_strstrong indicator for intermittent flow conditions
Macro-invertebratesdrought indicationintermittent: weak indicatorint_weaweak indicator for intermittent flow conditions
Macro-invertebratesduration emergence periodlonglonflight period approximately longer than 2 months
Macro-invertebratesduration emergence periodshortshoflight period approximately shorter than 2 months
Macro-invertebratesecoregional distribution (sensu Illies)AlpsER4
Macro-invertebratesecoregional distribution (sensu Illies)Baltic ProvinceER15
Macro-invertebratesecoregional distribution (sensu Illies)Borealic UplandsER20
Macro-invertebratesecoregional distribution (sensu Illies)Caspic DepressionER25
Macro-invertebratesecoregional distribution (sensu Illies)Central HighlandsER9
Macro-invertebratesecoregional distribution (sensu Illies)Central PlainsER14
Macro-invertebratesecoregional distribution (sensu Illies)Dinaric Western BalkanER5
Macro-invertebratesecoregional distribution (sensu Illies)Eastern BalkanER7
Macro-invertebratesecoregional distribution (sensu Illies)Eastern PlainsER16
Macro-invertebratesecoregional distribution (sensu Illies)Fenno-Scandian ShieldER22
Macro-invertebratesecoregional distribution (sensu Illies)Great BritainER18
Macro-invertebratesecoregional distribution (sensu Illies)Hellenic Western BalkanER6
Macro-invertebratesecoregional distribution (sensu Illies)Hungarian LowlandsER11
Macro-invertebratesecoregional distribution (sensu Illies)Iberic-Macaronesian RegionER1
Macro-invertebratesecoregional distribution (sensu Illies)IcelandER19
Macro-invertebratesecoregional distribution (sensu Illies)Ireland and Northern IrelandER17
Macro-invertebratesecoregional distribution (sensu Illies)Italy, Corsica and MaltaER3
Macro-invertebratesecoregional distribution (sensu Illies)Middle EastERY
Macro-invertebratesecoregional distribution (sensu Illies)North AfricaERX
Macro-invertebratesecoregional distribution (sensu Illies)Pontic ProvinceER12
Macro-invertebratesecoregional distribution (sensu Illies)PyreneesER2
Macro-invertebratesecoregional distribution (sensu Illies)TaigaER23
Macro-invertebratesecoregional distribution (sensu Illies)The CarpathiansER10
Macro-invertebratesecoregional distribution (sensu Illies)The CaucasusER24
Macro-invertebratesecoregional distribution (sensu Illies)TundraER21
Macro-invertebratesecoregional distribution (sensu Illies)Western HighlandsER8
Macro-invertebratesecoregional distribution (sensu Illies)Western PlainsER13
Macro-invertebratesemergence/flight periodautumnautemerging mainly in autumn
Macro-invertebratesemergence/flight periodspringspremerging mainly in spring
Macro-invertebratesemergence/flight periodsummersumemerging mainly in summer
Macro-invertebratesemergence/flight periodwinterwinemerging mainly in winter
Macro-invertebratesendemismecoregion numberernumber of the ecoregion, in which the taxon occurs
Macro-invertebratesendemismecoregion-endemismlslarge-scale endemism
Macro-invertebratesfauna index GermanyType 1.1FI011Streams of the Limestone Alps
Macro-invertebratesfauna index GermanyType 1.2FI012Small rivers of the Limestone Alps
Macro-invertebratesfauna index GermanyType 11/12FI11_12Organic streams and rivers
Macro-invertebratesfauna index GermanyType 14/16FI14_16Sand and gravel dominated lowland streams
Macro-invertebratesfauna index GermanyType 15/17FI15_17Sand, clay and gravel dominated lowland rivers
Macro-invertebratesfauna index GermanyType 15_largeFI152Large sand and clay dominated lowland rivers
Macro-invertebratesfauna index GermanyType 19FI19Small lowland streams in stream valleys
Macro-invertebratesfauna index GermanyType 2.1FI021Streams of the Alpine foothills
Macro-invertebratesfauna index GermanyType 2.2FI022Small rivers of the Alpine foothills
Macro-invertebratesfauna index GermanyType 3.1FI031Streams of the top moraine of the Alpine foothills
Macro-invertebratesfauna index GermanyType 3.2FI032Small rivers of the top moraine of the Alpine foothills
Macro-invertebratesfauna index GermanyType 4FI04Large rivers of the Alpine foothills
Macro-invertebratesfauna index GermanyType 5FI05Siliceous, coarse material rich upland streams
Macro-invertebratesfauna index GermanyType 9FI09Siliceous, fine to coarse material rich upland rivers
Macro-invertebratesfauna index GermanyType 9.1FI091Carbonate, fine to coarse material rich upland rivers
Macro-invertebratesfauna index GermanyType 9.1 KeuperFI091_KSiliceous, fine to coarse material rich upland rivers - Keuper waters
Macro-invertebratesfauna index GermanyType 9.2FI092Large rivers of the uplands
Macro-invertebratesfeeding habits according to Tachetabsorbersabsfeed through direct uptake of macromolecules from the environment
Macro-invertebratesfeeding habits according to Tachetdeposit feedersdpffeed on small organic debris
Macro-invertebratesfeeding habits according to Tachetfilter-feedersfiffeed on suspended material
Macro-invertebratesfeeding habits according to Tachetparasitesparfeed on host
Macro-invertebratesfeeding habits according to Tachetpiercers (plants or animals)piefeed through piercing plants or animals
Macro-invertebratesfeeding habits according to Tachetpredators (carvers/engulfers/swallowers)prefeed on prey
Macro-invertebratesfeeding habits according to Tachetscrapersscrfeed through grazing fine organic particles, microphytes and microinvertebrates of the periphyton and/or the perilithon
Macro-invertebratesfeeding habits according to Tachetshreddersshrfeed on coarse detritus, plant or animal material
Macro-invertebratesfeeding typeactive filter feedersafffeed on suspended FPOM, CPOM; micro prey is whirled; food is actively filtered from the water column
Macro-invertebratesfeeding typegatherers/collectorsgatfeed on sedimented FPOM
Macro-invertebratesfeeding typegrazers/scrapersgrafeed on endolithic and epilithic algal tissues, biofilm, partially POM, partially tissues of living plants
Macro-invertebratesfeeding typeminersminfeed on leaves of aquatic plants, algae and cells of aquatic plants
Macro-invertebratesfeeding typeother feeding typesothuse other food sources not meeting the above categories
Macro-invertebratesfeeding typeparasitesparfeed on host
Macro-invertebratesfeeding typepassive filter feederspfffeed on suspended FPOM, CPOM, prey; food is filtered from running water, e.g., by nets or specialised mouthparts
Macro-invertebratesfeeding typepredatorsprefeed on prey
Macro-invertebratesfeeding typeshreddersshrfeed on fallen leaves, plant tissue, CPOM
Macro-invertebratesfeeding typexylophagous taxaxylfeed on woody debris
Macro-invertebratesfood according to Tachetdead animals (> 1 mm)dag1dead animals > 1mm
Macro-invertebratesfood according to Tachetdead plants (>= 1 mm)dpg1dead plants > 1 mm
Macro-invertebratesfood according to Tachetdetritus (< 1 mm)detl1fine detritus
Macro-invertebratesfood according to Tachetliving macroinvertebrateslmacliving macroinvertebrates
Macro-invertebratesfood according to Tachetliving macrophyteslimaliving macrophytes, e.g. filamentous algae, bryophytes, Dycotyledones
Macro-invertebratesfood according to Tachetliving microinvertebrateslmicliving microinvertebrates, e.g. meiofaunal crustaceans
Macro-invertebratesfood according to Tachetliving microphytes limiliving microphytes, e.g. diatoms, hyphomycetes
Macro-invertebratesfood according to Tachetmicroorganisms miororganic material with fine sediment and microorganisms
Macro-invertebratesfood according to Tachetvertebratesvertvertebrates, e.g. fish eggs or larvae
Macro-invertebratesforewing lengthlength of female anterior wing - max [mm]female maxlength of the forewing in females; maximum value [mm]
Macro-invertebratesforewing lengthlength of female anterior wing - min [mm]female minlength of the forewing in females; minimum va [mm]
Macro-invertebratesforewing lengthlength of male anterior wing - max [mm]male maxlength of the forewing in males; maximum value [mm]
Macro-invertebratesforewing lengthlength of male anterior wing - min [mm]male minlength of the forewing in males; minimum value [mm]
Macro-invertebratesgroundwater influence1gwespecies indicates groundwater influence
Macro-invertebrateshabitat specialisthabitat specialisthasspecialist on a certain habitat
Macro-invertebratesindicator species fordrought resistencedrrindicator for drought resistence strategies
Macro-invertebratesindicator species forhydrological regimehyrindicator for specific hydrological conditions
Macro-invertebratesindicator species foroth-spoth-spspecification for category "others"
Macro-invertebratesindicator species forothersothindicator for other situations
Macro-invertebratesindicator species forthermal regimethrindicator for specific thermal conditions
Macro-invertebrateslake outlet index
Macro-invertebrateslake outlet index11taxon with low preference for lake outlets
Macro-invertebrateslake outlet index22
Macro-invertebrateslake outlet index33taxon with medium preference for lake outlets
Macro-invertebrateslake outlet index44
Macro-invertebrateslake outlet index55taxon with high preference for lake outlets
Macro-invertebrateslake outlet indexindexindexindex
Macro-invertebrateslake outlet indexweightweightweight
Macro-invertebrateslarval development cycleall yearalylarval development all year
Macro-invertebrateslarval development cycleautumnautlarval development mainly in autumn
Macro-invertebrateslarval development cyclespringsprlarval development mainly in spring
Macro-invertebrateslarval development cyclesummersumlarval development mainly in summer
Macro-invertebrateslarval development cyclewinterwinlarval development mainly in winter
Macro-invertebrateslateral connectivity preferenceeupotamoneupmain channel and connected side arms
Macro-invertebrateslateral connectivity preferencehabitat valueHVhabitat value
Macro-invertebrateslateral connectivity preferenceindicator weightIWindicator weight
Macro-invertebrateslateral connectivity preferencepalaeopotamon (including pools, ponds)papno connectivity with the main channel at mean water levels; coverage by macrophytes exceeds 20%
Macro-invertebrateslateral connectivity preferenceparapotamonprpside arms connected only at the downstream end at mean water levels
Macro-invertebrateslateral connectivity preferenceplesiopotamon (including lakes)plpno connectivity with the main channel at mean water levels; coverage by macrophytes does not exceed 20%; lakes included
Macro-invertebrateslateral connectivity preferencetemporary streamsstreamoccurring in temporary streams
Macro-invertebrateslateral connectivity preferencetemporary water bodiestmptemporary pools, water level primarily dependent on ground water levels
Macro-invertebrateslife cycle duration according to Tachet<= 1 year<= 1 yearlife duration up to one year
Macro-invertebrateslife cycle duration according to Tachet> 1 year> 1 yearlife duration longer than one year
Macro-invertebrateslife duration<= 1 yearl1ylife duration up to one year
Macro-invertebrateslife duration> 1 yearg1ylife duration longer than one year
Macro-invertebrateslife duration (Odonata)
Macro-invertebrateslife duration (Odonata)<= 1 yearl1ylife duration up to one year
Macro-invertebrateslife duration (Odonata)> 1 yearg1ylife duration longer than one year
Macro-invertebrateslocomotion and substrate relation according to Tachetburrower (epibenthic)burburrowing within the first centimetres of the benthic sediment
Macro-invertebrateslocomotion and substrate relation according to Tachetcrawlercrwcrawling over the bottom substrate
Macro-invertebrateslocomotion and substrate relation according to Tachetflierflractively flying as well as passively flying (i.e. passively dispersed by birds)
Macro-invertebrateslocomotion and substrate relation according to Tachetfull water swimmerwswswimming in open water
Macro-invertebrateslocomotion and substrate relation according to Tachetinterstitial (endobenthic)intliving in the interstitial
Macro-invertebrateslocomotion and substrate relation according to Tachetpermanently attachedpatpermanently attached to hard substrates or plants
Macro-invertebrateslocomotion and substrate relation according to Tachetsurface swimmersswswimming on the water surface
Macro-invertebrateslocomotion and substrate relation according to Tachettemporarily attachedtattemporarely attached to hard substrates or plants
Macro-invertebrateslocomotion type(semi)sessilsestightening to hard substrates, plants or other animals
Macro-invertebrateslocomotion typeburrowing/boringbubburrowing in soft substrates or boring in hard substrates
Macro-invertebrateslocomotion typeother locomotion typeothother locomotion type like flying or jumping (mainly outside the water)
Macro-invertebrateslocomotion typesprawling/walkingspwsprawling or walking actively with legs, pseudopods or on a mucus
Macro-invertebrateslocomotion typeswimming/divingswdswimming or active diving
Macro-invertebrateslocomotion typeswimming/skatingswsfloating in lakes or drifting in rivers passively
Macro-invertebrateslongitudinal distribution according to Tachetcrenoncrspring region
Macro-invertebrateslongitudinal distribution according to Tachetepipotamonepbarbel region
Macro-invertebrateslongitudinal distribution according to Tachetepirithronerupper-trout region
Macro-invertebrateslongitudinal distribution according to Tachetestuaryestbrackish water region
Macro-invertebrateslongitudinal distribution according to Tachethyporithronhrgrayling region
Macro-invertebrateslongitudinal distribution according to Tachetmetapotamonmpbream region
Macro-invertebrateslongitudinal distribution according to Tachetmetarithronmrlower-trout region
Macro-invertebrateslongitudinal distribution according to Tachetoutside river systemoutoutside river system
Macro-invertebratesmaximal potential size according to Tachet<= 0.25 cm<= 0.25 cm<= 0.25 cm
Macro-invertebratesmaximal potential size according to Tachet> 0.25 - 0.5 cm> 0.25 - 0.5 cm> 0.25 - 0.5 cm
Macro-invertebratesmaximal potential size according to Tachet> 0.5 - 1 cm> 0.5 - 1 cm> 0.5 - 1 cm
Macro-invertebratesmaximal potential size according to Tachet> 1 - 2 cm> 1 - 2 cm> 1 - 2 cm
Macro-invertebratesmaximal potential size according to Tachet> 2 - 4 cm> 2 - 4 cm> 2 - 4 cm
Macro-invertebratesmaximal potential size according to Tachet> 4 - 8 cm> 4 - 8 cm> 4 - 8 cm
Macro-invertebratesmaximal potential size according to Tachet> 8 cm> 8 cm> 8 cm
Macro-invertebratesmicrohabitat - vertical distributionintersticesinterliving in the space netween the substrate particles below the surface
Macro-invertebratesmicrohabitat - vertical distributionsurfacesurfliving on the surface of the substrate
Macro-invertebratesmicrohabitat/substrate preference (13 categories)akalakafine to medium-sized gravel (grain size 0.2-2 cm)
Macro-invertebratesmicrohabitat/substrate preference (13 categories)algaealgmicro- and macroalgae
Macro-invertebratesmicrohabitat/substrate preference (13 categories)argyllalargsilt, loam, clay (grain size < 0.063 mm)
Macro-invertebratesmicrohabitat/substrate preference (13 categories)hygropetric habitatshpethin layers of water over bedrocks, waterfalls
Macro-invertebratesmicrohabitat/substrate preference (13 categories)macro-/megalithalmalstones, boulders, bedrock (grain size > 20 cm)
Macro-invertebratesmicrohabitat/substrate preference (13 categories)macrophytesmphmacrophytes, mosses, Characeae, living parts of terrestrial plants
Macro-invertebratesmicrohabitat/substrate preference (13 categories)madicolmadedge of water bodies, moist substrates
Macro-invertebratesmicrohabitat/substrate preference (13 categories)micro-/mesolithalmilcoarse gravel to hand-sized cobbles (grain size 2-20 cm)
Macro-invertebratesmicrohabitat/substrate preference (13 categories)other substratesothe.g., host of a parasite
Macro-invertebratesmicrohabitat/substrate preference (13 categories)particulate organic matterpomcoarse and fine particulate organic matter
Macro-invertebratesmicrohabitat/substrate preference (13 categories)pelalpelmud (grain size < 0.063 mm)
Macro-invertebratesmicrohabitat/substrate preference (13 categories)psammalpsasand (grain size 0.063-2 mm)
Macro-invertebratesmicrohabitat/substrate preference (13 categories)woody debriswoowoody debris, twigs, roots, logs (size > 10 cm)
Macro-invertebratesmicrohabitat/substrate preference (8 categories)akalakafine to medium-sized gravel (grain size 0.2 - 2 cm)
Macro-invertebratesmicrohabitat/substrate preference (8 categories)argyllalargsilt, loam, clay (grain size < 0.063 mm)
Macro-invertebratesmicrohabitat/substrate preference (8 categories)lithallitcoarse gravel, stones, cobbles, boulders, bedrock (grain size > 2 cm)
Macro-invertebratesmicrohabitat/substrate preference (8 categories)otherothother substrates
Macro-invertebratesmicrohabitat/substrate preference (8 categories)pelalpelmud (grain size < 0.063 mm)
Macro-invertebratesmicrohabitat/substrate preference (8 categories)phytalphyalgae, mosses, macrophytes
Macro-invertebratesmicrohabitat/substrate preference (8 categories)pompomcoarse and fine particulate organic matter
Macro-invertebratesmicrohabitat/substrate preference (8 categories)psammalpsasand (grain size 0.063 - 2 mm)
Macro-invertebratesmigrant species (Odonata)migrant speciesmigrspecies with long-distance dispersal
Macro-invertebratesmode of life: holo-/merolimnichololimnicholospending the entire life in the aquatic environement
Macro-invertebratesmode of life: holo-/merolimnicmerolimnicmerospending the adult stage in terrestrial environements
Macro-invertebratesoccurrence in large quantitiesoccurrence in large quantitiesoilspecies occurring in large quantities
Macro-invertebratespH (preferendum) according to Tachet<= 4<= 4pH less than 4
Macro-invertebratespH (preferendum) according to Tachet> 4 - 4.5> 4-4.5pH between 4 and 4.5
Macro-invertebratespH (preferendum) according to Tachet> 4.5 - 5> 4.5-5pH between 4.5 and 5
Macro-invertebratespH (preferendum) according to Tachet> 5 - 5.5> 5-5.5pH between 5 and 5.5
Macro-invertebratespH (preferendum) according to Tachet> 5.5 - 6> 5.5-6pH between 5.5 and 6
Macro-invertebratespH (preferendum) according to Tachet> 6> 6pH greater than 6
Macro-invertebratespH preferenceacidacipH < 7
Macro-invertebratespH preferenceindifferentindno specific preference
Macro-invertebratespH preferenceneutral to alkalineneupH = 7
Macro-invertebratespotamal preference (ECO-P)11taxon with no affinity to the potamal zone
Macro-invertebratespotamal preference (ECO-P)22taxon with low affinity to the potamal zone
Macro-invertebratespotamal preference (ECO-P)33taxon with medium affinity to the potamal zone
Macro-invertebratespotamal preference (ECO-P)44 taxon with clear affinity to the potamal zone
Macro-invertebratespotamal preference (ECO-P)55taxon with high affinity to the potamal zone
Macro-invertebratespotamal preference (ECO-P)Potamal preferenceECO-Ppreference for the potamal zone
Macro-invertebratespotential number of cycles per year according to Tachet11one generation per year (monovoltine)
Macro-invertebratespotential number of cycles per year according to Tachet< 1 < 1life cycle lasts at least two years (semivoltine)
Macro-invertebratespotential number of cycles per year according to Tachet> 1> 1more than two generations per year (polyvoltine)
Macro-invertebratesr- K-strategyK-strategykstspecies with low reproductive rate remaining at the limit of their capacity
Macro-invertebratesr- K-strategyr-strategyrstspecies with high reproductive rate using existing resources beyond their available capacity
Macro-invertebratesrare speciesecoregion numberernumber of the ecoregion, in which the taxon is rare
Macro-invertebratesrare speciesrare speciesrasprare species
Macro-invertebratesreproductionasexualasereproduction without fertilisation
Macro-invertebratesreproductioncemented isolated eggscieseparate eggs are laid down and fixed
Macro-invertebratesreproductionclutches in vegetationvecgroups of eggs are laid down in the vegetation
Macro-invertebratesreproductionfixed clutchesficgroups of eggs are laid down and fixed
Macro-invertebratesreproductionfree clutchesfrcgroups of eggs are laid down in the water freely
Macro-invertebratesreproductionfree isolated eggsfieseparate eggs are laid down in the water freely
Macro-invertebratesreproductionovoviviparovoeggs remain within the mother's body until they hatch
Macro-invertebratesreproductionparasiticpasreproduction within a host
Macro-invertebratesreproductionterrestrial clutchestecgroups of eggs are laid down in the riparian zone
Macro-invertebratesreproduction (Odonata)asexual reproductionasxasexual reproduction
Macro-invertebratesreproduction (Odonata)eggs attached to substrateetseggs attached to substrate
Macro-invertebratesreproduction (Odonata)eggs in open waterowaeggs laid into open water
Macro-invertebratesreproduction (Odonata)eggs in substrateeiseggs laid into the substrate
Macro-invertebratesreproduction (Odonata)eggs inside plant tissueipleggs laid into open water
Macro-invertebratesreproduction (Odonata)eggs into submerged soil or onto submerged rockirseggs into submerged soil or onto submerged rock
Macro-invertebratesreproduction (Odonata)eggs not attached to or in substratesubeggs not attached to or in substrate
Macro-invertebratesreproduction (Odonata)eggs on exposed soil or rockorseggs on exposed soil or rock
Macro-invertebratesreproduction (Odonata)eggs onto plant materialopleggs laid onto plant material
Macro-invertebratesreproduction according to Tachetasexual reproductionasereproduction without fertilisation
Macro-invertebratesreproduction according to Tachetclutches, cemented or fixedficgroups of eggs are laid down and fixed
Macro-invertebratesreproduction according to Tachetclutches, freefrcgroups of eggs are laid down in the water freely
Macro-invertebratesreproduction according to Tachetclutches, in vegetationvecgroups of eggs are laid down in the vegetation
Macro-invertebratesreproduction according to Tachetclutches, terrestrialtecgroups of eggs are laid down in the riparian zone
Macro-invertebratesreproduction according to Tachetisolated eggs, cementedcieseparate eggs are laid down and fixed
Macro-invertebratesreproduction according to Tachetisolated eggs, freefieseparate eggs are laid down in the water freely
Macro-invertebratesreproduction according to Tachetovoviviparityovoeggs remain within the mother's body until they hatch
Macro-invertebratesreproductive life cycles per year
Macro-invertebratesreproductive life cycles per yearbivoltinebivtwo generations per year
Macro-invertebratesreproductive life cycles per yearflexibleflxflexible number of life cycles per year
Macro-invertebratesreproductive life cycles per yearmultivoltinemuvmore than three generations per year
Macro-invertebratesreproductive life cycles per yearsemivoltinesevone generation in two years
Macro-invertebratesreproductive life cycles per yeartrivoltinetrvthree generations per year
Macro-invertebratesreproductive life cycles per yearunivoltineunvone generation per year
Macro-invertebratesresistance formcocoonscocresisting in cocoons
Macro-invertebratesresistance formdiapause or dormancydidresisting through diapause or dormancy
Macro-invertebratesresistance formeggs, statoblastseggresisting in the egg or statoblast stage
Macro-invertebratesresistance formhousings against desiccationhouresisting in housings
Macro-invertebratesresistance formnonenonno resistance form
Macro-invertebratesresistance formquiescencequiresisting through quiescence
Macro-invertebratesresistance forms according to Tachetcocoonscocresisting in cocoons
Macro-invertebratesresistance forms according to Tachetdiapause or dormancydidresisting through diapause or dormancy
Macro-invertebratesresistance forms according to Tacheteggs, gemmula, statoblastseggresisting in the egg, gemmula or statoblast stage
Macro-invertebratesresistance forms according to Tachethousings against desiccationhouresisting in housings
Macro-invertebratesresistance forms according to Tachetnonenonno resistance form
Macro-invertebratesresistance/resilience to droughtsadult diapauseaddresisting in the adult stage
Macro-invertebratesresistance/resilience to droughtsegg diapauseegdresisting in the egg stage
Macro-invertebratesresistance/resilience to droughtslarvae diapauseladresisting in the larval stage
Macro-invertebratesresistance/resilience to droughtsno drought resiliencenodno resistance strategy against droughts
Macro-invertebratesresistance/resilience to droughtsunknown resistance typeunkunknown resistance strategy
Macro-invertebratesrespirationextension/excursion to surfacesurrespiration of atmospheric oxygen
Macro-invertebratesrespirationgillgilrespiration using special respiration organs
Macro-invertebratesrespirationhydrostatic vesicle (aerial)vesrespiration using air within a small blister
Macro-invertebratesrespirationplastronplsrespiration using a thin layer of air around the body
Macro-invertebratesrespirationspiracle (aerial)spirespiration using small openings on the body surface
Macro-invertebratesrespirationtapping of air stores of aquatic plantstaprespiration using air stores of aquatic plants
Macro-invertebratesrespirationtegumenttegrespiration through the body surface
Macro-invertebratesrespiration according to Tachetgillgilrespiration using special respiration organs
Macro-invertebratesrespiration according to Tachethydrostatic vesicle (aerial)vesrespiration using air within a small blister
Macro-invertebratesrespiration according to Tachetplastronplsrespiration using a thin layer of air around the body
Macro-invertebratesrespiration according to Tachetspiracle (aerial)spirespiration using small openings on the body surface
Macro-invertebratesrespiration according to Tachettegumenttegrespiration through the body surface
Macro-invertebratesrheo index (RIB)1lotic taxon
Macro-invertebratesrheo index (RIB)2lentic taxon
Macro-invertebratesrheo index (RIB)3indifferent taxon
Macro-invertebratesrheo index (RIB)rheo indexRIBrheo index
Macro-invertebratesrhithral preference (RTI)11taxon with no affinity to the rhithral zone
Macro-invertebratesrhithral preference (RTI)22taxon with low affinity to the rhithral zone
Macro-invertebratesrhithral preference (RTI)33taxon with medium affinity to the rhithral zone
Macro-invertebratesrhithral preference (RTI)44taxon with clear affinity to the rhithral zone
Macro-invertebratesrhithral preference (RTI)55taxon with high affinity to the rhithral zone
Macro-invertebratesrhithral preference (RTI)rhithral preferenceRTIpreference for the rhithral zone
Macro-invertebratessalinity (preferendum) according to Tachetbrackish waterbrwbrackish water
Macro-invertebratessalinity (preferendum) according to Tachetfresh waterfrwfresh water
Macro-invertebratessalinity preference Ibrackish water: inlandbwitotal salt content: 0.5‰ - 34.7‰
Macro-invertebratessalinity preference Ibrackish water: seabwstotal salt content: 0.5‰ - 34.7‰
Macro-invertebratessalinity preference IIeuhaline (> 30)saleusalinity over 30‰
Macro-invertebratessalinity preference IIfreshwater (< 0.5)salfrfresh water
Macro-invertebratessalinity preference IImesohaline (5 - < 18)salmesalinity between 5‰ and 18‰
Macro-invertebratessalinity preference IIoligohaline (0.5 - < 5)salolsalinity between 0.5‰ and 5‰
Macro-invertebratessalinity preference IIpolyhaline (18 - 30)salposalinity between 18‰ and 30‰
Macro-invertebratessaprobityall countriesallselection of all countries
Macro-invertebratessaprobityalpha-mesosaprobicalphaalpha-mesosaprobic zone
Macro-invertebratessaprobityAustriaATsaprobic values used in Austria
Macro-invertebratessaprobitybeta-mesosaprobicbetabeta-mesosaprobic zone
Macro-invertebratessaprobityCzech RepublicCZsaprobic values used in Czech Republic
Macro-invertebratessaprobityGermanyDEsaprobic values used in Germany
Macro-invertebratessaprobityindicator weightGindicator weight
Macro-invertebratessaprobityNetherlandsNLsaprobic values used in the Netherlands
Macro-invertebratessaprobityoligosaprobicoligooligosaprobic zone
Macro-invertebratessaprobitypolysaprobicpolypolysaprobic zone
Macro-invertebratessaprobitysaprobic indexSIsaprobic index
Macro-invertebratessaprobitySlovak RepublicSKsaprobic values used in the Slovak Republic
Macro-invertebratessaprobityxenosaprobicxenoxenosaprobic zone
Macro-invertebratessaprobity according to Tacheta-mesosaprobicaspecies occurring in the alpha-meso-saprobic zone (heavily polluted water courses)
Macro-invertebratessaprobity according to Tachetb-mesosaprobicbspecies occurring in the beta-meso-saprobic zone (moderately polluted water courses)
Macro-invertebratessaprobity according to Tachetoligosaprobicospecies occurring in the oligo-saprobic zone (unpolluted to slightly polluted water courses)
Macro-invertebratessaprobity according to Tachetpolysaprobicpspecies occurring in the poly-saprobic zone (extremely heavily polluted water courses)
Macro-invertebratessaprobity according to Tachetxenosaprobicxspecies occurring in the xeno-saprobic zone (perfectly clean water courses)
Macro-invertebratessensitive speciesecoregion numbererecoregion, in which the taxon is sensitive
Macro-invertebratessensitive speciessensitive speciessespsensitive species
Macro-invertebratesSPEAR pesticide
Macro-invertebratesSPEAR pesticideno0species not at risk
Macro-invertebratesSPEAR pesticideyes1species at risk
Macro-invertebratesspecies in Habitats DirectiveHabitat Directiveffhspecies in Habitat Directive
Macro-invertebratesstream zonation preferenceepipotamalepobarbel region
Macro-invertebratesstream zonation preferenceepirhithralerhupper-trout region
Macro-invertebratesstream zonation preferenceeucrenaleucspring region
Macro-invertebratesstream zonation preferencehypocrenalhycspring-brook
Macro-invertebratesstream zonation preferencehypopotamalhpobrackish water region
Macro-invertebratesstream zonation preferencehyporhithralhrhgrayling region
Macro-invertebratesstream zonation preferencelittorallitlake and stream shorelines, lentic sites, ponds etc.
Macro-invertebratesstream zonation preferencemetapotamalmpobream region
Macro-invertebratesstream zonation preferencemetarhithralmrhlower-trout region
Macro-invertebratesstream zonation preferenceprofundalprobottom of lakes
Macro-invertebratessubstrate (preferendum) according to Tachetflags/boulders/cobbles/pebblesfbcpflags/boulders/cobbles/pebbles
Macro-invertebratessubstrate (preferendum) according to Tachetgravelgrvlgravel
Macro-invertebratessubstrate (preferendum) according to Tachetmacrophytesmacpmacrophytes
Macro-invertebratessubstrate (preferendum) according to Tachetmicrophytesmicpmicrophytes
Macro-invertebratessubstrate (preferendum) according to Tachetmudmudmud
Macro-invertebratessubstrate (preferendum) according to Tachetorganic detritus/litterodliorganic detritus/litter
Macro-invertebratessubstrate (preferendum) according to Tachetsandsandsand
Macro-invertebratessubstrate (preferendum) according to Tachetsiltsiltsilt
Macro-invertebratessubstrate (preferendum) according to Tachettwigs/rootstwrotwigs/roots
Macro-invertebratestemperature according to Tacheteurythermiceutno specific preference
Macro-invertebratestemperature according to Tachetpsychrophilicpsy< 15 °C
Macro-invertebratestemperature according to Tachetthermophilicthe> 15 °C
Macro-invertebratestemperature preferencecoldcod6 - 10 °C
Macro-invertebratestemperature preferenceeurythermeutno specific preference
Macro-invertebratestemperature preferencemoderatemod10 - 18 °C
Macro-invertebratestemperature preferencevery coldvco< 6 °C
Macro-invertebratestemperature preferencewarmwar> 18 °C
Macro-invertebratestemperature preference (KLIWA)focus temperatureFTtemperature preference of the taxon in °C
Macro-invertebratestemperature preference (KLIWA)specifitySindication how specifically a taxon is distributed to individual temperature classes
Macro-invertebratestemperature range preferencecold stenothermcospreference for a small cold temperature range (below 10 °C)
Macro-invertebratestemperature range preferenceeurythermeutno specific preference; wide temperature range
Macro-invertebratestemperature range preferencewarm stenothermwaspreference for a small warm temperature range (above 18 °C)
Macro-invertebratestolerance scorehighly sensitive hsenspecies with a very small distribution range
Macro-invertebratestolerance scoremoderately sensitive msenspecies with a moderately small distribution range
Macro-invertebratestolerance scoremoderately tolerantmtolspecies with a moderately wide distribution range
Macro-invertebratestolerance scoresensitive senspecies with a small distribution range
Macro-invertebratestolerance scoretoleranttolspecies with a wide distribution range
Macro-invertebratestransversal distribution according to Tachetbanks, connected side-armsbcsabanks, connected side-arms
Macro-invertebratestransversal distribution according to Tachetgroundwatersgwgroundwaters
Macro-invertebratestransversal distribution according to Tachetlakeslakelakes
Macro-invertebratestransversal distribution according to Tachetmarshes, peat bogsmapbmarshes, peat bogs
Macro-invertebratestransversal distribution according to Tachetponds, pools, disconnected side-armsppdsaponds, pools, disconnected side-arms
Macro-invertebratestransversal distribution according to Tachetriver channelrichriver channel
Macro-invertebratestransversal distribution according to Tachettemporary waterstmpwtemporary waters
Macro-invertebratestrophic status (preferendum) according to Tacheteutrophiceuhigh nutrient availability, high biological productivity
Macro-invertebratestrophic status (preferendum) according to Tachetmesotrophicmesolow nutrient availability, intemediate biological productivity
Macro-invertebratestrophic status (preferendum) according to Tachetoligotrophicolilow nutrient availability, low biological productivity
Macrophytesaquaticity11exclusively aquatic species
Macrophytesaquaticity22aquatic species, amphibious, developing terrestrial forms
Macrophytesaquaticity33supraaquatic moss
Macrophytesaquaticity44amphiphyte or helophyte, erect shoot, submerged basis
Macrophytesaquaticity55hygrophileous species, at least at the basis temporarily submerged
Macrophytesaquaticity66herbaceous riparian-, forest- grassland- or ruderal-plant, can be found occassionally (during flood events) growing in the water
Macrophytesaquaticity77ligneous riparian species, tolerant to temporary flooding
Macrophytesaquaticity88species living in brackish water
MacrophytesaquaticityAquaticity-ScoreThe score is divided into eight classes; 1 is for plants which are exclusively aquatic, and higher values for less dependence on water.
MacrophytesBORHIDI - continentality figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)11euoceanic species, reaching Central Europe only in the extreme West, not in Hungary
MacrophytesBORHIDI - continentality figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)22oceanic species, mainly in Western Europe and western Central Europe
MacrophytesBORHIDI - continentality figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)33oceanic-suboceanic specis, area in whole Central Europe
MacrophytesBORHIDI - continentality figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)44suboceanic species, mainly in Central Europe but reaching to East
MacrophytesBORHIDI - continentality figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)55intermediate type with slight suboceanic-subcontinental character
MacrophytesBORHIDI - continentality figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)66subcontinental, main area in eastern Central Europe
MacrophytesBORHIDI - continentality figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)77continental-subcontinental species, main area in Eastern Europe
MacrophytesBORHIDI - continentality figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)88continental species reaching only eastern part of Central Europe
MacrophytesBORHIDI - continentality figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)99eucontinental species, main area Sibiria and Eastern Europe, reaching scarcely the eastern part of Central Europe
MacrophytesBORHIDI - light figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)11full shadow plants, often receiving less than 1%, rarely receiving more than 30% of the full day light
MacrophytesBORHIDI - light figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)22very shadow-tolerant plants, photosynthetic minimum at 1 to 5% of full day light
MacrophytesBORHIDI - light figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)33shadow-plants, photosynthetic minimum under 5% relative light intensity, but survive more illuminated places
MacrophytesBORHIDI - light figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)44shadow-halfshadow plants, photosynthetic minimum between 5 and 10% relative light intensity
MacrophytesBORHIDI - light figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)55halfshadow plants, receiving more than 10% but less than 100% relative light
MacrophytesBORHIDI - light figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)66halfshadow-halflight plants, photosynthetic minimum between 10 and 40% relative light intensity
MacrophytesBORHIDI - light figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)77halflight plants, mostly living in full light but also shadow tolerants
MacrophytesBORHIDI - light figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)88light plants, photosynthetic minimum above 40% relative ligth intensity, less only in exceptional cases
MacrophytesBORHIDI - light figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)99full light plants of open habitats not receiving less than 50% of relative light intensity
MacrophytesBORHIDI - moisture figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)11plants of extremely dry habitats or bare rocks
MacrophytesBORHIDI - moisture figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)1010plants of frequently flooded soils
MacrophytesBORHIDI - moisture figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)1111water plants with floating or partly emerged leaves
MacrophytesBORHIDI - moisture figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)1212water plants, mostly fully submerged in water
MacrophytesBORHIDI - moisture figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)22xero-indicators on habitats with long dry period
MacrophytesBORHIDI - moisture figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)33xero-tolerants, but eventually occurring on fresh soils
MacrophytesBORHIDI - moisture figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)44plants of semidry habitats
MacrophytesBORHIDI - moisture figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)55plants of semihumid habitats, under intermediate conditions
MacrophytesBORHIDI - moisture figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)66plants of fresh soils
MacrophytesBORHIDI - moisture figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)77plants of moist soils not drying out and well aerated
MacrophytesBORHIDI - moisture figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)88plants of moist soils tolerating short floods
MacrophytesBORHIDI - moisture figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)99plants of wet, not well aerated soils
MacrophytesBORHIDI - nitrogen figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)11only in soils extremely poor in mineral nitrogen
MacrophytesBORHIDI - nitrogen figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)22plants of habitats very poor in nitrogen
MacrophytesBORHIDI - nitrogen figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)33plants of moderately oligotrophic habitats
MacrophytesBORHIDI - nitrogen figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)44plants of submesotrophic habitats
MacrophytesBORHIDI - nitrogen figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)55plants of mesotrophic habitats
MacrophytesBORHIDI - nitrogen figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)66plants of moderately nutrient rich habitats
MacrophytesBORHIDI - nitrogen figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)77plants of soils rich in mineral nitrogen
MacrophytesBORHIDI - nitrogen figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)88nitrogen indicator plants of fertilized soils
MacrophytesBORHIDI - nitrogen figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)99plants only on hyperfertilized soil, extremely rich in mineral nitrogen
MacrophytesBORHIDI - reaction figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)11extremely acidophilous, explicitly calciphobe plants
MacrophytesBORHIDI - reaction figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)22intermediate type between 1 and 3
MacrophytesBORHIDI - reaction figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)33acidifrequent plants, mostly in acid soils
MacrophytesBORHIDI - reaction figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)44moderately acidophilous plants
MacrophytesBORHIDI - reaction figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)55plants of slightly acid soils
MacrophytesBORHIDI - reaction figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)66mostly on neutral soils but also in acid and basic ones, generally widely tolerant, more or less indifferent plants
MacrophytesBORHIDI - reaction figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)77basifrequent plants, mostly on basic soils
MacrophytesBORHIDI - reaction figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)88basiphilous plants
MacrophytesBORHIDI - reaction figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)99explicitly calciphilous plants and ultrabasic specialists
MacrophytesBORHIDI - salt figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)00halophobe species not occurring in salty or alkalic soils
MacrophytesBORHIDI - salt figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)11salt tolerant plants but living mainly on non saline soils
MacrophytesBORHIDI - salt figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)22oligohaline plants living on soils of extremely few chloride content
MacrophytesBORHIDI - salt figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)33beta-mesohaline plants living on soils of few chloride content
MacrophytesBORHIDI - salt figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)44alpha-/beta-mesohaline plants living on soils of intermediate chloride content
MacrophytesBORHIDI - salt figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)55alpha-mesohaline plants living on soils of middle chloride content (0.7 - 0.9%)
MacrophytesBORHIDI - salt figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)66alpha-mesohaline to polyhaline plants living on soils of middle to high chloride content
MacrophytesBORHIDI - salt figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)77polyhaline plants living on soils of high chloride content (1.2 - 1.6%)
MacrophytesBORHIDI - salt figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)88euhaline plants living on soils of very high chloride content
MacrophytesBORHIDI - salt figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)99euhaline to hypersaline plants living on soils of extremely high chloride content
MacrophytesBORHIDI - temperature figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)11subnival or supraboreal belt
MacrophytesBORHIDI - temperature figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)22alpine, boreal or tundra belt
MacrophytesBORHIDI - temperature figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)33subalpine or subboreal belt
MacrophytesBORHIDI - temperature figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)44montane needle-leaved forest or taiga belt
MacrophytesBORHIDI - temperature figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)55montane mesophilous broad-leaved forest belt
MacrophytesBORHIDI - temperature figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)66submontane broad-leaved forest belt
MacrophytesBORHIDI - temperature figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)77thermophilous forest or woodland belt
MacrophytesBORHIDI - temperature figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)88submediterranean woodland and grassland belt
MacrophytesBORHIDI - temperature figures Hungary (Eastern Europe)99eumediterranean evergreen belt
Macrophytesclimate change affected species according to www.climate-and-freshwater.info (caf)
MacrophytesELLENBERG - continentality figure Central Europe11extreme oceanic, in Central Europe only in an few outposts
MacrophytesELLENBERG - continentality figure Central Europe22oceanic, mainly in the West, including western Central Europe
MacrophytesELLENBERG - continentality figure Central Europe33between 2 and 4
MacrophytesELLENBERG - continentality figure Central Europe44suboceanic, mainly in Central Europe, but spreading eastward
MacrophytesELLENBERG - continentality figure Central Europe55intermediate, weakly suboceanic to weakly subcontinental
MacrophytesELLENBERG - continentality figure Central Europe66subcontinental, mainly in the east of Central Europe and adjoining parts of Eastern Europe
MacrophytesELLENBERG - continentality figure Central Europe77between 6 and 8
MacrophytesELLENBERG - continentality figure Central Europe88continental, spreading into Central Europe from the east only exceptionally
MacrophytesELLENBERG - continentality figure Central Europe99extreme continental, virtually absent from western Europe
MacrophytesELLENBERG - continentality figure Central Europe??no information
MacrophytesELLENBERG - continentality figure Central Europexxindifferent behaviour
MacrophytesELLENBERG - light figure Central Europe11plant in deep shade, may be less than 1%, seldom more than 30% r.i.
MacrophytesELLENBERG - light figure Central Europe22between 1 and 3
MacrophytesELLENBERG - light figure Central Europe33shade plant, mostly less than 5% r.i., but also in lighter places
MacrophytesELLENBERG - light figure Central Europe44between 3 and 5
MacrophytesELLENBERG - light figure Central Europe55semi-shade plant, rarely in full light, but generally with more than 10% r.i.
MacrophytesELLENBERG - light figure Central Europe66between 5 and 7
MacrophytesELLENBERG - light figure Central Europe77plant generally in well lit place, but also occurring in partial shade
MacrophytesELLENBERG - light figure Central Europe88light-loving plant, rarely found when r.i. is less than 40% r.i.
MacrophytesELLENBERG - light figure Central Europe99plant in full light, found mostly in full sun, rarely with less than 50% r.i.
MacrophytesELLENBERG - light figure Central Europe??no information
MacrophytesELLENBERG - light figure Central Europexxindifferent behaviour
MacrophytesELLENBERG - moisture figure Central Europe11indicator of extreme dryness, restricted to soils, which often dry out for some time
MacrophytesELLENBERG - moisture figure Central Europe1010indicator of sites occasionally flooded, but free from flooding for long periods
MacrophytesELLENBERG - moisture figure Central Europe1111plant rooting under water, but at least for a time exposed above, or plant floating on the surface
MacrophytesELLENBERG - moisture figure Central Europe1212submerged plant, permanently or almost constantly under water
MacrophytesELLENBERG - moisture figure Central Europe22between 1 and 3
MacrophytesELLENBERG - moisture figure Central Europe33dry-site indicator, more often found on dry ground than on moist places, never on damp soil
MacrophytesELLENBERG - moisture figure Central Europe44between 3 and 5
MacrophytesELLENBERG - moisture figure Central Europe55vascular plants: moist-site indicator, mainly on fresh soils of average dampness;
bryophytes: moist-site indicator, lacking on wet soils or on soils frequently drying out
MacrophytesELLENBERG - moisture figure Central Europe66vascular plants: between 5 and 7;
bryophytes: between 5 and 7, but indicating constant moist or damp sites
MacrophytesELLENBERG - moisture figure Central Europe77vascular plants: dampness indicator, mainly on constantly moist or damp, but not wet soils;
bryophytes: damp-site indicator, mainly in damp to wet sites
MacrophytesELLENBERG - moisture figure Central Europe88between 7 and 9
MacrophytesELLENBERG - moisture figure Central Europe99vascular plants: wet-site indicator, often on water saturated, badly aerated soils;
bryophytes: in constant wet sites, on places sprayed by water (e.g. near waterfalls) or regularly flooded, or even submerged or floating
MacrophytesELLENBERG - moisture figure Central Europe??no information
MacrophytesELLENBERG - moisture figure Central Europeindicator plant for frequent flooding Indicator plant for frequent flooding.
MacrophytesELLENBERG - moisture figure Central Europeindicator plant for often changing water-levels Indicator plant for frequently changing degree of moisture.
MacrophytesELLENBERG - moisture figure Central Europex x indifferent behaviour
MacrophytesELLENBERG - nitrogen figure Central Europe11indicator of sites extremely poor in available nitrogen
MacrophytesELLENBERG - nitrogen figure Central Europe22between 1 and 3
MacrophytesELLENBERG - nitrogen figure Central Europe33indicator of sites more or less poor in available nitrogen
MacrophytesELLENBERG - nitrogen figure Central Europe44between 3 and 5
MacrophytesELLENBERG - nitrogen figure Central Europe55indicator of intermediate nitrogen availability
MacrophytesELLENBERG - nitrogen figure Central Europe66between 5 and 7
MacrophytesELLENBERG - nitrogen figure Central Europe77indicator of sites rich in available nitrogen
MacrophytesELLENBERG - nitrogen figure Central Europe88between 7 and 9
MacrophytesELLENBERG - nitrogen figure Central Europe99indicator of extremely nitrogen rich sites, such as cattle resting places or near polluted rivers
MacrophytesELLENBERG - nitrogen figure Central Europe??no information
MacrophytesELLENBERG - nitrogen figure Central Europexxindifferent behaviour
MacrophytesELLENBERG - reaction figure Central Europe11vascular plants: indicator of extreme acidity, never found on weakly acid or basic soils;
bryophytes: never above pH 5, often near or below pH 3
MacrophytesELLENBERG - reaction figure Central Europe22between 1 and 3
MacrophytesELLENBERG - reaction figure Central Europe33vascular plants: acidity indicator, mainly on acid soils, but exceptionally also on nearly neutral ones;
bryophytes: mostly below pH 5, on soils poor in nutrients
MacrophytesELLENBERG - reaction figure Central Europe44between 3 and 5
MacrophytesELLENBERG - reaction figure Central Europe55vascular plants: indicator of moderate acid soils, only occassionally found on very acid or on neutral to basic soils;
bryophytes: mainly between pH 5 and pH 6
MacrophytesELLENBERG - reaction figure Central Europe66between 5 and 7
MacrophytesELLENBERG - reaction figure Central Europe77vascular plants: indicator of weakly acid to weakly basic conditions, never found on very acid soils;
bryophytes: around pH 6 until pH 6.9
MacrophytesELLENBERG - reaction figure Central Europe88between 7 and 9
MacrophytesELLENBERG - reaction figure Central Europe99vascular plants: basic reaction and lime indicator, always found on calcareous soils;
bryophytes: exclusively in the neutral to basic range, around pH 7 and higher
MacrophytesELLENBERG - reaction figure Central Europe??no information
MacrophytesELLENBERG - reaction figure Central Europexxindifferent behaviour
MacrophytesELLENBERG - salt figure Central Europe00not salt supporting
MacrophytesELLENBERG - salt figure Central Europe11salt supporting, but mostly on soils poor in salt (0 - 0.1% Cl-)
MacrophytesELLENBERG - salt figure Central Europe22oligohaline (I), often on soils with very low chloride content (0.05 - 0.3% Cl-)
MacrophytesELLENBERG - salt figure Central Europe33beta-mesohaline (II), mainly indicating low chloride content (0.3 - 0.5% Cl-)
MacrophytesELLENBERG - salt figure Central Europe44alpha/beta-mesohaline (II/III), low to moderate chloride content (0.5 - 0.7% Cl-)
MacrophytesELLENBERG - salt figure Central Europe55alpha-mesohaline (III), mostly on soils with moderate chloride content (0.7 - 0.9% Cl-)
MacrophytesELLENBERG - salt figure Central Europe66alpha-meso/polyhaline (III/IV), (0.9 - 1.2% Cl-)
MacrophytesELLENBERG - salt figure Central Europe77polyhaline (IV), on soils with high chloride content (1.2 - 1.6% Cl-)
MacrophytesELLENBERG - salt figure Central Europe88euhaline (IV/V and V), on soils with very high chloride content (1.6 - 2.3% Cl-)
MacrophytesELLENBERG - salt figure Central Europe99euhaline to hyperhaline (V - VI), on soils with high and during drought periods extreme salt content (> 2.3% Cl-)
MacrophytesELLENBERG - salt figure Central Europe??no information
MacrophytesELLENBERG - salt figure Central Europexxindifferent behaviour
MacrophytesELLENBERG - temperature figure Central Europe11cold-indicator plant, found only in high mountains (or in boreal-arctic regions), mostly in alpine and nival levels
MacrophytesELLENBERG - temperature figure Central Europe22between 1 and 3
MacrophytesELLENBERG - temperature figure Central Europe33indicator of cool conditions, mainly subalpine
MacrophytesELLENBERG - temperature figure Central Europe44between 3 and 5
MacrophytesELLENBERG - temperature figure Central Europe55indicator of fairly warm conditions, from lowland to montane, but especial in submontane-temperate sites
MacrophytesELLENBERG - temperature figure Central Europe66between 5 and 7
MacrophytesELLENBERG - temperature figure Central Europe77warmth indicator, in warm lowland sites and colline levels
MacrophytesELLENBERG - temperature figure Central Europe88between 7 and 9
MacrophytesELLENBERG - temperature figure Central Europe99indicator of extreme warm conditions, spreading from the Mediterranean only into the warmest places of the upper Rhine valley
MacrophytesELLENBERG - temperature figure Central Europe??no information
MacrophytesELLENBERG - temperature figure Central Europexxindifferent behaviour
Macrophytesgrowth form WIEGLEB, extended according to van de Weyerbatrachidbatrachidmacrophytes with floating and divided or undivided submerged leaves; anchored (e.g. Ranunculus - Batrachium, Shinnersia)
Macrophytesgrowth form WIEGLEB, extended according to van de WeyerbryidbryidBryophyta
Macrophytesgrowth form WIEGLEB, extended according to van de Weyerceratophyllidceratophyllidpleustophytes (free floating) with large, divided, submerged leaves (e.g. Ceratophyllum, Utricularia)
Macrophytesgrowth form WIEGLEB, extended according to van de Weyercharidcharidsubmerged macrophytes with whorled branches; anchored by rhizoids (Charophyta)
Macrophytesgrowth form WIEGLEB, extended according to van de Weyerelodeidelodeidsubmerged macrophytes with whorled sprouts and undivided, entire, small leaves; anchored (e.g. Egeria, Elodea, Hydrilla, Lagarosiphon)
Macrophytesgrowth form WIEGLEB, extended according to van de Weyerequiseteidequiseteidshoots and leaves/branches with dentate sheaths, fertile plants with terminal sporangia (Equisetum)
Macrophytesgrowth form WIEGLEB, extended according to van de WeyergraminoidgraminoidPoaceae; anchored (e.g. Agrostis, Alopecurus, Glyceria, Phalaris)
Macrophytesgrowth form WIEGLEB, extended according to van de Weyerherbidherbidsubmerged herbaceous plants; anchored (e.g. Berula, Cardamine, Mentha, Myosotis, Nasturtium, Sium, Veronica)
Macrophytesgrowth form WIEGLEB, extended according to van de Weyerhydrocharidhydrocharidpleustophytes (free floating) with large floating leaves (Hydrocharis)
Macrophytesgrowth form WIEGLEB, extended according to van de Weyerisoetidisoetidlow-growing macrophytes with basal rosettes; anchored (e.g. Eleocharis, Isoetes, Litorella, Lobelia)
Macrophytesgrowth form WIEGLEB, extended according to van de Weyerjuncidjuncidsubmerged macrophytes with undivided, narrow, entire, locular leaves (Juncus)
Macrophytesgrowth form WIEGLEB, extended according to van de Weyerlemnidlemnidpleustophytes (free floating) with small, foliate floating sprouts (e.g. Azolla, Lemna, Spirodela, Wolffia)
Macrophytesgrowth form WIEGLEB, extended according to van de Weyermagnonymphaeidmagnonymphaeidmacrophytes with large floating leaves attached to a submerged rhizome by an elongate petiole; anchored (e.g. Nymphaea, Nuphar)
Macrophytesgrowth form WIEGLEB, extended according to van de Weyermagnopotamidmagnopotamidsubmerged macrophytes with undivided, broad, entire leaves; anchored (e.g. Potamogeton lucens, Potamogeton perfoliatus)
Macrophytesgrowth form WIEGLEB, extended according to van de Weyermyriophyllidmyriophyllidsubmerged macrophytes with long stems and finely divided leaves; anchored (e.g. Cabomba, Myriophyllum, Oenanthe)
Macrophytesgrowth form WIEGLEB, extended according to van de Weyerparvo-nymphaeidparvo-nymphaeidmacrophytes with small floating leaves attached to a submerged rhizome by an elongate petiole; anchored (e.g. Sagittaria)
Macrophytesgrowth form WIEGLEB, extended according to van de Weyerparvopotamidparvopotamidsubmerged macrophytes with undivided, slender, entire leaves; anchored (e.g. Potamogeton pectinatus, Zannichellia)
Macrophytesgrowth form WIEGLEB, extended according to van de Weyerpeplidpeplidmacrophytes with elongated or spathulate leaves forming a terminal rosette; anchored (e.g. Callitriche, Peplis portula)
Macrophytesgrowth form WIEGLEB, extended according to van de Weyerricciellidricciellidsmall submerged pleustophytes (free floating), no differentiation in leaf and sprout (e.g. Riccia, Lemna trisulca)
Macrophytesgrowth form WIEGLEB, extended according to van de Weyerstratioidstratioidweakly anchored to floating, partly submerged rosettes which overwinter on bottom of waterbody (Stratiotes)
Macrophytesgrowth form WIEGLEB, extended according to van de Weyervallisneridvallisneridmacrophytes with long, floating basal leaves; anchored (e.g. Sparganium emersum f. vallisnerifolia, Vallisneria spiralis)
MacrophytesIC CB-GIG common metricsmedium-sized lowland streams (range: +1 to -1)medium-sized lowland streams
MacrophytesIC CB-GIG common metricssmall lowland sandy streams (range: +1 to -1)small lowland sandy streams
MacrophytesIC CB-GIG common metricssmall mid-altitude siliceous streams (range: +1 tosmall mid-altitude siliceous streams
MacrophytesIC CB-GIG disturbance indicatordisturbance indicator1species indicates a disturbance
MacrophytesIC CB-GIG ITEM scoreITEM score (range: 1.00 - 8.47)ITEM score
MacrophytesIC CB-GIG neophyteneophyte1plant introduced to geographical region after 1492 by direct or indirect human activities
MacrophytesLANDOLT Bryophytes - continentality Switzerland (Alpine region)11oceanic: very high relative air humidity, macroclimate with low annual temperature range
MacrophytesLANDOLT Bryophytes - continentality Switzerland (Alpine region)22suboceanic: high relative air humidity, macroclimate with medium annual temperature range
MacrophytesLANDOLT Bryophytes - continentality Switzerland (Alpine region)33suboceanic to subcontinental: medium relative air humidity, macroclimate with medium annual temperature range
MacrophytesLANDOLT Bryophytes - continentality Switzerland (Alpine region)44subcontinental: low relative air humidity, macroclimate with medium annual temperature range
MacrophytesLANDOLT Bryophytes - continentality Switzerland (Alpine region)55continental: very low relative air humidity, macroclimate often with wide annual temperature range
MacrophytesLANDOLT Bryophytes - continentality Switzerland (Alpine region)variationrange of variation regarding the continentality value: I - small variation, II - large variation
MacrophytesLANDOLT Bryophytes - continentality Switzerland (Alpine region)xxindifferent
MacrophytesLANDOLT Bryophytes - growth form Switzerland (Alpine region)BB ± dendroid, mostly with creeping "rhizome" and errect shoots
MacrophytesLANDOLT Bryophytes - growth form Switzerland (Alpine region)DDrelatively large and essentially plagiotropic shoots in deep mat
MacrophytesLANDOLT Bryophytes - growth form Switzerland (Alpine region)GGbud-like
MacrophytesLANDOLT Bryophytes - growth form Switzerland (Alpine region)PPcushion of ± errect, densely arranged shoots
MacrophytesLANDOLT Bryophytes - growth form Switzerland (Alpine region)RRturf form loosely growing, errect shoots
MacrophytesLANDOLT Bryophytes - growth form Switzerland (Alpine region)TTthalloid, forming rosettes or branched bands
MacrophytesLANDOLT Bryophytes - growth form Switzerland (Alpine region)ÜÜthin mat of small, creeping shoots
MacrophytesLANDOLT Bryophytes - light Switzerland (Alpine region)11deep shade: never direct sunlight
MacrophytesLANDOLT Bryophytes - light Switzerland (Alpine region)22shade: direct sunlight relatively rare
MacrophytesLANDOLT Bryophytes - light Switzerland (Alpine region)33semi-shade: medium or during the day strongly changing light conditions
MacrophytesLANDOLT Bryophytes - light Switzerland (Alpine region)44well-lit places: direct sunlight relatively frequent
MacrophytesLANDOLT Bryophytes - light Switzerland (Alpine region)55full light: permanently sunlit during cloudless days
MacrophytesLANDOLT Bryophytes - light Switzerland (Alpine region)variationrange of variation regarding the light value: I - small variation, II - large variation
MacrophytesLANDOLT Bryophytes - light Switzerland (Alpine region)xxindifferent
MacrophytesLANDOLT Bryophytes - moisture Switzerland (Alpine region)11very dry: exposed substrates in regions with low precipitation or in places protected from rain
MacrophytesLANDOLT Bryophytes - moisture Switzerland (Alpine region)22dry: exposed substrates in places with low humidity (mostly rocks) or ground in regions with low precipitation
MacrophytesLANDOLT Bryophytes - moisture Switzerland (Alpine region)33mesic: medium moisture conditions
MacrophytesLANDOLT Bryophytes - moisture Switzerland (Alpine region)44moist: substrate drying out only rarely, though hardly ever submerged
MacrophytesLANDOLT Bryophytes - moisture Switzerland (Alpine region)55wet: substrate never dry but frequently or permanently submerged
MacrophytesLANDOLT Bryophytes - moisture Switzerland (Alpine region)variationrange of variation regarding the moisture value: I - small variation, II - large variation
MacrophytesLANDOLT Bryophytes - moisture Switzerland (Alpine region)xxindifferent
MacrophytesLANDOLT Bryophytes - nutrients Switzerland (Alpine region)11infertile substrates
MacrophytesLANDOLT Bryophytes - nutrients Switzerland (Alpine region)33intermediate substrates
MacrophytesLANDOLT Bryophytes - nutrients Switzerland (Alpine region)55fertile substrates
MacrophytesLANDOLT Bryophytes - nutrients Switzerland (Alpine region)variationrange of variation regarding the nutrients value: I - small variation, II - large variation
MacrophytesLANDOLT Bryophytes - nutrients Switzerland (Alpine region)xxindifferent
MacrophytesLANDOLT Bryophytes - reaction Switzerland (Alpine region)11very acid: substrate pH < ca. 4 (e.g. raised bog peat)
MacrophytesLANDOLT Bryophytes - reaction Switzerland (Alpine region)22acid: substrate pH ca. 3.5 - 5 (e.g. rotten wood)
MacrophytesLANDOLT Bryophytes - reaction Switzerland (Alpine region)33subneutral: base-poor, substrate pH ca. 4.5 - 6.5 (e.g. silicious rock affected by lime)
MacrophytesLANDOLT Bryophytes - reaction Switzerland (Alpine region)44± neutral: substrate pH ca. 6 - 7.5 (e.g. many soils in decidious forests)
MacrophytesLANDOLT Bryophytes - reaction Switzerland (Alpine region)55alkaline: substrate pH > ca. 7 (e.g. limestone)
MacrophytesLANDOLT Bryophytes - reaction Switzerland (Alpine region)variationrange of variation regarding the reaction value: I - small variation, II - large variation
MacrophytesLANDOLT Bryophytes - reaction Switzerland (Alpine region)xxindifferent
MacrophytesLANDOLT Bryophytes - temperature Switzerland (Alpine region)11alpine and/or nival
MacrophytesLANDOLT Bryophytes - temperature Switzerland (Alpine region)22subalpine
MacrophytesLANDOLT Bryophytes - temperature Switzerland (Alpine region)33montane
MacrophytesLANDOLT Bryophytes - temperature Switzerland (Alpine region)44colline
MacrophytesLANDOLT Bryophytes - temperature Switzerland (Alpine region)55colline, only warmest places
MacrophytesLANDOLT Bryophytes - temperature Switzerland (Alpine region)variationrange of variation regarding the temperature value: I - small variation, II - large variation
MacrophytesLANDOLT Bryophytes - temperature Switzerland (Alpine region)xxindifferent
MacrophytesLANDOLT vascular plants - continentality Switzerland (Alpine region)11oceanic: very high relative air humidity, very small daily and annual variation in temperature, relatively mild winters
MacrophytesLANDOLT vascular plants - continentality Switzerland (Alpine region)22suboceanic: high relative air humidity, small daily and annual variation in temperature, rather mild winters
MacrophytesLANDOLT vascular plants - continentality Switzerland (Alpine region)33suboceanic to subcontinental: medium relative air humidity, moderate daily and annual variation of temperature, medium winter temperatures
MacrophytesLANDOLT vascular plants - continentality Switzerland (Alpine region)44subcontinental: low relative air humidity, large daily and annual variation of temperature, rather cool winters
MacrophytesLANDOLT vascular plants - continentality Switzerland (Alpine region)55continental: very low relative air humidity, very large daily and annual variation in temperature, relativley cold winters
MacrophytesLANDOLT vascular plants - continentality Switzerland (Alpine region)variationrange of variation regarding the continentality value: I - small variation, II - large variation
MacrophytesLANDOLT vascular plants - light Switzerland (Alpine region)11deep shade: plant tolerates even less than 3% of relative illumination
MacrophytesLANDOLT vascular plants - light Switzerland (Alpine region)22shade: plant tolerates below 3 %, but often below 10 % of relative illumination
MacrophytesLANDOLT vascular plants - light Switzerland (Alpine region)33semi-shade: plant rarely tolerates below 10 % of relative illumination
MacrophytesLANDOLT vascular plants - light Switzerland (Alpine region)44well-lit places: plant tolerates light shade only occasionally or for short periods
MacrophytesLANDOLT vascular plants - light Switzerland (Alpine region)55full light: plant grows only in open and sunny places
MacrophytesLANDOLT vascular plants - light Switzerland (Alpine region)variationrange of variation regarding the light value: I - small variation, II - large variation
MacrophytesLANDOLT vascular plants - moisture Switzerland (Alpine region)11very dry
MacrophytesLANDOLT vascular plants - moisture Switzerland (Alpine region)1.51.5dry
MacrophytesLANDOLT vascular plants - moisture Switzerland (Alpine region)22moderately dry
MacrophytesLANDOLT vascular plants - moisture Switzerland (Alpine region)2.52.5fresh
MacrophytesLANDOLT vascular plants - moisture Switzerland (Alpine region)33moderately moist
MacrophytesLANDOLT vascular plants - moisture Switzerland (Alpine region)3.53.5moist
MacrophytesLANDOLT vascular plants - moisture Switzerland (Alpine region)44very moist
MacrophytesLANDOLT vascular plants - moisture Switzerland (Alpine region)4.54.5wet
MacrophytesLANDOLT vascular plants - moisture Switzerland (Alpine region)55inundated to flooded
MacrophytesLANDOLT vascular plants - moisture Switzerland (Alpine region)variationrange of variation regarding the moisture value: I - small variation, II - large variation
MacrophytesLANDOLT vascular plants - nutrients Switzerland (Alpine region)11very infertile
MacrophytesLANDOLT vascular plants - nutrients Switzerland (Alpine region)22infertile
MacrophytesLANDOLT vascular plants - nutrients Switzerland (Alpine region)33medium infertile to medium fertile
MacrophytesLANDOLT vascular plants - nutrients Switzerland (Alpine region)44fertile
MacrophytesLANDOLT vascular plants - nutrients Switzerland (Alpine region)55very fertile and over-rich
MacrophytesLANDOLT vascular plants - nutrients Switzerland (Alpine region)variationrange of variation regarding the nutrients value: I - small variation, II - large variation
MacrophytesLANDOLT vascular plants - reaction Switzerland (Alpine region)11extremely acid, pH 2.5 - 5.5
MacrophytesLANDOLT vascular plants - reaction Switzerland (Alpine region)22acid, pH 3.5 - 6.5
MacrophytesLANDOLT vascular plants - reaction Switzerland (Alpine region)33weakly acid to weakly neutral, pH 4.5 - 7.5
MacrophytesLANDOLT vascular plants - reaction Switzerland (Alpine region)44neutral or alkaline basic, pH 5.5 - 8.5
MacrophytesLANDOLT vascular plants - reaction Switzerland (Alpine region)55alkaline, high pH, pH over 6.5 - 8.5
MacrophytesLANDOLT vascular plants - reaction Switzerland (Alpine region)variationrange of variation regarding the reaction value: I - small variation, II - large variation
MacrophytesLANDOLT vascular plants - reaction Switzerland (Alpine region)xxwide range of variation
MacrophytesLANDOLT vascular plants - salinity Switzerland (Alpine region)sssalt tolerant
MacrophytesLANDOLT vascular plants - salinity Switzerland (Alpine region)sssssalt dependent
MacrophytesLANDOLT vascular plants - temperature Switzerland (Alpine region)11alpine and nival
MacrophytesLANDOLT vascular plants - temperature Switzerland (Alpine region)1.51.5lower alpine, supra subalpine and upper subalpine
MacrophytesLANDOLT vascular plants - temperature Switzerland (Alpine region)22subalpine
MacrophytesLANDOLT vascular plants - temperature Switzerland (Alpine region)2.52.5lower subalpine und upper montane
MacrophytesLANDOLT vascular plants - temperature Switzerland (Alpine region)33montane
MacrophytesLANDOLT vascular plants - temperature Switzerland (Alpine region)3.53.5lower montane and upper colline
MacrophytesLANDOLT vascular plants - temperature Switzerland (Alpine region)44colline
MacrophytesLANDOLT vascular plants - temperature Switzerland (Alpine region)4.54.5warm colline
MacrophytesLANDOLT vascular plants - temperature Switzerland (Alpine region)55very warm colline
MacrophytesLANDOLT vascular plants - temperature Switzerland (Alpine region)variationrange of variation regarding the temperature value: I - small variation, II - large variation
Macrophytesleaf persistanceearly-spring greenVgreen only from early spring until early summer
Macrophytesleaf persistanceevergreenIevergreen
Macrophytesleaf persistancehibernating greenWleaves remaining green during the winter
Macrophytesleaf persistancesummergreenSgreen leaves only during the warmer seasons
Macrophyteslife form - Raunkiaerchamaephytechamaephyteplants whose mature branch or shoot system remains perennially within 25 - 50 cm above ground surface or plants that grow taller than 25 - 50 cm, but whose shoots die back periodically to that height limit
Macrophyteslife form - Raunkiaererrant thallo-hydrophyteerrant thallo-hydrophytepleustophytic non-vascular cryptogams, free-moving in the water, not attached or rooted in the ground
Macrophyteslife form - Raunkiaererrant vascular hydrophyteerrant vascular hydrophytepleustophytic vascular hydrophytes, free-moving in the water, not attached or rooted in the ground
Macrophyteslife form - Raunkiaergeophytegeophyteperiodic reduction of the complete shoot system to storage organs that are imbedded in the soil
Macrophyteslife form - Raunkiaerhemikryptophytehemikryptophyteperiodic shoot reduction to a remnant shoot system that lies relatively flat on the ground surface
Macrophyteslife form - Raunkiaerphanerophytephanerophyteplants that grow taller than 25 - 50 cm or whose shoots do not die back periodically to that height limit
Macrophyteslife form - Raunkiaerthallophytethallophytenon-vascular cryptogams
Macrophyteslife form - Raunkiaertherophytetherophyteannuals; plants whose shoot and root system dies after seed production and which complete their whole life cycle within one year
Macrophyteslife form - systemaamphiphyteAliving both entirely submerged in water as well as temporarily on dry ground
Macrophyteslife form - systemahelophyteHbasal parts submerged in water, leaves and inflorescences rising above water surface
Macrophyteslife form - systemahydrophyteHydliving permanently completely or mostly submerged in water or floating on the water surface
Macrophyteslife form - systemaothersSWother water-bound plant; living primarily in terrestrial areas influenced by rivers or lakes
Macrophytesplant life spanannualannualannual species
Macrophytesplant life spanbiannualbiannualbiannual species
Macrophytesplant life spanhapaxanthhapaxanthspecies is flowering only once in a lifetime and dies after flowering
Macrophytesplant life spanpa 5 - 50pa5-50perennial species, life span 5 to 50 years
Macrophytesplant life spanpa < 5pa<5perennial species, life span 2 to 4 years
Macrophytesplant life spanpa > 50pa>50perennial species, life span more than 50 years
Macrophytesplant life spanpolyannualpolyannualperennial species
Macrophyteszone - systemaAAplant living in the water or on the water surface
Macrophyteszone - systemaBBplant living in the riparian zone
Macrophyteszone - systemaCCplant commonly living along river and lake shores
Phytobenthos without diatomsgeochemical imprinting++preference according to Rott et al. (1999)
Phytobenthos without diatomsgeochemical imprintingxadditional opinion according to data from the literature or own assessment
Phytobenthos without diatomsgeochemical imprintingacidiphilACFoccurrence at pH around 7, predominant distribution at pH < 7
Phytobenthos without diatomsgeochemical imprintingacidobiontACBoccurrence at pH< 7, optimum at pH < 5.5
Phytobenthos without diatomsgeochemical imprintingalkalibiontALBoccurrence exclusively pH > 7, optimum at pH 8.5
Phytobenthos without diatomsgeochemical imprintingalkaliphilALFoccurrence around pH 7, predominant distribution at pH > 7
Phytobenthos without diatomsgeochemical imprintingcircumneutralCNoccurrence in the range around pH 7
Phytobenthos without diatomsgeochemical imprintingindifferentINDdistribution in the pH spectrum without recognizable optimum
Phytobenthos without diatomsindicator taxondisturbance indicatorCdisturbance indicator (indicating eutrophication or a moderate to poor saprobic status)
Phytobenthos without diatomsindicator taxondisturbance indicatorDdisturbance indicator (indicating severe eutrophication or poor to bad saprobic status or heavy metal pollution)
Phytobenthos without diatomsindicator taxonless sensitive species, occurrence not as restricted as under ABless sensitive species, occurrence not as restricted as under A
Phytobenthos without diatomsindicator taxonPB kbr 01PB kbr 01Type 1: Alpine streams
Phytobenthos without diatomsindicator taxonPB kbr 02PB kbr 02Type 2: Streams in the alpine foothills
Phytobenthos without diatomsindicator taxonPB kbr 03PB kbr 03Type 7: Small coarse substrate dominated calcareous highland rivers
Phytobenthos without diatomsindicator taxonPB kbr 04PB kbr 04Type 9.1 PB 6: Mid-sized fine to coarse substrate dominated calcareous highland rivers (Phytobenthos)
Type 9.2: Large highland rivers
Phytobenthos without diatomsindicator taxonPB kbr 05PB kbr 05Type 10: Very large gravel-dominated rivers
Phytobenthos without diatomsindicator taxonPB kbr 06PB kbr 06Type 6: Small fine substrate dominated calcareous highland rivers
Phytobenthos without diatomsindicator taxonPB kbr 07PB kbr 07Type 6K: Small fine substrate dominated calcareous highland rivers of the Keuper
Type 9.1K: Mid-sized fine to coarse substrate dominated calcareous highland rivers of the Keuper
Type 9.1 PB 4: Mid-sized fine to coarse substrate dominated calcareous highland rivers (Phytobenthos)
Phytobenthos without diatomsindicator taxonPB kbr 08PB kbr 08Type 11: Small organic substrate-dominated rivers
Type 12: Mid-sized and large organic substrate-dominated rivers
Type 19: Small streams in riverine floodplains
Phytobenthos without diatomsindicator taxonPB kbr 09PB kbr 09Type 14: Small sand-dominated lowland rivers
Type 15: Mid-sized and large sand and loam-dominated lowland rivers
Phytobenthos without diatomsindicator taxonPB kbr 10PB kbr 10Type 16: Small gravel-dominated lowland rivers
Type 17: Mid-sized and large gravel-dominated lowland rivers
Phytobenthos without diatomsindicator taxonPB kbr 11PB kbr 11Type 18: Small loess and loam-dominated lowland rivers
Phytobenthos without diatomsindicator taxonPB kbr 12PB kbr 12Type 15_g: Large sand and loam-dominated lowland rivers
Type 20: Very large sand-dominated rivers
Phytobenthos without diatomsindicator taxonPB soba 01PB soba 01Type 5: Small coarse substrate dominated siliceous highland rivers
Type 5.1: Small fine substrate dominated siliceous highland rivers
Type 11: Small organic substrate-dominated rivers
Type 12: Mid-sized and large organic substrate-dominated rivers
Phytobenthos without diatomsindicator taxonPB soba 02PB soba 02Type 9: Mid-sized fine to coarse substrate dominated siliceous highland rivers
Phytobenthos without diatomsindicator taxonPB soba 03PB soba 03Type 14: Small sand-dominated lowland rivers
Type 16: Small gravel-dominated lowland rivers
Type 17: Mid-sized and large gravel-dominated lowland rivers
Type 19: Small streams in riverine floodplains
Type 11: Small organic substrate-dominated rivers
Type 12: Mid-sized and large organic substrate-dominated rivers
Phytobenthos without diatomsindicator taxonsensitive species, characteristic of certain types of running watersAsensitive species, characteristic of certain types of running waters
Phytobenthos without diatomslife formbenthicBbenthic living species
Phytobenthos without diatomslife formepiphyticEspecies living on plants
Phytobenthos without diatomslife formepiphytic on planktonEPliving epiphytic on plankton
Phytobenthos without diatomslife formplankticPplanktic living species
Phytobenthos without diatomslife formplanktic/benthicPBliving planktic or benthic
Phytobenthos without diatomslife formterrestrialTliving terrestrial
Phytobenthos without diatomssaprobity Pfister et al.saprobic indicator (range: 1-4)indicatorsaprobic indicator (range: 1-4)
Phytobenthos without diatomssaprobity Pfister et al.saprobic weightweightsaprobic weight
Phytobenthos without diatomssubstrate preferenceendolithicENLIin stone
Phytobenthos without diatomssubstrate preferenceendophyticENPHin plants
Phytobenthos without diatomssubstrate preferenceepilithicEPLIon stone
Phytobenthos without diatomssubstrate preferenceepipelicEPPEon mud
Phytobenthos without diatomssubstrate preferenceepiphyticEPPHon plants
Phytobenthos without diatomssubstrate preferenceepipsammicEPPSon sand
Phytobenthos without diatomssubstrate preferenceepixylicEPXYon wood
Phytobenthos without diatomssubstrate preferencesapropelicSAPEon decaying mud
Phytobenthos without diatomssubstrate preferencetychoplankticTYCHfirst in benthos, then in plankton
Phytobenthos without diatomstrophy Pfister et al.trophic indicatorindicatortrophic indicator (range: 0.1-3.9)
Phytobenthos without diatomstrophy Pfister et al.trophic weightweighttrophic weight
Phytobenthos without diatomswater typerunning watersFLspecies occurs in running waters
Phytobenthos without diatomswater typestanding watersSTspecies occurs in standing waters
Diatomsmoisture van Dam11never, or only very rarely, occurring outside water bodies
Diatomsmoisture van Dam22mainly occurring in water bodies, sometimes on wet places
Diatomsmoisture van Dam33mainly occurring in water bodies, also rather regularly on wet and moist places
Diatomsmoisture van Dam44mainly occurring on wet and moist or temporarily dry places
Diatomsmoisture van Dam55nearly exclusively occurring outside water bodies
Diatomsnitrogen van Dam11nitrogen-autotrophic taxa, tolerating very small concentrations of organically bound nitrogen
Diatomsnitrogen van Dam22nitrogen-autotrophic taxa, tolerating elevated concentrations of organically bound nitrogen
Diatomsnitrogen van Dam33facultatively nitrogen-heterotrophic taxa, needing periodically elevated concentrations of organically bound nitrogen
Diatomsnitrogen van Dam44obligately nitrogen-heterotrophic taxa, needing continuously elevated concentrations of organically bound nitrogen
Diatomsoxygen van Dam11oxygen content continuously high (about 100% saturation)
Diatomsoxygen van Dam22oxygen content fairly high (above 75% saturation)
Diatomsoxygen van Dam33oxygen content moderate (above 50% saturation)
Diatomsoxygen van Dam44oxygen content low (above 30% saturation)
Diatomsoxygen van Dam55oxygen content very low (about 10% saturation)
DiatomspH Denys Hustedt11irrelevant
DiatomspH Denys Hustedt1010acidobiontic
DiatomspH Denys Hustedt1111indifferent (= no apparent optimum)
DiatomspH Denys Hustedt22alkalibiontic
DiatomspH Denys Hustedt33alkalibiontic to alkaliphilous
DiatomspH Denys Hustedt44alkaliphilous (=basiphilous)
DiatomspH Denys Hustedt55alkaliphilous to circumneutral
DiatomspH Denys Hustedt66circumneutral (= neutrophilous)
DiatomspH Denys Hustedt77circumneutral to acidophilous
DiatomspH Denys Hustedt88acidophilous
DiatomspH Denys Hustedt99acidophilous to acidobiontic
DiatomspH Denys HustedtpH indicatorindicatorpH indicator
DiatomspH Hakansson1ACBacibiontic
DiatomspH Hakansson2ACBPacidophilous to acibiontic
DiatomspH Hakansson3ACPacidophilous
DiatomspH Hakansson4INACindifferent to acidophilous
DiatomspH Hakansson5INDindifferent or neutral
DiatomspH Hakansson6AKINalkaliphilous to indifferent
DiatomspH Hakansson7AKPalkalipholous
DiatomspH Hakansson8AKPBalkaliphilous to alkalibiontic
DiatomspH Hakansson9AKBalkalibiontic
DiatomspH HakanssonpH indicatorindicatorpH indicator
DiatomspH van Dam11acidobiontic: optimal occurunce at pH < 5.5
DiatomspH van Dam22acidophilous: mainly occurring at pH < 7
DiatomspH van Dam33circumneutral: mainly occurring at pH-values about 7
DiatomspH van Dam44alkaliphilous: mainly occurring at pH > 7
DiatomspH van Dam55alkalibiontic: exclusively occurring at pH > 7
DiatomspH van Dam66indifferent: no apparent optimum
Diatomspollution CEEpollution indicatorindicatorpollution indicator
Diatomspollution Dell'Uomopollution indicator (range: 0.2 - 15)indicatorpollution indicator (range: 0.2 - 15)
Diatomspollution Dell'Uomopollution weightweightpollution weight
Diatomspollution Gomez & Licursipollution indicatorindicatorpollution indicator
Diatomspollution IPSpollution indicatorindicatorpollution indicator
Diatomspollution IPSpollution weightweightpollution weight
Diatomspollution Prygiel et al.pollution indicatorindicatorpollution indicator
Diatomspollution Prygiel et al.pollution weightweightpollution weight
Diatomspreservation Descy22large
Diatomspreservation Descy33moderate
Diatomspreservation Descy44low
Diatomspreservation Descy55very low
Diatomspreservation Descypreservation indicatorindicatorpreservation indicator
Diatomssalinity Denys22markedly euryhaline
Diatomssalinity Denys33somewhat euryhalline
Diatomssalinity Denys44stenohaline
Diatomssalinity Denyssalinity indicatorindicatorsalinity indicator
Diatomssalinity Huestedt 1010oligohalobous indifferent to halophobous
Diatomssalinity Huestedt 1010alpha-mesohalobous to oligohalobous indifferent
Diatomssalinity Huestedt 1111oligohalobous halophobous
Diatomssalinity Huestedt 1111beta-mesohalobous to oligohalobous indifferent
Diatomssalinity Huestedt 1212oligohalobous halophilous
Diatomssalinity Huestedt 1313oligohalobous halophilous to indifferent
Diatomssalinity Huestedt 1414oligohalobous indifferent
Diatomssalinity Huestedt 1515oligohalobous indifferent to halophobous
Diatomssalinity Huestedt 1616oligohalobous halophobous
Diatomssalinity Huestedt 22polyhalobous
Diatomssalinity Huestedt 33polyhalobous to mesohalobous
Diatomssalinity Huestedt 33polyhalobous to alpha- mesohalobous
Diatomssalinity Huestedt 44mesohalobous
Diatomssalinity Huestedt 44polyhalobous to beta- mesohalobous
Diatomssalinity Huestedt 55mesohalobous to oligohalobous halophilous
Diatomssalinity Huestedt 55mesohalobous to euryhaline
Diatomssalinity Huestedt 66mesohalobous to oligohalobous indifferent
Diatomssalinity Huestedt 66alpha-mesohalobous
Diatomssalinity Huestedt 77oligohalobous halophilous
Diatomssalinity Huestedt 77beta-mesohalobous
Diatomssalinity Huestedt 88oligohalobous halophilous to indifferent
Diatomssalinity Huestedt 88alpha-mesohalobous to oligohalobous halophilous
Diatomssalinity Huestedt 99oligohalobous indifferent
Diatomssalinity Huestedt 99beta-mesohalobous to oligohalobous halophilous
Diatomssalinity van Dam et al.11fresh: CL- (mg-1) < 100 sal < 0.2 ‰
Diatomssalinity van Dam et al.22fresh/brackish: CL- (mg-1) < 500 sal < 0.9 ‰
Diatomssalinity van Dam et al.33brackish/fresh: CL- (mg-1) 500 - 1000 sal 0.9 - 1.8 ‰
Diatomssalinity van Dam et al.44brackish: CL- (mg-1) 1000 - 5000 sal 1.8 - 9.0 ‰
Diatomssalinity Ziemann11halophobous
Diatomssalinity Ziemann22oligohalobous
Diatomssalinity Ziemann33mesohalobous
Diatomssalinity Ziemann44polyhalobous
Diatomssalinity Ziemannsalinity indicatorindicatorsalinity indicator
Diatomssaprobity Czech Republicsaprobic indicator (range: 0 - 3.5)indicatorsaprobic indicator (range: 0 - 3.5)
Diatomssaprobity Czech Republicsaprobic weightweightsaprobic weight
Diatomssaprobity Hofmann11oligosaprobic
Diatomssaprobity Hofmann22oligo- ß-saprobic
Diatomssaprobity Hofmann33ß-mesosaprobic
Diatomssaprobity Hofmann44ß-meso - ß-alpha meso
Diatomssaprobity Hofmann55ß -alpha mesosaprob
Diatomssaprobity Hofmann66ß-alpha-meso - alpha meso
Diatomssaprobity Hofmann77alpha mesosaprob
Diatomssaprobity Hofmann88alpha-meso polysaprob
Diatomssaprobity Hofmann99polysaprob
Diatomssaprobity Hofmannsaprobic indicatorindicatorsaprobic indicator
Diatomssaprobity Pfister et al.saprobic indicator (range: 1-4)indicatorsaprobic indicator (range: 1-4)
Diatomssaprobity Pfister et al.saprobic weightweightsaprobic weight
Diatomssaprobity Sladeceksaprobic indicator (range: 0.1 - 4)indicatorsaprobic indicator (range: 0.1 - 4)
Diatomssaprobity Sladeceksaprobic weightweightsaprobic weight
Diatomssaprobity van Dam et al.11oligosaprobous, oxygen saturation > 85%, BOD5 20 (mgl-1) < 2
Diatomssaprobity van Dam et al.22beta-mesosaprobous, oxygen saturation 70 - 85%, BOD5 20 (mgl-1) 2 - 4
Diatomssaprobity van Dam et al.33alpha-mesosaprobous oxygen saturation 25-70% BOD5 20 (mgl-1) 4-13
Diatomssaprobity van Dam et al.44alpha-meso/polysaprobous, oxygen saturation 10 - 25%, BOD5 20 (mgl-1) 13 - 22
Diatomssaprobity van Dam et al.55polysaprobous, oxygen saturation < 10%, BOD5 20 (mgl-1) > 22
Diatomssaprobity Watanabe et al.00indifferent taxa (LECOINTE et al., 2003)
Diatomssaprobity Watanabe et al.11saprophilous taxa
Diatomssaprobity Watanabe et al.22saproxenous taxa
Diatomstrophy Bayerntrophic indicator (range: 1 - 3.9)indicatortrophic indicator (range: 1 - 3.9)
Diatomstrophy Behrendttrophic indicator (range: 1.1 - 4)indicatortrophic indicator (range: 1.1 - 4)
Diatomstrophy Denys trophic indicatorindicatortrophic indicator
Diatomstrophy lakestrophic indicator (range: 1.1 - 4)indicatortrophic indicator (range: 1.1 - 4)
Diatomstrophy Pfister et al.trophic indicatorindicatortrophic indicator (range: 0.1-3.9)
Diatomstrophy Pfister et al.trophic weightweighttrophic weight
Diatomstrophy Schiefele & Schreinertrophic indicator (range: 1.5 - 4)indicatortrophic indicator (range: 1.5 - 4)
Diatomstrophy Schmedtjetrophic indicator (range: 1 - 3.6)indicatortrophic indicator (range: 1 - 3.6)
Diatomstrophy Schmedtjetrophic weightweighttrophic weight
Diatomstrophy TDItrophic indicatorindicatortrophic indicator
Diatomstrophy TDItrophic weightweighttrophic weight
Diatomstrophy Whitmoretrophic indicatorindicatortrophic indicator
Diatomstrophy/organic pollution Schiefeletrophic indicatorindicatortrophic indicator
Diatomstrophy/organic pollution Steinbergtrophic indicatorindicatortrophic indicator
Phytoplanktonapproximate size class [µm]Size classes were created by incremental doublings of the cell volume, represented by the upper boundary log-transformed (e.g. -0.3= cell volume <= 0.5 µm³, 0= cell volume 0.5-1 µm³, 0.3= cell volume 1-2 µm³, 0.6= cell volume 2-4 µm³ and so on). A total n
Phytoplanktonhabitat - river/lakeIndArt See
Phytoplanktonhabitat - river/lakeIndArtFluss
Phytoplanktonlife formbenthicBbenthic living species
Phytoplanktonlife formepiphyticEspecies living on plants
Phytoplanktonlife formmarine_marinemarine living species
Phytoplanktonlife formplankticPplanktic living species
Phytoplanktonlife formpleustonPlspecies living on the water surface
Phytoplanktonlife formpossibly drifting into plankton_driftedbenthic species, now drifting in the plankton
Phytoplanktonliving formarmoured flagellatesaflarmoured flagellates
Phytoplanktonliving formbristle forming algaebfabristle forming algae
Phytoplanktonliving formchain forming algaechachain forming algae
Phytoplanktonliving formcoccal algaecalcoccal algae
Phytoplanktonliving formcoloniescolcolonies
Phytoplanktonliving formcolony forming algaecoacolony forming algae
Phytoplanktonliving formcolony forming blue green algaecfacolony forming blue green algae
Phytoplanktonliving formcolony forming phytoflagellatescpfcolony forming phytoflagellates
Phytoplanktonliving formfilamentous formfiffilamentous form
Phytoplanktonliving formFlagellatesflaFlagellates
Phytoplanktonliving formgallert forming green algae in coloniesgacgallert forming green algae in colonies
Phytoplanktonliving formheterotrophe Flagellatenhflheterotrophe Flagellaten
Phytoplanktonliving formhousing forming phytoflagellatesfpfhousing forming phytoflagellates
Phytoplanktonliving formlarge central diatomslcdlarge central diatoms
Phytoplanktonliving formlarge colony forming algaelcalarge colony forming algae
Phytoplanktonliving formlarge phytoflagellateslpflarge phytoflagellates
Phytoplanktonliving formmedium to large diatomsmldmedium to large diatoms
Phytoplanktonliving formmedium-sized central diatomsmcdmedium-sized central diatoms
Phytoplanktonliving formneedle-shaped algaensaneedle-shaped algae
Phytoplanktonliving formphytoflagellatenpflphytoflagellaten
Phytoplanktonliving formsmall central diatomsscdsmall central diatoms
Phytoplanktonliving formsmall colony forming algaescasmall colony forming algae
Phytoplanktonliving formsmall phytoflagellatesspfsmall phytoflagellates
Phytoplanktonliving formsolitary centric diatomssodsolitary centric diatoms
Phytoplanktonliving formsolitary large single cellsslcsolitary large single cells
Phytoplanktonliving formsolitary large single cells or chain formingslfsolitary large single cells or chain forming
Phytoplanktonliving formsolitary small algaessasolitary small algae
Phytoplanktonliving formThecamoebatheThecamoeba
Phytoplanktonliving formundetermined formudfundetermined form
PhytoplanktonMFG trophic score and indicator value
Phytoplanktonmode of nutritionheterotrophic (obligatory)heteroheterotrophic mode of nutrition
Phytoplanktonmode of nutritionmixotroph (optional heterotroph)mixomixotrophic mode of nutrition
Phytoplanktonmode of nutritionno heterotrophy knownnono heterotrophy known, phototroph
Phytoplanktonmorpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisak
Phytoplanktonmorpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & PadisakChlorococcales - gelatinous colonies11b
Phytoplanktonmorpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & PadisakChlorococcales - naked colonies11a
Phytoplanktonmorpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisakcolonial Phytomonadina3b
Phytoplanktonmorpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisakcolonies - Nostocales5e
Phytoplanktonmorpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisakfilaments - Chlorophytes10a
Phytoplanktonmorpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisakfilaments - Conjugatophytes10b
Phytoplanktonmorpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisakfilaments - Xanthophytes 10c
Phytoplanktonmorpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisaklarge colonial or unicellular Chrysophytes/Haptophytes 1a
Phytoplanktonmorpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisaklarge colonial or unicellular Dinophytes1b
Phytoplanktonmorpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisaklarge colonial or unicellular Euglenophytes1c
Phytoplanktonmorpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisaklarge Diatoms - Centrics6a
Phytoplanktonmorpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisaklarge Diatoms - Pennates6b
Phytoplanktonmorpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisaklarge unicells - other groups 8b
Phytoplanktonmorpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisaklarge unicells - unicellular Conjugatophytes/Chlorophytes8a
Phytoplanktonmorpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisaklarge vacuolated colonies - Chroococcales5b
Phytoplanktonmorpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisakother colonies11c
Phytoplanktonmorpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisakother large colonies, mostly non-vacuolated Chroococcales5c
Phytoplanktonmorpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisaksmall colonies - Chroococcales5d
Phytoplanktonmorpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisaksmall Diatoms - Centrics7a
Phytoplanktonmorpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisaksmall Diatoms - Pennates7b
Phytoplanktonmorpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisaksmall unicells - Chlorococcales9b
Phytoplanktonmorpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisaksmall unicells - Chrysophytes 9c
Phytoplanktonmorpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisaksmall unicells - Conjugatophytes 9a
Phytoplanktonmorpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisaksmall unicells - other groups 9d
Phytoplanktonmorpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisaksmall unicellular Chrysophytes/Haptophytes2a
Phytoplanktonmorpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisaksmall unicellular Cryptophytes2d
Phytoplanktonmorpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisaksmall unicellular Dinophytes2b
Phytoplanktonmorpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisaksmall unicellular Euglenophytes2c
Phytoplanktonmorpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisakthin filaments colonies - Oscillatoriales5a
Phytoplanktonmorpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisakunicellular Cyanobacteria4
Phytoplanktonmorpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisakunicellular Phytomonadina3a
Phytoplanktonphytoplankton guild (PhytoLoss)gelatinous large coloniesC3> 100 µm GALD, Phytomonadina, Chroococcales, Chlorococcales
Phytoplanktonphytoplankton guild (PhytoLoss)large BacillariophytesB2> 30 µm GALD, without chain-forming colonies
Phytoplanktonphytoplankton guild (PhytoLoss)large Chrysophytes/Haptophytes, Euglenophytes, Conjugatophytes, Chlorophytes, ChroococcalesU2large Chrysophytes/Haptophytes, Euglenophytes, Conjugatophytes, Chlorophytes, Chroococcales
Phytoplanktonphytoplankton guild (PhytoLoss)large DinophytesD2> 30 µm diameter
Phytoplanktonphytoplankton guild (PhytoLoss)medium-sized coloniesC230 - 100µm, Chlorococcales, Phytomonadina, Chroococcales and others
Phytoplanktonphytoplankton guild (PhytoLoss)medium-thick filamentsF2Chlorophytes, Conjugatophytes, Xanthophytes, Cyanobacteria, single Nostocales
Phytoplanktonphytoplankton guild (PhytoLoss)small BacillariophytesB1< 30 µm GALD
Phytoplanktonphytoplankton guild (PhytoLoss)small Chrysophytes/Haptophytes, Euglenophytes, Cryptophytes, Chlorococcales, unicell PhytomonadU1small Chrysophytes/Haptophytes, Euglenophytes, Cryptophytes, Chlorococcales, unicell Phytomonad
Phytoplanktonphytoplankton guild (PhytoLoss)small coloniesC1colonial Chlorophyta < 30 µm GALD
Phytoplanktonphytoplankton guild (PhytoLoss)small Dinophytes - <30µm diameterD1< 30 µm diameter
Phytoplanktonphytoplankton guild (PhytoLoss)thick filamentous aggregatesF3chain-forming Bacillariophytes, flocs-forming Nostocales
Phytoplanktonphytoplankton guild (PhytoLoss)thin filamentsF1Oscillatoriales
Phytoplanktonseasonal occurrence – riversautumnautumnSeptember to November
Phytoplanktonseasonal occurrence – riversearly summerearly summerMay to June
Phytoplanktonseasonal occurrence – riverslate summerlate summerAugust to September
Phytoplanktonseasonal occurrence – riversmidsummermidsummerJuly to August
Phytoplanktonseasonal occurrence – riversnonono specific seasonal occurrence
Phytoplanktonseasonal occurrence – riversspringspringMarch to May
Phytoplanktonseasonal occurrence – riverssummersummerJune to August
Phytoplanktonseasonal occurrence – riverswinterwinterNovember to March
Phytoplanktonsize class trophic score and indicator value
Phytoplanktonstenoecy factorAlpine lakeslake - AAFnatural lakes, Heavily Modified Water Bodies and Artificial Water Bodies of the Alps and Alpine Foothills
Phytoplanktonstenoecy factorCentral Highland lakeslake - CHnatural lakes, Heavily Modified Water Bodies and Artificial Water Bodies of the Central Highlands
Phytoplanktonstenoecy factorCentral Highland riversriver - CHrivers and streams in the Central Highlands
Phytoplanktonstenoecy factorDanube Basin riversriver - DanubeDanube and tributaries
Phytoplanktonstenoecy factorLowland polymictic HMWB & AWBpa.lake - LLpolymictic Heavily Modified Water Bodies and Artificial Water Bodies of the Lowlands
Phytoplanktonstenoecy factorLowland polymictic lakespn.lake - LLnatural polymictic lakes of the Lowlands
Phytoplanktonstenoecy factorLowland riversriver - LLlowland rivers and streams
Phytoplanktonstenoecy factorLowland stratified HMWB & AWBsa.lake - LLstratified Heavily Modified Water Bodies and Artificial Water Bodies of the Lowlands
Phytoplanktonstenoecy factorLowland stratified lakessn.lake - LLnatural stratified lakes of the Lowlands
Phytoplanktontrophic anchor valueAlpine lakeslake - AAFnatural lakes, Heavily Modified Water Bodies and Artificial Water Bodies of the Alps and Alpine Foothills
Phytoplanktontrophic anchor valueCentral Highland lakeslake - CHnatural lakes, Heavily Modified Water Bodies and Artificial Water Bodies of the Central Highlands
Phytoplanktontrophic anchor valueCentral Highland riversriver - CHrivers and streams in the Central Highlands
Phytoplanktontrophic anchor valueDanube Basin riversriver - DanubeDanube and tributaries
Phytoplanktontrophic anchor valueLowland polymictic HMWB & AWBpa.lake – LLpolymictic Heavily Modified Water Bodies and Artificial Water Bodies of the Lowlands
Phytoplanktontrophic anchor valueLowland polymictic lakespn.lake - LLnatural polymictic lakes of the Lowlands
Phytoplanktontrophic anchor valueLowland riversriver - LLlowland rivers and streams
Phytoplanktontrophic anchor valueLowland stratified HMWB & AWBsa.lake - LLstratified Heavily Modified Water Bodies and Artificial Water Bodies of the Lowlands
Phytoplanktontrophic anchor valueLowland stratified lakessn.lake – LLnatural stratified lakes of the Lowlands
Phytoplanktontrophic focusAAF+CHAAF+CHnatural lakes, Heavily Modified Water Bodies and Artificial Water Bodies of the Alps, Alpine Foothills and Central Highlands
Phytoplanktontrophic focuseutrophiceutrophic index values: >2.5 – 3.5
Phytoplanktontrophic focuseutrophic 1eu1trophic index values: > 2.5 – 3.0
Phytoplanktontrophic focuseutrophic 2eu2trophic index values: > 3.0 – 3.5
Phytoplanktontrophic focushypereutrophichypertrophic index values: > 4.5
Phytoplanktontrophic focusindifferentinindifferent species
Phytoplanktontrophic focusmesotrohicmesotrophic index values: >1.5 – 2.5
Phytoplanktontrophic focusmesotrophic 1meso1trophic index values: > 1.5 – 2.0
Phytoplanktontrophic focusmesotrophic 2meso2trophic index values: > 2.0 – 2.5
Phytoplanktontrophic focusoligotrophicoligotrophic index values: 0.5 – 1.5
Phytoplanktontrophic focuspn.lake - LLpn.lake - LLnatural polymictic lakes of the Lowlands
Phytoplanktontrophic focuspolytrophicpolytrophic index values: > 3.5 – 4.5
Phytoplanktontrophic focuspolytrophic 1poly1trophic index values: > 3.5 – 4.0
Phytoplanktontrophic focuspolytrophic 2poly2trophic index values: > 4.0 – 4.5
Phytoplanktontrophic focussn.lake – LLsn.lake – LLnatural stratified lakes of the Lowlands
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertWestern North Africa1ecoregion sensu Illies: North Africa ("X"), country: TU
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertWestern North Africa2ecoregion sensu Illies: North Africa ("X"), country: AL
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertWestern North Africa3ecoregion sensu Illies: North Africa ("X"), country: MO
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertWestern South Europe4aecoregion sensu Illies: Iberic Region (ER1), country: ES
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertWestern South Europe5aecoregion sensu Illies: Iberic Region (ER1), country: PT
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertWestern South Europe5becoregion sensu Illies: Iberic Region (ER1), country: PT
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertWestern South Europe4becoregion sensu Illies: Iberic Region (ER1), country: ES
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertWestern South Europe4cecoregion sensu Illies: Iberic Region (ER1), country: ES
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertWestern South Europe4decoregion sensu Illies: Pyrennes (ER2), country: ES
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertWestern South Europe6aecoregion sensu Illies: Pyrennes (ER2), country: FR
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertCentral South Europe6becoregion sensu Illies: ER8?, country: FR
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertCentral South Europe7aecoregion sensu Illies: Italy, Corsica and Malta (ER3), country: IT
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertCentral South Europe7becoregion sensu Illies: Italy, Corsica and Malta (ER3), country: IT
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertCentral South Europe7cecoregion sensu Illies: Italy, Corsica and Malta (ER3), country: IT
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertCentral South Europe7decoregion sensu Illies: Italy, Corsica and Malta (ER3), country: IT
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertCentral South Europe6cecoregion sensu Illies: Italy, Corsica and Malta (ER3), country: FR
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertAsia Minor8ecoregion sensu Illies: Middle East (Y), country: Levante
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertAsia Minor9ecoregion sensu Illies: Middle East (Y), country: IN
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertAsia Minor10ecoregion sensu Illies: The Caucasus (ER24), country: Caucasus
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertAsia Minor11aecoregion sensu Illies: Middle East (Y), country: TR
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertAsia Minor11becoregion sensu Illies: Middle East (Y), country: TR
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertAsia Minor11cecoregion sensu Illies: Middle East (Y), country: TR
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertDinaric South Europe12aecoregion sensu Illies: Hellenic Western Balkan (ER6) , country: GR
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertDinaric South Europe13ecoregion sensu Illies: Hellenic Western Balkan (ER6) , country: AL
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertDinaric South Europe14ecoregion sensu Illies: Hellenic Western Balkan (ER6) , country: MK
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertDinaric South Europe15aecoregion sensu Illies: Dinaric Western Balkan (ER5), country: RS, ME, Kosovo
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertDinaric South Europe16ecoregion sensu Illies: Dinaric Western Balkan (ER5), country: BA
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertDinaric South Europe17aecoregion sensu Illies: Dinaric Western Balkan (ER5), country: HR
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertDinaric South Europe18aecoregion sensu Illies: Dinaric Western Balkan (ER5), country: SL
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertBalkanic South Europe 12becoregion sensu Illies: Eastern Balkan (ER7), country: GR
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertBalkanic South Europe 11decoregion sensu Illies: Eastern Balkan (ER7), country: TR
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertBalkanic South Europe 19ecoregion sensu Illies: Eastern Balkan (ER7), country: BG
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertBalkanic South Europe 15becoregion sensu Illies: Eastern Balkan (ER7), country: RS, ME, Kosovo
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertEastern Central Mountains20aecoregion sensu Illies: The Carpathians (ER10), country: RO
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertEastern Central Mountains20becoregion sensu Illies: The Carpathians (ER10), country: RO
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertEastern Central Mountains21aecoregion sensu Illies: The Carpathians (ER10), country: UA
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertEastern Central Mountains22ecoregion sensu Illies: The Carpathians (ER10), country: SK
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertEastern Central Mountains23aecoregion sensu Illies: The Carpathians (ER10), country: HU
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertEastern Central Mountains24aecoregion sensu Illies: The Carpathians (ER10), country: CZ
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertEastern Central Mountains25aecoregion sensu Illies: The Carpathians (ER10), country: PL
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertNorthern Central Mountains24becoregion sensu Illies: Central Highlands (ER9), country: CZ
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertNorthern Central Mountains26aecoregion sensu Illies: Central Highlands (ER9), country: AT
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertNorthern Central Mountains27aecoregion sensu Illies: Central Highlands (ER9), country: DE
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertNorthern Central Mountains27becoregion sensu Illies: Central Highlands (ER9), country: DE
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertNorthern Central Mountains27cecoregion sensu Illies: Central Highlands (ER9), country: DE
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertNorthern Central Mountains27decoregion sensu Illies: Central Highlands (ER9), country: DE
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertNorthern Central Mountains27eecoregion sensu Illies: Central Highlands (ER9), country: DE
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertNorthern Central Mountains27fecoregion sensu Illies: Central Highlands (ER9), country: DE
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertNorthern Central Mountains27gecoregion sensu Illies: Central Highlands (ER9), country: DE
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertNorthern Central Mountains28aecoregion sensu Illies: Central Highlands (ER9), country: CH
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertSouthern Central Mountains27hecoregion sensu Illies: Alps (ER4), country: DE
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertSouthern Central Mountains26becoregion sensu Illies: Alps (ER4), country: AT
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertSouthern Central Mountains26cecoregion sensu Illies: Alps (ER4), country: AT
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertSouthern Central Mountains18becoregion sensu Illies: Alps (ER4), country: SL
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertSouthern Central Mountains7eecoregion sensu Illies: Alps (ER4), country: IT
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertSouthern Central Mountains7fecoregion sensu Illies: Alps (ER4), country: IT
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertSouthern Central Mountains28becoregion sensu Illies: Alps (ER4), country: CH
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertSouthern Central Mountains7gecoregion sensu Illies: Alps (ER4), country: IT
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertSouthern Central Mountains6decoregion sensu Illies: Alps (ER4), country: FR
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertWestern Central Mountains6eecoregion sensu Illies: Western Highlands (ER8), country: FR
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertWestern Central Mountains6fecoregion sensu Illies: Western Highlands (ER8), country: FR
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertWestern Central Mountains28cecoregion sensu Illies: Western Highlands (ER8), country: CH
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertWestern Central Mountains6gecoregion sensu Illies: Western Highlands (ER8), country: FR
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertWestern Central Mountains27iecoregion sensu Illies: Western Highlands (ER8), country: DE
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertWestern Central Mountains29ecoregion sensu Illies: Western Highlands (ER8), country: LU
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertWestern Central Mountains30aecoregion sensu Illies: Western Highlands (ER8), country: BE
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertBritish Isles31ecoregion sensu Illies: Ireland & N. Ireland (ER17), country: IE
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertBritish Isles46aecoregion sensu Illies: Great Britain (ER18), country: UK
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertBritish Isles46becoregion sensu Illies: Great Britain (ER18), country: UK
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertWestern Lowland6hecoregion sensu Illies: Western Plains (ER13), country: FR
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertWestern Lowland6iecoregion sensu Illies: Western Plains (ER13), country: FR
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertWestern Lowland30becoregion sensu Illies: Western Plains (ER13), country: BE
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertWestern Lowland44aecoregion sensu Illies: Western Plains (ER13), country: NL
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertWestern Lowland27jecoregion sensu Illies: Western Plains (ER13), country: DE
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertCentral Lowland27pecoregion sensu Illies: Central Plains (ER14), country: DE
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertCentral Lowland44becoregion sensu Illies: Central Plains (ER14), country: NL
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertCentral Lowland27kecoregion sensu Illies: Central Plains (ER14), country: DE
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertCentral Lowland27necoregion sensu Illies: Central Plains (ER14), country: DE
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertCentral Lowland45aecoregion sensu Illies: Central Plains (ER14), country: DK
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertCentral Lowland32aecoregion sensu Illies: Central Plains (ER14), country: SE
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertCentral Lowland27mecoregion sensu Illies: Central Plains (ER14), country: DE
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertCentral Lowland25becoregion sensu Illies: Central Plains (ER14), country: PL
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertSouthern Lowland26decoregion sensu Illies: Hungarian Lowlands (ER11), country: AT
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertSouthern Lowland23becoregion sensu Illies: Hungarian Lowlands (ER11), country: HU
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertSouthern Lowland23cecoregion sensu Illies: Hungarian Lowlands (ER11), country: HU
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertSouthern Lowland18cecoregion sensu Illies: Hungarian Lowlands (ER11), country: SL
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertSouthern Lowland17becoregion sensu Illies: Hungarian Lowlands (ER11), country: HR
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertSouthern Lowland23decoregion sensu Illies: Hungarian Lowlands (ER11), country: HU
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertSouthern Lowland20cecoregion sensu Illies: Pontic Province (ER12), country: RO
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertSouthern Lowland21becoregion sensu Illies: Pontic Province (ER12), country: UA
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertSouthern Lowland33aecoregion sensu Illies: Caspian Depression (ER25), country: RU
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertEastern Lowland33becoregion sensu Illies: Eastern Plains (ER16), country: RU
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertEastern Lowland21cecoregion sensu Illies: Eastern Plains (ER16), country: UA
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertEastern Lowland34ecoregion sensu Illies: Eastern Plains (ER16), country: BY
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertEastern Lowland35ecoregion sensu Illies: Baltic Region (ER15), country: LT
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertEastern Lowland36ecoregion sensu Illies: Baltic Region (ER15), country: LV
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertEastern North Europe37ecoregion sensu Illies: Baltic Region (ER15), country: ET
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertEastern North Europe33cecoregion sensu Illies: Taiga (ER23), country: RU
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertEastern North Europe38ecoregion sensu Illies: Taiga (ER23), country: FI
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertWestern North Europe32becoregion sensu Illies: Fenno-Scandian Shield (ER22), country: SE
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertWestern North Europe39ecoregion sensu Illies: Borealic Uplands (ER20), country: NO
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertArctic Europe40ecoregion sensu Illies: Tundra (ER21), country: Tundra
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertUral33decoregion sensu Illies: Ural Mountains, country: RU
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertEastern Palaearctic33eecoregion sensu Illies: Siberia, country: RU
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertEastern Palaearctic33fecoregion sensu Illies: Siberia, country: RU
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertEastern Palaearctic33gecoregion sensu Illies: Siberia, country: RU
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertEastern Palaearctic41ecoregion sensu Illies: Mongolia, country: MN
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertSelected Islands & Regions42ecoregion sensu Illies: Iceland (ER19), country: IS
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertSelected Islands & Regions45becoregion sensu Illies: Central Plains (ER14), country: DK
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertSelected Islands & Regions45cecoregion sensu Illies: Central Plains (ER14), country: DK
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertSelected Islands & Regions32cecoregion sensu Illies: Baltic Region (ER15), country: SE
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertSelected Islands & Regions15cecoregion sensu Illies: Hungarian Lowlands (ER11), country: SR
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertSelected Islands & Regions43ecoregion sensu Illies: Middle East (Y), country: CY
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertSelected Islands & Regions47ecoregion sensu Illies: Middle East (Y) ?, country: Arabian Penisula
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertSelected Islands & Regions12cecoregion sensu Illies: Hellenic Western Balkan (ER6) , country: GR
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertSelected Islands & Regions12decoregion sensu Illies: Hellenic Western Balkan (ER6) , country: GR
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertSelected Islands & Regions12eecoregion sensu Illies: Hellenic Western Balkan (ER6) , country: GR
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertSelected Islands & Regions12fecoregion sensu Illies: Hellenic Western Balkan (ER6) , country: GR
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertSelected Islands & Regions4eecoregion sensu Illies: Iberic Region (ER1), country: ES
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertSelected Islands & Regions4fecoregion sensu Illies: Macaronesian Region (ER1), country: ES
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertSelected Islands & Regions5cecoregion sensu Illies: Macaronesian Region (ER1), country: PT
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertSelected Islands & Regions5decoregion sensu Illies: Macaronesian Region (ER1), country: PT
Macro-invertebratessmall-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold RobertEastern North Africa48ecoregion sensu Illies: North Africa ("X"), country: EG