For most purposes in community ecology research and freshwater ecosystem assessment, ecological information for taxa needs to be transformed into numerical values. Simple "yes/no" coding, which either or not assigns a species to only one category of an ecological parameter, did not always reflect the complex characteristics and the heterogeneity of the species' adaptations. Therefore, three options of coding were used, depending on structure and availability of ecological knowledge:
Example for the parameter "stream zonation preference": If 70% of a species' records are observed in spring brooks and 30% in the upper trout region, 7 out of 10 points will be allocated to the category "hypocrenal" (spring brook) and 3 points to "epirhithral" (upper trout region) to describe the expected occurrence of this species within the longitudinal zonation of a river. For all other categories "0" will be used.
Example for the parameter "temperature range preference": If a species only lives in cold water, then "1" will be assigned to the category "cold stenotherm", the categories "warm stenotherm" and "eurytherm" will get a "0".
Example for the parameter "altitude preference (WFD)": If a species occurs in an altitude range from 100 m to 700 m above sea level, then a "1" will be assigned to the categories "between 200 and 800 m sea level" and "below 200 m sea level" meaning that the species is present in these altitudes. For the category "above 800 m sea level" the value "0" is used indicating that the species is not present in this region.
Moog, O. (Ed.), 1995. Fauna Aquatica Austriaca: A Comprehensive Species Inventory of Austrian Aquatic Organisms with Ecological Notes. Federal Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry, Wasserwirtschaftskataster Vienna: Loose-leaf Binder.
Zelinka, M., Marvan, P., 1961. Zur Präzisierung der biologischen Klassifikation der Reinheit fließender Gewässer. Arch. Hydrobiol. 57, 389-407.
One of the goals of the Tachet et al. (2010) handbook was to investigate autecological information from literature and then to synthesise the very large and scattered biological information on benthic macro-invertebrates - readily accessible only to specialists - into easily interpreted sets of attributes including features concerning the life cycle of taxa, the resistance or resilience potential of organisms, general physiological traits, behavioural aspects of reproduction or nutrition of organisms, and multi-scale descriptors of taxon/habitat relationships. The authors resolved "traits" describing biological characteristics and ecological preferences of taxa into a number of "categories".
Tachet et al. searched for a simple coding procedure (i.e. the "fuzzy coding"; cf. Chevenet et al., 1994) that assigns a score to each taxon describing its affinity for the different categories of a trait. This score, allocated to each category of a trait, ranges from 0 indicating "no affinity" to 5 indicating "high affinity". Thereby, the relevant features of a taxon are described by the relative distribution of the information among the categories of each trait. This procedure is a pertinent and simple way to "translate" the available knowledge about species traits of organisms into numerical values. It also avoids the obligate assignment of a taxon to a single category, which can lead to inaccurate characterisations of biological or ecological trait profiles. In the case of missing information for a taxon and a trait (i.e. taxa not documented), authors coded "0" for all the categories. Eleven biological traits (63 categories) and 10 ecological traits (50 categories) were coded for 472 benthic macro-invertebrate taxa, often at higher taxonomic levels.
Chevenet F., Doledec S. & Chessel D. (1994): A fuzzy coding approach for the analysis of long-term ecological data. Freshwater Biology, 31, 295-309.
Tachet H., Bournaud M., Richoux P. & Usseglio-Polatera P. (2010): Invertebres d'eau douce - systematique, biologie, ecologie. CNRS Editions, Paris, 600 p.
All abbreviations, which are displayed on the Result-page are explained on the Search-page, for example by clicking on the icon next to the parameter name. On the Result-page an explanation is available with tooltips. Just move your mouse pointer over the abbreviation and the full name will appear. Additionally the abbreviations are explained if you click on the icon in the parameter headline.
The following abbreviation table summarises all abbreviations used on It also offers explanations of individual parameters and categories. The table can be sorted per organism group, per parameter, per category, alphabetically and it is also possible to filter for all entries.
Organism group | Parameter name | Category name | Abbreviation | Explanation |
Fish | absolute fecundity (no. oocytes) | 55,000 - 60,000 | fe2 | number of oocytes between 55,000 and 60,000 (fecundity 2) |
Fish | absolute fecundity (no. oocytes) | < = 55,000 | fe1 | number of oocytes less than or equal 55,000 (fecundity 1) |
Fish | absolute fecundity (no. oocytes) | > 60,000 | fe3 | number of oocytes more than 60,000 (fecundity 3) |
Fish | acid tolerance | intermediate | im | intermediately tolerant to acidification |
Fish | acid tolerance | intolerant | intol | intolerant to acidification |
Fish | acid tolerance | tolerant | tol | tolerant to acidification |
Fish | body length (cm) | 20 - 39 cm | bl2 | body length between 20 and 39 cm |
Fish | body length (cm) | < = 20 cm | bl1 | body length less than 20 cm |
Fish | body length (cm) | > = 39 cm | bl3 | body length more than 39 cm |
Fish | catchment region | Adriatic Sea | AdSe | Adriatic Sea |
Fish | catchment region | Aegean Sea | AeSe | Aegean Sea |
Fish | catchment region | alien | a | species not native to the catchment |
Fish | catchment region | Anglian Coast | AnCo | Anglian Coast |
Fish | catchment region | Baltic Sea | BaSe | Baltic Sea |
Fish | catchment region | Bay of Biscay | BaBi | Bay of Biscay |
Fish | catchment region | Black Sea | BlSe | Black Sea |
Fish | catchment region | Bristol Channel | BrCh | Bristol Channel |
Fish | catchment region | Danube | Danu | Danube |
Fish | catchment region | Douro | Dour | Douro |
Fish | catchment region | Ebro | Ebro | Ebro |
Fish | catchment region | Elbe | Elbe | Elbe |
Fish | catchment region | English Channel ER 13 | EC13 | English Channel ER 13 |
Fish | catchment region | English Channel ER 18 | EC18 | English Channel ER 18 |
Fish | catchment region | Garonne | Garo | Garonne |
Fish | catchment region | Great Ouse | GrOu | Great Ouse |
Fish | catchment region | Guadalquivir | Guqu | Guadalquivir |
Fish | catchment region | Guadiana | Guad | Guadiana |
Fish | catchment region | Gulf of Riga | GuRi | Gulf of Riga |
Fish | catchment region | Ionian Sea | IoSe | Ionian Sea |
Fish | catchment region | Irish Sea | IrSe | Irish Sea |
Fish | catchment region | Kattegatt Sound | KaSo | Kattegatt Sound |
Fish | catchment region | Loire | Loir | Loire |
Fish | catchment region | Mediterranean Sea WB | MeSe | Mediterranean Sea WB |
Fish | catchment region | Mediterranean Sea WB North Pyrenees | MSNP | Mediterranean Sea WB North Pyrenees |
Fish | catchment region | Medway | Medw | Medway |
Fish | catchment region | Mersey | Mers | Mersey |
Fish | catchment region | Meuse | Meus | Meuse |
Fish | catchment region | native | n | species belongs to the catchment |
Fish | catchment region | NE Atlantic Ocean | NEAO | NE Atlantic Ocean |
Fish | catchment region | Nemunas | Nemu | Nemunas |
Fish | catchment region | North Atlantic Ocean | NoAO | North Atlantic Ocean |
Fish | catchment region | North Sea | NoSe | North Sea |
Fish | catchment region | Odra | Odra | Odra |
Fish | catchment region | Rhine | Rhin | Rhine |
Fish | catchment region | Rhone | Rhon | Rhone |
Fish | catchment region | Seine | Sein | Seine |
Fish | catchment region | Severn | Seve | Severn |
Fish | catchment region | Skagerrak | Skag | Skagerrak |
Fish | catchment region | Strait of Gibraltar | StGi | Strait of Gibraltar |
Fish | catchment region | Tagus | Tagu | Tagus |
Fish | catchment region | Tees | Tees | Tees |
Fish | catchment region | Thames | Tham | Thames |
Fish | catchment region | Trent | Tren | Trent |
Fish | catchment region | Tyrrhennian Sea | TySe | Tyrrhennian Sea |
Fish | catchment region | Wisla | Wisl | Wisla |
Fish | catchment region | Yorkshire Ouse | YoOu | Yorkshire Ouse |
Fish | climate change affected species according to (caf) | |||
Fish | egg diameter (mm) | 1.35 - 2 | ed2 | egg diameter between 1.35 and 2 mm (egg diameter 2) |
Fish | egg diameter (mm) | < 1.35 | ed1 | egg diameter less than 1.35 mm (egg diameter 1) |
Fish | egg diameter (mm) | > 2 | ed3 | egg diameter more than 2 mm (egg diameter 3) |
Fish | feeding diet (adult) | detritivorous | detri | adult diet consists of high proportion of detritus; the digestive tract is unspecialised |
Fish | feeding diet (adult) | invertivorous | invert | adult diet consists of more than 75 % insects; individuals have terminal or supraterminal mouth, take aerial, drifting or swimming insects and invertebrates |
Fish | feeding diet (adult) | omnivorous | omni | adult diet consists of more than 25 % plant material and more than 25 % animal material; generalists |
Fish | feeding diet (adult) | parasitic | parasit | fish that exhibit a parasitic feeding mode |
Fish | feeding diet (adult) | phytovorous | phyto | adult diet consists of more than 75 % plant material; fish have terminal or subterminal mouth with bony slashing jaw for clipping and tearing aquatic vegetation; often the digestive tract is as long or longer than the total length of the individual |
Fish | feeding diet (adult) | piscivorous | pisci | adult diet consist of more than 75 % other fish; individuals have a wide mouth aperture with needle-like teeth and a strong jaw with marginal and palatal bones; they pursue a prey by stalking, chasing, ambushing or lying-in-wait approach |
Fish | feeding diet (adult) | planktivorous | plankt | adult diet consists of more than 75% zooplankton and/or phytoplankton; fish having fine gill-rakers and elongated pharyngal teeth; they have no stomach but an elongated, undifferentiated intestine |
Fish | feeding habitat | benthic | ben | fish prefer to live near the bottom from where they take food; they usually do not go to the surface for feeding purpose |
Fish | feeding habitat | water column | wc | fish that feed in the water column; they usually do not go to the bottom to search for food |
Fish | female maturity (years) | 2 - 3 | ma2 | females mature for the first time between 2 and 3 years (maturity 2) |
Fish | female maturity (years) | 3 - 4 | ma3 | females mature for the first time between 3 and 4 years (maturity 3) |
Fish | female maturity (years) | 4 - 5 | ma4 | females mature for the first time between 4 and 5 years (maturity 4) |
Fish | female maturity (years) | < = 2 | ma1 | females mature for the first time before or equal 2 years (maturity 1) |
Fish | female maturity (years) | > = 5 | ma5 | females mature for the first time after 5 years (maturity 5) |
Fish | fish region (fiBS) | epipotamal | ep | barbel region |
Fish | fish region (fiBS) | epirhithral | er | upper-trout region |
Fish | fish region (fiBS) | FRI | FRI | species-specific fish region index |
Fish | fish region (fiBS) | hypopotamal | hp | brackish water region |
Fish | fish region (fiBS) | hyporhithral | hr | grayling region |
Fish | fish region (fiBS) | metapotamal | mp | bream region |
Fish | fish region (fiBS) | metarhithral | mr | lower-trout region |
Fish | fish region (fiBS) | S2-FRI | S2-FRI | species-specific fish region variance |
Fish | fish region index | fish region index | ||
Fish | habitat | benthopelagic | ben | species living and feeding near the bottom as well as midwaters or near the water surface |
Fish | habitat | demersal | dem | species living and feeding near the bottom |
Fish | habitat | pelagic | pel | species living and feeding in the pelagic/free water zone |
Fish | habitat (fiBS) | indifferent | in | no clear current velocity preferences |
Fish | habitat (fiBS) | rheophilous | rheo | fish prefer to live in a habitat with high flow conditions |
Fish | habitat (fiBS) | stagnophilous | stagno | fish prefer to live in a habitat with low or standing flow conditions |
Fish | habitat degradation tolerance | intermediate | im | intermediately tolerant to habitat degradation |
Fish | habitat degradation tolerance | intolerant | intol | intolerant to habitat degradation |
Fish | habitat degradation tolerance | tolerant | tol | tolerant to habitat degradation |
Fish | HD threat | II | II | Annex II |
Fish | HD threat | V | V | Annex V |
Fish | incubation period (days) | 7 - 14 | ip2 | incubation time is between 7 and 14 days (incubation period 2) |
Fish | incubation period (days) | < = 7 | ip1 | incubation time is less than or equal 7 days (incubation period 1) |
Fish | incubation period (days) | > 14 | ip3 | incubation time is more than 14 days (incubation period 3) |
Fish | larval length (cm) | 4.2 - 6.3 | ll2 | length of larval fish between 4.2 and 6.3 cm (larval length 2) |
Fish | larval length (cm) | < = 4.2 | ll1 | length of larval fish less than or equal 4.2 cm (larval length 1) |
Fish | larval length (cm) | > 6.3 | ll3 | length of larval fish more than 6.3 cm (larval length 3) |
Fish | larval stage duration (days) | 12 - 25 | ld2 | larval stage between 12 and 25 days (larval duration 2) |
Fish | larval stage duration (days) | < 12 | ld1 | larval stage less than 12 days (larval duration 1) |
Fish | larval stage duration (days) | > 25 | ld3 | larval stage more than 25 days (larval duration 3) |
Fish | life span (years) | 8 -15 years | ls2 | life span between 8 to 15 years (life span 2) |
Fish | life span (years) | < 8 years | ls1 | life span less than 8 years (life span 1) |
Fish | life span (years) | > 15 years | ls3 | life span longer than 15 years (life span 3) |
Fish | migration | diadromous | dia | migratory fish species; parts of the life cycle are spent in fresh and salt water |
Fish | migration | no migration | nom | species with no migration movements |
Fish | migration | oceanodromous | oce | migratory fish species; whole life cycle is spent in salt water |
Fish | migration | potamodromous | pot | migratory fish species; whole life cycle is spent in freshwaters |
Fish | migration (fiBS) | anadromous | ana | brackish water or marine fish that ascend rivers to spawn |
Fish | migration (fiBS) | catadromous | cata | freshwater fish that move the sea to spawn |
Fish | migration (fiBS) | long | long | long distance movements |
Fish | migration (fiBS) | medium | medium | medium distance movements |
Fish | migration (fiBS) | potamodromous | potamo | species that migrate only in freshwaters |
Fish | migration (fiBS) | short | short | short distance movements only |
Fish | oxygen tolerance | intermediate | im | relatively tolerant to low oxygen concentration |
Fish | oxygen tolerance | intolerant | intol | intolerant to low oxygen concentration: more than 6 mg/l needed |
Fish | oxygen tolerance | tolerant | tol | tolerant to low oxygen concentration: 3 mg/l or less |
Fish | parental care | no protection | no | no protection of eggs or larvae (no parental care) |
Fish | parental care | protection | prot | protection of eggs and/or larvae, often including some form of parental care (nest or eggs hidden in any manner) |
Fish | relative fecundity (no. oocytes/g) | 57 - 200 | fr2 | relative fecundity between 57 and 200 (fecundity relation 2) |
Fish | relative fecundity (no. oocytes/g) | < = 57 | fr1 | relative fecundity less than or equal 57 (fecundity relation 1) |
Fish | relative fecundity (no. oocytes/g) | > 200 | fr3 | relative fecundity more than 200 (fecundity relation 3) |
Fish | reproduction (fiBS) | litho-pelagophilic | litho-pelagophilic | stone and gravel spawners or pelagic spawners |
Fish | reproduction (fiBS) | lithophilic | lithophilic | stone and gravel spawners |
Fish | reproduction (fiBS) | marine | marine | marine spawning |
Fish | reproduction (fiBS) | ostracophilic | ostracophilic | spawning in shells of molluscs |
Fish | reproduction (fiBS) | pelagophilic | pelagophilic | spawning in the pelagic zone |
Fish | reproduction (fiBS) | phyto-lithophilic | phyto-lithophilic | spawning in submerged plants or stone and gravel spawners |
Fish | reproduction (fiBS) | phytophilic | phytophilic | spawning in submerged plants |
Fish | reproduction (fiBS) | psammophilic | psammophilic | sand spawners |
Fish | reproduction (fiBS) | speleophilic | speleophilic | spawning in crevices or caves |
Fish | reproduction habitat | ariadnophilic | ariad | specialised nest building fish that may exhibit some form of parental care |
Fish | reproduction habitat | litho-pelagophilic | lthpel | eggs are released at the surface of hard structures (stones, gravel) and drift suspended in the current |
Fish | reproduction habitat | lithophilic | lith | spawning exclusively on gravel, rocks, stones, rubbles or pebbles; hatchlings are photophobic |
Fish | reproduction habitat | ostracophilic | ostra | eggs are deposited into the gill cavity of living mussels using a laying tube |
Fish | reproduction habitat | pelagophilic | pel | eggs are released into the free water body and float |
Fish | reproduction habitat | phyto-lithophilic | phylith | fish deposit eggs in clear water habitats on submerged plants or on other submerged items such as logs, gravel and rocks; larvae are photophobic |
Fish | reproduction habitat | phytophilic | phy | fish deposit eggs in clear water habitats on submerged plants |
Fish | reproduction habitat | polyphilic | poly | non-specialised spawners |
Fish | reproduction habitat | psamnmophilic | psam | fish spawn on roots or grass above sandy bottom or on the sand itself |
Fish | reproduction habitat | speleophilic | spel | eggs are deposited in existing or newly created burrows, where brood care is performed |
Fish | reproduction habitat | viviparous | vivi | live bearers |
Fish | reproductive behaviour | fractional | fra | fractional spawners: spawning events either repeated in a season or different components of the population spawn at different times |
Fish | reproductive behaviour | protracted | pro | protracted spawners: spawning occurs over a long period during the potential season |
Fish | reproductive behaviour | single | sin | spawing event at only one time in the season |
Fish | rheophily (habitat) | eurytopic | eury | fish that exhibit a wide tolerance of flow conditions, although generally not considered to be rheophilic |
Fish | rheophily (habitat) | limnophilic | limno | fish prefer to live in a habitat with slow flowing to stagnant conditions |
Fish | rheophily (habitat) | rheophilic | rheo | fish prefer to live in a habitat with high flow conditions and clear water |
Fish | rheophily (habitat) | rheophilic A | rheo A | fish prefer to live in a habitat with very high flow conditions and clear water |
Fish | rheophily (habitat) | rheophilic B | rheo B | fish prefer to live in a habitat with moderate flow conditions and clear water (close to eurytopic) |
Fish | salinity | brackish-marine | brm | brackish to marine waters |
Fish | salinity | freshwater | fre | fresh waters |
Fish | salinity | freshwater-brackish | fbr | fresh to brackish waters |
Fish | salinity | freshwater-brackish-marine | fbm | fresh to brackish to marine waters |
Fish | salinity | freshwater-marine | fma | fresh to marine waters |
Fish | shape factor | 4.35 - 4.78 | sh2 | ratio is between 4.35 and 4.78 (shape factor 2) |
Fish | shape factor | 4.78 - 5.6 | sh3 | ratio is between 4.78 and 5.6 (shape factor 3) |
Fish | shape factor | < = 4.35 | sh1 | ratio is less than or equal 4.35 (shape factor 1) |
Fish | shape factor | > = 5.6 | sh4 | ratio is more than 5.6 (shape factor 4) |
Fish | spawning habitat | euryoparous | eury | no clear spawning habitat preferences |
Fish | spawning habitat | limnoparous | limno | preference to spawn in stagnant waters |
Fish | spawning habitat | rheoparous | rheo | preference to spawn in running waters |
Fish | spawning time | summer spawner | st2 | fish spwan during summer time (spawning time 2) |
Fish | spawning time | winter spawner | st1 | fish spwan during winter time (spawning time 1) |
Fish | swimming factor | 0.38 - 0.43 | sw2 | ratio is between 0.38 and 0.43 (swimming factor 2) |
Fish | swimming factor | < = 0.38 | sw1 | ratio is less than or equal 0.38 (swimming factor 1) |
Fish | swimming factor | > 0.43 | sw3 | ratio is more than 0.43 (swimming factor 3) |
Fish | temperature tolerance | eurythermal | eury | fish capable of withstanding a wide range of temperature |
Fish | temperature tolerance | stenothermal | steno | fish capable to withstand only a narrow temperature range |
Fish | threat Austria | critically endangered | CR | critically endangered |
Fish | threat Austria | endangered | EN | endangered |
Fish | threat Austria | least concern | LC | least concern |
Fish | threat Austria | near threatened | NT | near threatened |
Fish | threat Austria | not evaluated | NE | not evaluated |
Fish | threat Austria | regionally extinct | RE | regionally extinct |
Fish | threat Austria | vulnerable | VU | vulnerable |
Fish | toxicity tolerance | intermediate | im | intermediately tolerant to toxic contamination |
Fish | toxicity tolerance | intolerant | intol | intolerant to toxic contamination |
Fish | toxicity tolerance | tolerant | tol | tolerant to toxic contamination |
Fish | trophy (fiBS) | filter feeder | filter feeder | food consits of filtered organisms and particles |
Fish | trophy (fiBS) | herbivorous | herbivorous | food consists of plants |
Fish | trophy (fiBS) | inverti-piscivorous | inverti-piscivorous | food consists of invertebrates |
Fish | trophy (fiBS) | invertivorous | invertivorous | food consists of invertebrates |
Fish | trophy (fiBS) | omnivorous | omnivorous | opportunistic feeders |
Fish | trophy (fiBS) | piscivorous | piscivorous | food consists of fish |
Fish | trophy (fiBS) | planktivorous | planktivorous | food consists of plankton |
Fish | water quality tolerance – general | intermediate | im | in general intermediately tolerant to usual water quality parameters |
Fish | water quality tolerance – general | intolerant | intol | in general intolerant to usual water quality parameters |
Fish | water quality tolerance – general | tolerant | tol | in general tolerant to usual water quality parameters |
Macro-invertebrates | acid class preference | 1 | 1 | continuously neutral (not acidic) |
Macro-invertebrates | acid class preference | 2 | 2 | predominantly neutral to episodically weakly acidic |
Macro-invertebrates | acid class preference | 3 | 3 | periodically critically acidic |
Macro-invertebrates | acid class preference | 4 | 4 | periodically very acidic |
Macro-invertebrates | acid class preference | 5 | 5 | permanently very acidic |
Macro-invertebrates | acid class preference | acid class | acid class | acid class |
Macro-invertebrates | altitude according to Tachet | alpine level | alp | > 2000 m |
Macro-invertebrates | altitude according to Tachet | lowlands | low | < 1000 m |
Macro-invertebrates | altitude according to Tachet | piedmont level | pie | 1000 - 2000 m |
Macro-invertebrates | altitude preference | alpine | alp | 2400 - 2900 m |
Macro-invertebrates | altitude preference | collin | col | 300 - 800 m (in low mountain ecoregions: 150 - 300 m) |
Macro-invertebrates | altitude preference | montane | mon | 1000 - 1900 m (in low mountain ecoregions: 450 - 1500 m) |
Macro-invertebrates | altitude preference | nival | niv | > 3100 m |
Macro-invertebrates | altitude preference | planar | pla | < 300 m (in low mountain ecoregions: < 150 m) |
Macro-invertebrates | altitude preference | subalpine | sal | 1900 - 2400 m (in low mountain ecoregions: > 1500 m) |
Macro-invertebrates | altitude preference | submontane | smo | 800 - 1000 m (in low mountain ecoregions: 300 - 450 m) |
Macro-invertebrates | altitude preference | subnival | sni | 2900 - 3100 m |
Macro-invertebrates | altitude preference (WFD) | 200 - 800 m | 28h | between 200 and 800 m sea level |
Macro-invertebrates | altitude preference (WFD) | < 200 m | l2h | below 200 m sea level |
Macro-invertebrates | altitude preference (WFD) | > 800 m | g8h | above 800 m sea level |
Macro-invertebrates | altitude preference (WFD) | maximum | max | maximum altitude |
Macro-invertebrates | altitude preference (WFD) | minimum | min | minimum altitude |
Macro-invertebrates | aquatic stages | adult | adu | quatic stage as adult |
Macro-invertebrates | aquatic stages | egg | egg | aquatic stage as egg |
Macro-invertebrates | aquatic stages | larva | lar | aquatic stage as larva |
Macro-invertebrates | aquatic stages | nymph | nym | aquatic stage as nymph |
Macro-invertebrates | aquatic stages | pupa | pup | aquatic stage as pupa |
Macro-invertebrates | aquatic stages according to Tachet | adult | adult | quatic stage as adult |
Macro-invertebrates | aquatic stages according to Tachet | egg | egg | aquatic stage as egg |
Macro-invertebrates | aquatic stages according to Tachet | larva | larva | aquatic stage as larva |
Macro-invertebrates | aquatic stages according to Tachet | nymph/pupa | nymph | aquatic stage as nymph/pupa |
Macro-invertebrates | climate change affected species according to (caf) | spring region | ||
Macro-invertebrates | climate change vulnerability score (CCVS) | 0 | 0 | invulnerable |
Macro-invertebrates | climate change vulnerability score (CCVS) | 1 | 1 | |
Macro-invertebrates | climate change vulnerability score (CCVS) | 2 | 2 | |
Macro-invertebrates | climate change vulnerability score (CCVS) | 3 | 3 | |
Macro-invertebrates | climate change vulnerability score (CCVS) | 4 | 4 | |
Macro-invertebrates | climate change vulnerability score (CCVS) | 5 | 5 | |
Macro-invertebrates | climate change vulnerability score (CCVS) | 6 | 6 | highly vulnerable |
Macro-invertebrates | climate change vulnerability score (CCVS) | climate change vulnerability score | CCVS | value indicating the vulnerability to climate change |
Macro-invertebrates | current preference | indifferent | ind | no preference for a certain current velocity |
Macro-invertebrates | current preference | limno- to rheophil | lrp | preferably occurring in standing waters, but regularly occurring in slowly flowing streams |
Macro-invertebrates | current preference | limnobiont | lib | occurring only in standing waters |
Macro-invertebrates | current preference | limnophil | lip | preferably occurring in standing waters; avoids current; rarely found in slowly flowing streams |
Macro-invertebrates | current preference | rheo- to limnophil | rlp | usually found in streams; prefers slowly flowing streams and lentic zones; also found in standing waters |
Macro-invertebrates | current preference | rheobiont | rhb | occurring in streams; bound to zones with high current |
Macro-invertebrates | current preference | rheophil | rhp | occurring in streams; prefers zones with moderate to high current |
Macro-invertebrates | current velocity (preferendum) according to Tachet | < 5 cm/s | ||
Macro-invertebrates | current velocity (preferendum) according to Tachet | fast | fast | > 50 cm/s |
Macro-invertebrates | current velocity (preferendum) according to Tachet | medium | medium | 25 - 50 cm/s |
Macro-invertebrates | current velocity (preferendum) according to Tachet | slow | slow | 5 - 25cm/s |
Macro-invertebrates | development: holo-/hemimetabolic | hemimetabolic | hemi | species with an incomplete metamorphosis |
Macro-invertebrates | development: holo-/hemimetabolic | holometabolic | holo | species with a complete metamorphosis |
Macro-invertebrates | disjunct isolated populations | dip | dip | spring region |
Macro-invertebrates | disjunct isolated populations | ecoregion | dip_er | ecoregion, in which the isolated populations appear |
Macro-invertebrates | dispersal according to Tachet | aerial active | aerial active | spread actively via air (e.g. activelyy flying) |
Macro-invertebrates | dispersal according to Tachet | aerial passive | aerial passive | spread passive via air (e.g. through wind or animals) |
Macro-invertebrates | dispersal according to Tachet | aquatic active | aquatic active | spread active in water (e.g. swimming) |
Macro-invertebrates | dispersal according to Tachet | aquatic passive | aquatic passive | spread passive in water (e.g. drift) |
Macro-invertebrates | dispersal capacity | high | hig | high dispersal capacity |
Macro-invertebrates | dispersal capacity | low | low | low dispersal capacity |
Macro-invertebrates | dispersal capacity | medium | med | spring region |
Macro-invertebrates | dispersal capacity | unknown | unk | unknown dispersal capacity |
Macro-invertebrates | dispersal strategy | aerial active | aea | spread actively via air (e.g. activelyy flying) |
Macro-invertebrates | dispersal strategy | aerial passive | aep | spread passive via air (e.g. through wind or animals) |
Macro-invertebrates | dispersal strategy | aquatic active | aqa | spread active in water (e.g. swimming) |
Macro-invertebrates | dispersal strategy | aquatic passive | aqp | spread passive in water (e.g. drift) |
Macro-invertebrates | dispersal strategy | doubtful | d | |
Macro-invertebrates | drought indication | intermittent: strong indicator | int_str | strong indicator for intermittent flow conditions |
Macro-invertebrates | drought indication | intermittent: weak indicator | int_wea | weak indicator for intermittent flow conditions |
Macro-invertebrates | duration emergence period | long | lon | flight period approximately longer than 2 months |
Macro-invertebrates | duration emergence period | short | sho | flight period approximately shorter than 2 months |
Macro-invertebrates | ecoregional distribution (sensu Illies) | Alps | ER4 | |
Macro-invertebrates | ecoregional distribution (sensu Illies) | Baltic Province | ER15 | |
Macro-invertebrates | ecoregional distribution (sensu Illies) | Borealic Uplands | ER20 | |
Macro-invertebrates | ecoregional distribution (sensu Illies) | Caspic Depression | ER25 | |
Macro-invertebrates | ecoregional distribution (sensu Illies) | Central Highlands | ER9 | |
Macro-invertebrates | ecoregional distribution (sensu Illies) | Central Plains | ER14 | |
Macro-invertebrates | ecoregional distribution (sensu Illies) | Dinaric Western Balkan | ER5 | |
Macro-invertebrates | ecoregional distribution (sensu Illies) | Eastern Balkan | ER7 | |
Macro-invertebrates | ecoregional distribution (sensu Illies) | Eastern Plains | ER16 | |
Macro-invertebrates | ecoregional distribution (sensu Illies) | Fenno-Scandian Shield | ER22 | |
Macro-invertebrates | ecoregional distribution (sensu Illies) | Great Britain | ER18 | |
Macro-invertebrates | ecoregional distribution (sensu Illies) | Hellenic Western Balkan | ER6 | |
Macro-invertebrates | ecoregional distribution (sensu Illies) | Hungarian Lowlands | ER11 | |
Macro-invertebrates | ecoregional distribution (sensu Illies) | Iberic-Macaronesian Region | ER1 | |
Macro-invertebrates | ecoregional distribution (sensu Illies) | Iceland | ER19 | |
Macro-invertebrates | ecoregional distribution (sensu Illies) | Ireland and Northern Ireland | ER17 | |
Macro-invertebrates | ecoregional distribution (sensu Illies) | Italy, Corsica and Malta | ER3 | |
Macro-invertebrates | ecoregional distribution (sensu Illies) | Middle East | ERY | |
Macro-invertebrates | ecoregional distribution (sensu Illies) | North Africa | ERX | |
Macro-invertebrates | ecoregional distribution (sensu Illies) | Pontic Province | ER12 | |
Macro-invertebrates | ecoregional distribution (sensu Illies) | Pyrenees | ER2 | |
Macro-invertebrates | ecoregional distribution (sensu Illies) | Taiga | ER23 | |
Macro-invertebrates | ecoregional distribution (sensu Illies) | The Carpathians | ER10 | |
Macro-invertebrates | ecoregional distribution (sensu Illies) | The Caucasus | ER24 | |
Macro-invertebrates | ecoregional distribution (sensu Illies) | Tundra | ER21 | |
Macro-invertebrates | ecoregional distribution (sensu Illies) | Western Highlands | ER8 | |
Macro-invertebrates | ecoregional distribution (sensu Illies) | Western Plains | ER13 | |
Macro-invertebrates | emergence/flight period | autumn | aut | emerging mainly in autumn |
Macro-invertebrates | emergence/flight period | spring | spr | emerging mainly in spring |
Macro-invertebrates | emergence/flight period | summer | sum | emerging mainly in summer |
Macro-invertebrates | emergence/flight period | winter | win | emerging mainly in winter |
Macro-invertebrates | endemism | ecoregion number | er | number of the ecoregion, in which the taxon occurs |
Macro-invertebrates | endemism | ecoregion-endemism | ls | large-scale endemism |
Macro-invertebrates | endemism | micro-endemism | mic | micro-endemism |
Macro-invertebrates | fauna index Germany | Type 1.1 | FI011 | Streams of the Limestone Alps |
Macro-invertebrates | fauna index Germany | Type 1.2 | FI012 | Small rivers of the Limestone Alps |
Macro-invertebrates | fauna index Germany | Type 11/12 | FI11_12 | Organic streams and rivers |
Macro-invertebrates | fauna index Germany | Type 14/16 | FI14_16 | Sand and gravel dominated lowland streams |
Macro-invertebrates | fauna index Germany | Type 15/17 | FI15_17 | Sand, clay and gravel dominated lowland rivers |
Macro-invertebrates | fauna index Germany | Type 15_large | FI152 | Large sand and clay dominated lowland rivers |
Macro-invertebrates | fauna index Germany | Type 19 | FI19 | Small lowland streams in stream valleys |
Macro-invertebrates | fauna index Germany | Type 2.1 | FI021 | Streams of the Alpine foothills |
Macro-invertebrates | fauna index Germany | Type 2.2 | FI022 | Small rivers of the Alpine foothills |
Macro-invertebrates | fauna index Germany | Type 3.1 | FI031 | Streams of the top moraine of the Alpine foothills |
Macro-invertebrates | fauna index Germany | Type 3.2 | FI032 | Small rivers of the top moraine of the Alpine foothills |
Macro-invertebrates | fauna index Germany | Type 4 | FI04 | Large rivers of the Alpine foothills |
Macro-invertebrates | fauna index Germany | Type 5 | FI05 | Siliceous, coarse material rich upland streams |
Macro-invertebrates | fauna index Germany | Type 9 | FI09 | Siliceous, fine to coarse material rich upland rivers |
Macro-invertebrates | fauna index Germany | Type 9.1 | FI091 | Carbonate, fine to coarse material rich upland rivers |
Macro-invertebrates | fauna index Germany | Type 9.1 Keuper | FI091_K | Siliceous, fine to coarse material rich upland rivers - Keuper waters |
Macro-invertebrates | fauna index Germany | Type 9.2 | FI092 | Large rivers of the uplands |
Macro-invertebrates | feeding habits according to Tachet | absorbers | abs | feed through direct uptake of macromolecules from the environment |
Macro-invertebrates | feeding habits according to Tachet | deposit feeders | dpf | feed on small organic debris |
Macro-invertebrates | feeding habits according to Tachet | filter-feeders | fif | feed on suspended material |
Macro-invertebrates | feeding habits according to Tachet | parasites | par | feed on host |
Macro-invertebrates | feeding habits according to Tachet | piercers (plants or animals) | pie | feed through piercing plants or animals |
Macro-invertebrates | feeding habits according to Tachet | predators (carvers/engulfers/swallowers) | pre | feed on prey |
Macro-invertebrates | feeding habits according to Tachet | scrapers | scr | feed through grazing fine organic particles, microphytes and microinvertebrates of the periphyton and/or the perilithon |
Macro-invertebrates | feeding habits according to Tachet | shredders | shr | feed on coarse detritus, plant or animal material |
Macro-invertebrates | feeding type | active filter feeders | aff | feed on suspended FPOM, CPOM; micro prey is whirled; food is actively filtered from the water column |
Macro-invertebrates | feeding type | gatherers/collectors | gat | feed on sedimented FPOM |
Macro-invertebrates | feeding type | grazers/scrapers | gra | feed on endolithic and epilithic algal tissues, biofilm, partially POM, partially tissues of living plants |
Macro-invertebrates | feeding type | miners | min | feed on leaves of aquatic plants, algae and cells of aquatic plants |
Macro-invertebrates | feeding type | other feeding types | oth | use other food sources not meeting the above categories |
Macro-invertebrates | feeding type | parasites | par | feed on host |
Macro-invertebrates | feeding type | passive filter feeders | pff | feed on suspended FPOM, CPOM, prey; food is filtered from running water, e.g., by nets or specialised mouthparts |
Macro-invertebrates | feeding type | predators | pre | feed on prey |
Macro-invertebrates | feeding type | shredders | shr | feed on fallen leaves, plant tissue, CPOM |
Macro-invertebrates | feeding type | xylophagous taxa | xyl | feed on woody debris |
Macro-invertebrates | food according to Tachet | dead animals (> 1 mm) | dag1 | dead animals > 1mm |
Macro-invertebrates | food according to Tachet | dead plants (>= 1 mm) | dpg1 | dead plants > 1 mm |
Macro-invertebrates | food according to Tachet | detritus (< 1 mm) | detl1 | fine detritus |
Macro-invertebrates | food according to Tachet | living macroinvertebrates | lmac | living macroinvertebrates |
Macro-invertebrates | food according to Tachet | living macrophytes | lima | living macrophytes, e.g. filamentous algae, bryophytes, Dycotyledones |
Macro-invertebrates | food according to Tachet | living microinvertebrates | lmic | living microinvertebrates, e.g. meiofaunal crustaceans |
Macro-invertebrates | food according to Tachet | living microphytes | limi | living microphytes, e.g. diatoms, hyphomycetes |
Macro-invertebrates | food according to Tachet | microorganisms | mior | organic material with fine sediment and microorganisms |
Macro-invertebrates | food according to Tachet | vertebrates | vert | vertebrates, e.g. fish eggs or larvae |
Macro-invertebrates | forewing length | length of female anterior wing - max [mm] | female max | length of the forewing in females; maximum value [mm] |
Macro-invertebrates | forewing length | length of female anterior wing - min [mm] | female min | length of the forewing in females; minimum va [mm] |
Macro-invertebrates | forewing length | length of male anterior wing - max [mm] | male max | length of the forewing in males; maximum value [mm] |
Macro-invertebrates | forewing length | length of male anterior wing - min [mm] | male min | length of the forewing in males; minimum value [mm] |
Macro-invertebrates | groundwater influence | 1 | gwe | species indicates groundwater influence |
Macro-invertebrates | habitat specialist | habitat specialist | has | specialist on a certain habitat |
Macro-invertebrates | indicator species for | drought resistence | drr | indicator for drought resistence strategies |
Macro-invertebrates | indicator species for | hydrological regime | hyr | indicator for specific hydrological conditions |
Macro-invertebrates | indicator species for | oth-sp | oth-sp | specification for category "others" |
Macro-invertebrates | indicator species for | others | oth | indicator for other situations |
Macro-invertebrates | indicator species for | thermal regime | thr | indicator for specific thermal conditions |
Macro-invertebrates | lake outlet index | |||
Macro-invertebrates | lake outlet index | 1 | 1 | taxon with low preference for lake outlets |
Macro-invertebrates | lake outlet index | 2 | 2 | |
Macro-invertebrates | lake outlet index | 3 | 3 | taxon with medium preference for lake outlets |
Macro-invertebrates | lake outlet index | 4 | 4 | |
Macro-invertebrates | lake outlet index | 5 | 5 | taxon with high preference for lake outlets |
Macro-invertebrates | lake outlet index | index | index | index |
Macro-invertebrates | lake outlet index | weight | weight | weight |
Macro-invertebrates | larval development cycle | all year | aly | larval development all year |
Macro-invertebrates | larval development cycle | autumn | aut | larval development mainly in autumn |
Macro-invertebrates | larval development cycle | spring | spr | larval development mainly in spring |
Macro-invertebrates | larval development cycle | summer | sum | larval development mainly in summer |
Macro-invertebrates | larval development cycle | winter | win | larval development mainly in winter |
Macro-invertebrates | lateral connectivity preference | eupotamon | eup | main channel and connected side arms |
Macro-invertebrates | lateral connectivity preference | habitat value | HV | habitat value |
Macro-invertebrates | lateral connectivity preference | indicator weight | IW | indicator weight |
Macro-invertebrates | lateral connectivity preference | palaeopotamon (including pools, ponds) | pap | no connectivity with the main channel at mean water levels; coverage by macrophytes exceeds 20% |
Macro-invertebrates | lateral connectivity preference | parapotamon | prp | side arms connected only at the downstream end at mean water levels |
Macro-invertebrates | lateral connectivity preference | plesiopotamon (including lakes) | plp | no connectivity with the main channel at mean water levels; coverage by macrophytes does not exceed 20%; lakes included |
Macro-invertebrates | lateral connectivity preference | temporary streams | stream | occurring in temporary streams |
Macro-invertebrates | lateral connectivity preference | temporary water bodies | tmp | temporary pools, water level primarily dependent on ground water levels |
Macro-invertebrates | life cycle duration according to Tachet | <= 1 year | <= 1 year | life duration up to one year |
Macro-invertebrates | life cycle duration according to Tachet | > 1 year | > 1 year | life duration longer than one year |
Macro-invertebrates | life duration | <= 1 year | l1y | life duration up to one year |
Macro-invertebrates | life duration | > 1 year | g1y | life duration longer than one year |
Macro-invertebrates | life duration (Odonata) | |||
Macro-invertebrates | life duration (Odonata) | <= 1 year | l1y | life duration up to one year |
Macro-invertebrates | life duration (Odonata) | > 1 year | g1y | life duration longer than one year |
Macro-invertebrates | locomotion and substrate relation according to Tachet | burrower (epibenthic) | bur | burrowing within the first centimetres of the benthic sediment |
Macro-invertebrates | locomotion and substrate relation according to Tachet | crawler | crw | crawling over the bottom substrate |
Macro-invertebrates | locomotion and substrate relation according to Tachet | flier | flr | actively flying as well as passively flying (i.e. passively dispersed by birds) |
Macro-invertebrates | locomotion and substrate relation according to Tachet | full water swimmer | wsw | swimming in open water |
Macro-invertebrates | locomotion and substrate relation according to Tachet | interstitial (endobenthic) | int | living in the interstitial |
Macro-invertebrates | locomotion and substrate relation according to Tachet | permanently attached | pat | permanently attached to hard substrates or plants |
Macro-invertebrates | locomotion and substrate relation according to Tachet | surface swimmer | ssw | swimming on the water surface |
Macro-invertebrates | locomotion and substrate relation according to Tachet | temporarily attached | tat | temporarely attached to hard substrates or plants |
Macro-invertebrates | locomotion type | (semi)sessil | ses | tightening to hard substrates, plants or other animals |
Macro-invertebrates | locomotion type | burrowing/boring | bub | burrowing in soft substrates or boring in hard substrates |
Macro-invertebrates | locomotion type | other locomotion type | oth | other locomotion type like flying or jumping (mainly outside the water) |
Macro-invertebrates | locomotion type | sprawling/walking | spw | sprawling or walking actively with legs, pseudopods or on a mucus |
Macro-invertebrates | locomotion type | swimming/diving | swd | swimming or active diving |
Macro-invertebrates | locomotion type | swimming/skating | sws | floating in lakes or drifting in rivers passively |
Macro-invertebrates | longitudinal distribution according to Tachet | crenon | cr | spring region |
Macro-invertebrates | longitudinal distribution according to Tachet | epipotamon | ep | barbel region |
Macro-invertebrates | longitudinal distribution according to Tachet | epirithron | er | upper-trout region |
Macro-invertebrates | longitudinal distribution according to Tachet | estuary | est | brackish water region |
Macro-invertebrates | longitudinal distribution according to Tachet | hyporithron | hr | grayling region |
Macro-invertebrates | longitudinal distribution according to Tachet | metapotamon | mp | bream region |
Macro-invertebrates | longitudinal distribution according to Tachet | metarithron | mr | lower-trout region |
Macro-invertebrates | longitudinal distribution according to Tachet | outside river system | out | outside river system |
Macro-invertebrates | maximal potential size according to Tachet | <= 0.25 cm | <= 0.25 cm | <= 0.25 cm |
Macro-invertebrates | maximal potential size according to Tachet | > 0.25 - 0.5 cm | > 0.25 - 0.5 cm | > 0.25 - 0.5 cm |
Macro-invertebrates | maximal potential size according to Tachet | > 0.5 - 1 cm | > 0.5 - 1 cm | > 0.5 - 1 cm |
Macro-invertebrates | maximal potential size according to Tachet | > 1 - 2 cm | > 1 - 2 cm | > 1 - 2 cm |
Macro-invertebrates | maximal potential size according to Tachet | > 2 - 4 cm | > 2 - 4 cm | > 2 - 4 cm |
Macro-invertebrates | maximal potential size according to Tachet | > 4 - 8 cm | > 4 - 8 cm | > 4 - 8 cm |
Macro-invertebrates | maximal potential size according to Tachet | > 8 cm | > 8 cm | > 8 cm |
Macro-invertebrates | microhabitat - vertical distribution | interstices | inter | living in the space netween the substrate particles below the surface |
Macro-invertebrates | microhabitat - vertical distribution | surface | surf | living on the surface of the substrate |
Macro-invertebrates | microhabitat/substrate preference (13 categories) | akal | aka | fine to medium-sized gravel (grain size 0.2-2 cm) |
Macro-invertebrates | microhabitat/substrate preference (13 categories) | algae | alg | micro- and macroalgae |
Macro-invertebrates | microhabitat/substrate preference (13 categories) | argyllal | arg | silt, loam, clay (grain size < 0.063 mm) |
Macro-invertebrates | microhabitat/substrate preference (13 categories) | hygropetric habitats | hpe | thin layers of water over bedrocks, waterfalls |
Macro-invertebrates | microhabitat/substrate preference (13 categories) | macro-/megalithal | mal | stones, boulders, bedrock (grain size > 20 cm) |
Macro-invertebrates | microhabitat/substrate preference (13 categories) | macrophytes | mph | macrophytes, mosses, Characeae, living parts of terrestrial plants |
Macro-invertebrates | microhabitat/substrate preference (13 categories) | madicol | mad | edge of water bodies, moist substrates |
Macro-invertebrates | microhabitat/substrate preference (13 categories) | micro-/mesolithal | mil | coarse gravel to hand-sized cobbles (grain size 2-20 cm) |
Macro-invertebrates | microhabitat/substrate preference (13 categories) | other substrates | oth | e.g., host of a parasite |
Macro-invertebrates | microhabitat/substrate preference (13 categories) | particulate organic matter | pom | coarse and fine particulate organic matter |
Macro-invertebrates | microhabitat/substrate preference (13 categories) | pelal | pel | mud (grain size < 0.063 mm) |
Macro-invertebrates | microhabitat/substrate preference (13 categories) | psammal | psa | sand (grain size 0.063-2 mm) |
Macro-invertebrates | microhabitat/substrate preference (13 categories) | woody debris | woo | woody debris, twigs, roots, logs (size > 10 cm) |
Macro-invertebrates | microhabitat/substrate preference (8 categories) | akal | aka | fine to medium-sized gravel (grain size 0.2 - 2 cm) |
Macro-invertebrates | microhabitat/substrate preference (8 categories) | argyllal | arg | silt, loam, clay (grain size < 0.063 mm) |
Macro-invertebrates | microhabitat/substrate preference (8 categories) | lithal | lit | coarse gravel, stones, cobbles, boulders, bedrock (grain size > 2 cm) |
Macro-invertebrates | microhabitat/substrate preference (8 categories) | other | oth | other substrates |
Macro-invertebrates | microhabitat/substrate preference (8 categories) | pelal | pel | mud (grain size < 0.063 mm) |
Macro-invertebrates | microhabitat/substrate preference (8 categories) | phytal | phy | algae, mosses, macrophytes |
Macro-invertebrates | microhabitat/substrate preference (8 categories) | pom | pom | coarse and fine particulate organic matter |
Macro-invertebrates | microhabitat/substrate preference (8 categories) | psammal | psa | sand (grain size 0.063 - 2 mm) |
Macro-invertebrates | migrant species (Odonata) | migrant species | migr | species with long-distance dispersal |
Macro-invertebrates | mode of life: holo-/merolimnic | hololimnic | holo | spending the entire life in the aquatic environement |
Macro-invertebrates | mode of life: holo-/merolimnic | merolimnic | mero | spending the adult stage in terrestrial environements |
Macro-invertebrates | occurrence in large quantities | occurrence in large quantities | oil | species occurring in large quantities |
Macro-invertebrates | pH (preferendum) according to Tachet | <= 4 | <= 4 | pH less than 4 |
Macro-invertebrates | pH (preferendum) according to Tachet | > 4 - 4.5 | > 4-4.5 | pH between 4 and 4.5 |
Macro-invertebrates | pH (preferendum) according to Tachet | > 4.5 - 5 | > 4.5-5 | pH between 4.5 and 5 |
Macro-invertebrates | pH (preferendum) according to Tachet | > 5 - 5.5 | > 5-5.5 | pH between 5 and 5.5 |
Macro-invertebrates | pH (preferendum) according to Tachet | > 5.5 - 6 | > 5.5-6 | pH between 5.5 and 6 |
Macro-invertebrates | pH (preferendum) according to Tachet | > 6 | > 6 | pH greater than 6 |
Macro-invertebrates | pH preference | acid | aci | pH < 7 |
Macro-invertebrates | pH preference | indifferent | ind | no specific preference |
Macro-invertebrates | pH preference | neutral to alkaline | neu | pH = 7 |
Macro-invertebrates | potamal preference (ECO-P) | 1 | 1 | taxon with no affinity to the potamal zone |
Macro-invertebrates | potamal preference (ECO-P) | 2 | 2 | taxon with low affinity to the potamal zone |
Macro-invertebrates | potamal preference (ECO-P) | 3 | 3 | taxon with medium affinity to the potamal zone |
Macro-invertebrates | potamal preference (ECO-P) | 4 | 4 | taxon with clear affinity to the potamal zone |
Macro-invertebrates | potamal preference (ECO-P) | 5 | 5 | taxon with high affinity to the potamal zone |
Macro-invertebrates | potamal preference (ECO-P) | Potamal preference | ECO-P | preference for the potamal zone |
Macro-invertebrates | potential number of cycles per year according to Tachet | 1 | 1 | one generation per year (monovoltine) |
Macro-invertebrates | potential number of cycles per year according to Tachet | < 1 | < 1 | life cycle lasts at least two years (semivoltine) |
Macro-invertebrates | potential number of cycles per year according to Tachet | > 1 | > 1 | more than two generations per year (polyvoltine) |
Macro-invertebrates | r- K-strategy | K-strategy | kst | species with low reproductive rate remaining at the limit of their capacity |
Macro-invertebrates | r- K-strategy | r-strategy | rst | species with high reproductive rate using existing resources beyond their available capacity |
Macro-invertebrates | rare species | ecoregion number | er | number of the ecoregion, in which the taxon is rare |
Macro-invertebrates | rare species | rare species | rasp | rare species |
Macro-invertebrates | reproduction | asexual | ase | reproduction without fertilisation |
Macro-invertebrates | reproduction | cemented isolated eggs | cie | separate eggs are laid down and fixed |
Macro-invertebrates | reproduction | clutches in vegetation | vec | groups of eggs are laid down in the vegetation |
Macro-invertebrates | reproduction | fixed clutches | fic | groups of eggs are laid down and fixed |
Macro-invertebrates | reproduction | free clutches | frc | groups of eggs are laid down in the water freely |
Macro-invertebrates | reproduction | free isolated eggs | fie | separate eggs are laid down in the water freely |
Macro-invertebrates | reproduction | ovovivipar | ovo | eggs remain within the mother's body until they hatch |
Macro-invertebrates | reproduction | parasitic | pas | reproduction within a host |
Macro-invertebrates | reproduction | terrestrial clutches | tec | groups of eggs are laid down in the riparian zone |
Macro-invertebrates | reproduction (Odonata) | asexual reproduction | asx | asexual reproduction |
Macro-invertebrates | reproduction (Odonata) | eggs attached to substrate | ets | eggs attached to substrate |
Macro-invertebrates | reproduction (Odonata) | eggs in open water | owa | eggs laid into open water |
Macro-invertebrates | reproduction (Odonata) | eggs in substrate | eis | eggs laid into the substrate |
Macro-invertebrates | reproduction (Odonata) | eggs inside plant tissue | ipl | eggs laid into open water |
Macro-invertebrates | reproduction (Odonata) | eggs into submerged soil or onto submerged rock | irs | eggs into submerged soil or onto submerged rock |
Macro-invertebrates | reproduction (Odonata) | eggs not attached to or in substrate | sub | eggs not attached to or in substrate |
Macro-invertebrates | reproduction (Odonata) | eggs on exposed soil or rock | ors | eggs on exposed soil or rock |
Macro-invertebrates | reproduction (Odonata) | eggs onto plant material | opl | eggs laid onto plant material |
Macro-invertebrates | reproduction according to Tachet | asexual reproduction | ase | reproduction without fertilisation |
Macro-invertebrates | reproduction according to Tachet | clutches, cemented or fixed | fic | groups of eggs are laid down and fixed |
Macro-invertebrates | reproduction according to Tachet | clutches, free | frc | groups of eggs are laid down in the water freely |
Macro-invertebrates | reproduction according to Tachet | clutches, in vegetation | vec | groups of eggs are laid down in the vegetation |
Macro-invertebrates | reproduction according to Tachet | clutches, terrestrial | tec | groups of eggs are laid down in the riparian zone |
Macro-invertebrates | reproduction according to Tachet | isolated eggs, cemented | cie | separate eggs are laid down and fixed |
Macro-invertebrates | reproduction according to Tachet | isolated eggs, free | fie | separate eggs are laid down in the water freely |
Macro-invertebrates | reproduction according to Tachet | ovoviviparity | ovo | eggs remain within the mother's body until they hatch |
Macro-invertebrates | reproductive life cycles per year | |||
Macro-invertebrates | reproductive life cycles per year | bivoltine | biv | two generations per year |
Macro-invertebrates | reproductive life cycles per year | flexible | flx | flexible number of life cycles per year |
Macro-invertebrates | reproductive life cycles per year | multivoltine | muv | more than three generations per year |
Macro-invertebrates | reproductive life cycles per year | semivoltine | sev | one generation in two years |
Macro-invertebrates | reproductive life cycles per year | trivoltine | trv | three generations per year |
Macro-invertebrates | reproductive life cycles per year | univoltine | unv | one generation per year |
Macro-invertebrates | resistance form | cocoons | coc | resisting in cocoons |
Macro-invertebrates | resistance form | diapause or dormancy | did | resisting through diapause or dormancy |
Macro-invertebrates | resistance form | eggs, statoblasts | egg | resisting in the egg or statoblast stage |
Macro-invertebrates | resistance form | housings against desiccation | hou | resisting in housings |
Macro-invertebrates | resistance form | none | non | no resistance form |
Macro-invertebrates | resistance form | quiescence | qui | resisting through quiescence |
Macro-invertebrates | resistance forms according to Tachet | cocoons | coc | resisting in cocoons |
Macro-invertebrates | resistance forms according to Tachet | diapause or dormancy | did | resisting through diapause or dormancy |
Macro-invertebrates | resistance forms according to Tachet | eggs, gemmula, statoblasts | egg | resisting in the egg, gemmula or statoblast stage |
Macro-invertebrates | resistance forms according to Tachet | housings against desiccation | hou | resisting in housings |
Macro-invertebrates | resistance forms according to Tachet | none | non | no resistance form |
Macro-invertebrates | resistance/resilience to droughts | adult diapause | add | resisting in the adult stage |
Macro-invertebrates | resistance/resilience to droughts | egg diapause | egd | resisting in the egg stage |
Macro-invertebrates | resistance/resilience to droughts | larvae diapause | lad | resisting in the larval stage |
Macro-invertebrates | resistance/resilience to droughts | no drought resilience | nod | no resistance strategy against droughts |
Macro-invertebrates | resistance/resilience to droughts | unknown resistance type | unk | unknown resistance strategy |
Macro-invertebrates | respiration | extension/excursion to surface | sur | respiration of atmospheric oxygen |
Macro-invertebrates | respiration | gill | gil | respiration using special respiration organs |
Macro-invertebrates | respiration | hydrostatic vesicle (aerial) | ves | respiration using air within a small blister |
Macro-invertebrates | respiration | plastron | pls | respiration using a thin layer of air around the body |
Macro-invertebrates | respiration | spiracle (aerial) | spi | respiration using small openings on the body surface |
Macro-invertebrates | respiration | tapping of air stores of aquatic plants | tap | respiration using air stores of aquatic plants |
Macro-invertebrates | respiration | tegument | teg | respiration through the body surface |
Macro-invertebrates | respiration according to Tachet | gill | gil | respiration using special respiration organs |
Macro-invertebrates | respiration according to Tachet | hydrostatic vesicle (aerial) | ves | respiration using air within a small blister |
Macro-invertebrates | respiration according to Tachet | plastron | pls | respiration using a thin layer of air around the body |
Macro-invertebrates | respiration according to Tachet | spiracle (aerial) | spi | respiration using small openings on the body surface |
Macro-invertebrates | respiration according to Tachet | tegument | teg | respiration through the body surface |
Macro-invertebrates | rheo index (RIB) | 1 | lotic taxon | |
Macro-invertebrates | rheo index (RIB) | 2 | lentic taxon | |
Macro-invertebrates | rheo index (RIB) | 3 | indifferent taxon | |
Macro-invertebrates | rheo index (RIB) | rheo index | RIB | rheo index |
Macro-invertebrates | rhithral preference (RTI) | 1 | 1 | taxon with no affinity to the rhithral zone |
Macro-invertebrates | rhithral preference (RTI) | 2 | 2 | taxon with low affinity to the rhithral zone |
Macro-invertebrates | rhithral preference (RTI) | 3 | 3 | taxon with medium affinity to the rhithral zone |
Macro-invertebrates | rhithral preference (RTI) | 4 | 4 | taxon with clear affinity to the rhithral zone |
Macro-invertebrates | rhithral preference (RTI) | 5 | 5 | taxon with high affinity to the rhithral zone |
Macro-invertebrates | rhithral preference (RTI) | rhithral preference | RTI | preference for the rhithral zone |
Macro-invertebrates | salinity (preferendum) according to Tachet | brackish water | brw | brackish water |
Macro-invertebrates | salinity (preferendum) according to Tachet | fresh water | frw | fresh water |
Macro-invertebrates | salinity preference I | brackish water: inland | bwi | total salt content: 0.5‰ - 34.7‰ |
Macro-invertebrates | salinity preference I | brackish water: sea | bws | total salt content: 0.5‰ - 34.7‰ |
Macro-invertebrates | salinity preference II | euhaline (> 30) | saleu | salinity over 30‰ |
Macro-invertebrates | salinity preference II | freshwater (< 0.5) | salfr | fresh water |
Macro-invertebrates | salinity preference II | mesohaline (5 - < 18) | salme | salinity between 5‰ and 18‰ |
Macro-invertebrates | salinity preference II | oligohaline (0.5 - < 5) | salol | salinity between 0.5‰ and 5‰ |
Macro-invertebrates | salinity preference II | polyhaline (18 - 30) | salpo | salinity between 18‰ and 30‰ |
Macro-invertebrates | saprobity | all countries | all | selection of all countries |
Macro-invertebrates | saprobity | alpha-mesosaprobic | alpha | alpha-mesosaprobic zone |
Macro-invertebrates | saprobity | Austria | AT | saprobic values used in Austria |
Macro-invertebrates | saprobity | beta-mesosaprobic | beta | beta-mesosaprobic zone |
Macro-invertebrates | saprobity | Czech Republic | CZ | saprobic values used in Czech Republic |
Macro-invertebrates | saprobity | Germany | DE | saprobic values used in Germany |
Macro-invertebrates | saprobity | indicator weight | G | indicator weight |
Macro-invertebrates | saprobity | Netherlands | NL | saprobic values used in the Netherlands |
Macro-invertebrates | saprobity | oligosaprobic | oligo | oligosaprobic zone |
Macro-invertebrates | saprobity | polysaprobic | poly | polysaprobic zone |
Macro-invertebrates | saprobity | saprobic index | SI | saprobic index |
Macro-invertebrates | saprobity | Slovak Republic | SK | saprobic values used in the Slovak Republic |
Macro-invertebrates | saprobity | xenosaprobic | xeno | xenosaprobic zone |
Macro-invertebrates | saprobity according to Tachet | a-mesosaprobic | a | species occurring in the alpha-meso-saprobic zone (heavily polluted water courses) |
Macro-invertebrates | saprobity according to Tachet | b-mesosaprobic | b | species occurring in the beta-meso-saprobic zone (moderately polluted water courses) |
Macro-invertebrates | saprobity according to Tachet | oligosaprobic | o | species occurring in the oligo-saprobic zone (unpolluted to slightly polluted water courses) |
Macro-invertebrates | saprobity according to Tachet | polysaprobic | p | species occurring in the poly-saprobic zone (extremely heavily polluted water courses) |
Macro-invertebrates | saprobity according to Tachet | xenosaprobic | x | species occurring in the xeno-saprobic zone (perfectly clean water courses) |
Macro-invertebrates | sensitive species | ecoregion number | er | ecoregion, in which the taxon is sensitive |
Macro-invertebrates | sensitive species | sensitive species | sesp | sensitive species |
Macro-invertebrates | SPEAR pesticide | |||
Macro-invertebrates | SPEAR pesticide | no | 0 | species not at risk |
Macro-invertebrates | SPEAR pesticide | yes | 1 | species at risk |
Macro-invertebrates | species in Habitats Directive | Habitat Directive | ffh | species in Habitat Directive |
Macro-invertebrates | stream zonation preference | epipotamal | epo | barbel region |
Macro-invertebrates | stream zonation preference | epirhithral | erh | upper-trout region |
Macro-invertebrates | stream zonation preference | eucrenal | euc | spring region |
Macro-invertebrates | stream zonation preference | hypocrenal | hyc | spring-brook |
Macro-invertebrates | stream zonation preference | hypopotamal | hpo | brackish water region |
Macro-invertebrates | stream zonation preference | hyporhithral | hrh | grayling region |
Macro-invertebrates | stream zonation preference | littoral | lit | lake and stream shorelines, lentic sites, ponds etc. |
Macro-invertebrates | stream zonation preference | metapotamal | mpo | bream region |
Macro-invertebrates | stream zonation preference | metarhithral | mrh | lower-trout region |
Macro-invertebrates | stream zonation preference | profundal | pro | bottom of lakes |
Macro-invertebrates | substrate (preferendum) according to Tachet | flags/boulders/cobbles/pebbles | fbcp | flags/boulders/cobbles/pebbles |
Macro-invertebrates | substrate (preferendum) according to Tachet | gravel | grvl | gravel |
Macro-invertebrates | substrate (preferendum) according to Tachet | macrophytes | macp | macrophytes |
Macro-invertebrates | substrate (preferendum) according to Tachet | microphytes | micp | microphytes |
Macro-invertebrates | substrate (preferendum) according to Tachet | mud | mud | mud |
Macro-invertebrates | substrate (preferendum) according to Tachet | organic detritus/litter | odli | organic detritus/litter |
Macro-invertebrates | substrate (preferendum) according to Tachet | sand | sand | sand |
Macro-invertebrates | substrate (preferendum) according to Tachet | silt | silt | silt |
Macro-invertebrates | substrate (preferendum) according to Tachet | twigs/roots | twro | twigs/roots |
Macro-invertebrates | temperature according to Tachet | eurythermic | eut | no specific preference |
Macro-invertebrates | temperature according to Tachet | psychrophilic | psy | < 15 °C |
Macro-invertebrates | temperature according to Tachet | thermophilic | the | > 15 °C |
Macro-invertebrates | temperature preference | cold | cod | 6 - 10 °C |
Macro-invertebrates | temperature preference | eurytherm | eut | no specific preference |
Macro-invertebrates | temperature preference | moderate | mod | 10 - 18 °C |
Macro-invertebrates | temperature preference | very cold | vco | < 6 °C |
Macro-invertebrates | temperature preference | warm | war | > 18 °C |
Macro-invertebrates | temperature preference (KLIWA) | focus temperature | FT | temperature preference of the taxon in °C |
Macro-invertebrates | temperature preference (KLIWA) | specifity | S | indication how specifically a taxon is distributed to individual temperature classes |
Macro-invertebrates | temperature range preference | cold stenotherm | cos | preference for a small cold temperature range (below 10 °C) |
Macro-invertebrates | temperature range preference | eurytherm | eut | no specific preference; wide temperature range |
Macro-invertebrates | temperature range preference | warm stenotherm | was | preference for a small warm temperature range (above 18 °C) |
Macro-invertebrates | tolerance score | highly sensitive | hsen | species with a very small distribution range |
Macro-invertebrates | tolerance score | moderately sensitive | msen | species with a moderately small distribution range |
Macro-invertebrates | tolerance score | moderately tolerant | mtol | species with a moderately wide distribution range |
Macro-invertebrates | tolerance score | sensitive | sen | species with a small distribution range |
Macro-invertebrates | tolerance score | tolerant | tol | species with a wide distribution range |
Macro-invertebrates | transversal distribution according to Tachet | banks, connected side-arms | bcsa | banks, connected side-arms |
Macro-invertebrates | transversal distribution according to Tachet | groundwaters | gw | groundwaters |
Macro-invertebrates | transversal distribution according to Tachet | lakes | lake | lakes |
Macro-invertebrates | transversal distribution according to Tachet | marshes, peat bogs | mapb | marshes, peat bogs |
Macro-invertebrates | transversal distribution according to Tachet | ponds, pools, disconnected side-arms | ppdsa | ponds, pools, disconnected side-arms |
Macro-invertebrates | transversal distribution according to Tachet | river channel | rich | river channel |
Macro-invertebrates | transversal distribution according to Tachet | temporary waters | tmpw | temporary waters |
Macro-invertebrates | trophic status (preferendum) according to Tachet | eutrophic | eu | high nutrient availability, high biological productivity |
Macro-invertebrates | trophic status (preferendum) according to Tachet | mesotrophic | meso | low nutrient availability, intemediate biological productivity |
Macro-invertebrates | trophic status (preferendum) according to Tachet | oligotrophic | oli | low nutrient availability, low biological productivity |
Macrophytes | aquaticity | 1 | 1 | exclusively aquatic species |
Macrophytes | aquaticity | 2 | 2 | aquatic species, amphibious, developing terrestrial forms |
Macrophytes | aquaticity | 3 | 3 | supraaquatic moss |
Macrophytes | aquaticity | 4 | 4 | amphiphyte or helophyte, erect shoot, submerged basis |
Macrophytes | aquaticity | 5 | 5 | hygrophileous species, at least at the basis temporarily submerged |
Macrophytes | aquaticity | 6 | 6 | herbaceous riparian-, forest- grassland- or ruderal-plant, can be found occassionally (during flood events) growing in the water |
Macrophytes | aquaticity | 7 | 7 | ligneous riparian species, tolerant to temporary flooding |
Macrophytes | aquaticity | 8 | 8 | species living in brackish water |
Macrophytes | aquaticity | Aquaticity-Score | The score is divided into eight classes; 1 is for plants which are exclusively aquatic, and higher values for less dependence on water. | |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - continentality figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 1 | 1 | euoceanic species, reaching Central Europe only in the extreme West, not in Hungary |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - continentality figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 2 | 2 | oceanic species, mainly in Western Europe and western Central Europe |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - continentality figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 3 | 3 | oceanic-suboceanic specis, area in whole Central Europe |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - continentality figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 4 | 4 | suboceanic species, mainly in Central Europe but reaching to East |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - continentality figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 5 | 5 | intermediate type with slight suboceanic-subcontinental character |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - continentality figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 6 | 6 | subcontinental, main area in eastern Central Europe |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - continentality figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 7 | 7 | continental-subcontinental species, main area in Eastern Europe |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - continentality figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 8 | 8 | continental species reaching only eastern part of Central Europe |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - continentality figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 9 | 9 | eucontinental species, main area Sibiria and Eastern Europe, reaching scarcely the eastern part of Central Europe |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - light figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 1 | 1 | full shadow plants, often receiving less than 1%, rarely receiving more than 30% of the full day light |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - light figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 2 | 2 | very shadow-tolerant plants, photosynthetic minimum at 1 to 5% of full day light |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - light figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 3 | 3 | shadow-plants, photosynthetic minimum under 5% relative light intensity, but survive more illuminated places |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - light figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 4 | 4 | shadow-halfshadow plants, photosynthetic minimum between 5 and 10% relative light intensity |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - light figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 5 | 5 | halfshadow plants, receiving more than 10% but less than 100% relative light |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - light figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 6 | 6 | halfshadow-halflight plants, photosynthetic minimum between 10 and 40% relative light intensity |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - light figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 7 | 7 | halflight plants, mostly living in full light but also shadow tolerants |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - light figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 8 | 8 | light plants, photosynthetic minimum above 40% relative ligth intensity, less only in exceptional cases |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - light figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 9 | 9 | full light plants of open habitats not receiving less than 50% of relative light intensity |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - moisture figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 1 | 1 | plants of extremely dry habitats or bare rocks |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - moisture figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 10 | 10 | plants of frequently flooded soils |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - moisture figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 11 | 11 | water plants with floating or partly emerged leaves |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - moisture figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 12 | 12 | water plants, mostly fully submerged in water |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - moisture figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 2 | 2 | xero-indicators on habitats with long dry period |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - moisture figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 3 | 3 | xero-tolerants, but eventually occurring on fresh soils |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - moisture figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 4 | 4 | plants of semidry habitats |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - moisture figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 5 | 5 | plants of semihumid habitats, under intermediate conditions |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - moisture figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 6 | 6 | plants of fresh soils |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - moisture figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 7 | 7 | plants of moist soils not drying out and well aerated |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - moisture figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 8 | 8 | plants of moist soils tolerating short floods |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - moisture figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 9 | 9 | plants of wet, not well aerated soils |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - nitrogen figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 1 | 1 | only in soils extremely poor in mineral nitrogen |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - nitrogen figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 2 | 2 | plants of habitats very poor in nitrogen |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - nitrogen figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 3 | 3 | plants of moderately oligotrophic habitats |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - nitrogen figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 4 | 4 | plants of submesotrophic habitats |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - nitrogen figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 5 | 5 | plants of mesotrophic habitats |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - nitrogen figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 6 | 6 | plants of moderately nutrient rich habitats |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - nitrogen figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 7 | 7 | plants of soils rich in mineral nitrogen |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - nitrogen figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 8 | 8 | nitrogen indicator plants of fertilized soils |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - nitrogen figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 9 | 9 | plants only on hyperfertilized soil, extremely rich in mineral nitrogen |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - reaction figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 1 | 1 | extremely acidophilous, explicitly calciphobe plants |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - reaction figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 2 | 2 | intermediate type between 1 and 3 |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - reaction figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 3 | 3 | acidifrequent plants, mostly in acid soils |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - reaction figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 4 | 4 | moderately acidophilous plants |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - reaction figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 5 | 5 | plants of slightly acid soils |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - reaction figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 6 | 6 | mostly on neutral soils but also in acid and basic ones, generally widely tolerant, more or less indifferent plants |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - reaction figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 7 | 7 | basifrequent plants, mostly on basic soils |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - reaction figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 8 | 8 | basiphilous plants |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - reaction figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 9 | 9 | explicitly calciphilous plants and ultrabasic specialists |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - salt figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 0 | 0 | halophobe species not occurring in salty or alkalic soils |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - salt figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 1 | 1 | salt tolerant plants but living mainly on non saline soils |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - salt figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 2 | 2 | oligohaline plants living on soils of extremely few chloride content |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - salt figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 3 | 3 | beta-mesohaline plants living on soils of few chloride content |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - salt figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 4 | 4 | alpha-/beta-mesohaline plants living on soils of intermediate chloride content |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - salt figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 5 | 5 | alpha-mesohaline plants living on soils of middle chloride content (0.7 - 0.9%) |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - salt figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 6 | 6 | alpha-mesohaline to polyhaline plants living on soils of middle to high chloride content |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - salt figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 7 | 7 | polyhaline plants living on soils of high chloride content (1.2 - 1.6%) |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - salt figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 8 | 8 | euhaline plants living on soils of very high chloride content |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - salt figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 9 | 9 | euhaline to hypersaline plants living on soils of extremely high chloride content |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - temperature figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 1 | 1 | subnival or supraboreal belt |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - temperature figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 2 | 2 | alpine, boreal or tundra belt |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - temperature figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 3 | 3 | subalpine or subboreal belt |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - temperature figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 4 | 4 | montane needle-leaved forest or taiga belt |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - temperature figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 5 | 5 | montane mesophilous broad-leaved forest belt |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - temperature figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 6 | 6 | submontane broad-leaved forest belt |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - temperature figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 7 | 7 | thermophilous forest or woodland belt |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - temperature figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 8 | 8 | submediterranean woodland and grassland belt |
Macrophytes | BORHIDI - temperature figures Hungary (Eastern Europe) | 9 | 9 | eumediterranean evergreen belt |
Macrophytes | climate change affected species according to (caf) | |||
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - continentality figure Central Europe | 1 | 1 | extreme oceanic, in Central Europe only in an few outposts |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - continentality figure Central Europe | 2 | 2 | oceanic, mainly in the West, including western Central Europe |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - continentality figure Central Europe | 3 | 3 | between 2 and 4 |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - continentality figure Central Europe | 4 | 4 | suboceanic, mainly in Central Europe, but spreading eastward |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - continentality figure Central Europe | 5 | 5 | intermediate, weakly suboceanic to weakly subcontinental |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - continentality figure Central Europe | 6 | 6 | subcontinental, mainly in the east of Central Europe and adjoining parts of Eastern Europe |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - continentality figure Central Europe | 7 | 7 | between 6 and 8 |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - continentality figure Central Europe | 8 | 8 | continental, spreading into Central Europe from the east only exceptionally |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - continentality figure Central Europe | 9 | 9 | extreme continental, virtually absent from western Europe |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - continentality figure Central Europe | ? | ? | no information |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - continentality figure Central Europe | x | x | indifferent behaviour |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - light figure Central Europe | 1 | 1 | plant in deep shade, may be less than 1%, seldom more than 30% r.i. |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - light figure Central Europe | 2 | 2 | between 1 and 3 |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - light figure Central Europe | 3 | 3 | shade plant, mostly less than 5% r.i., but also in lighter places |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - light figure Central Europe | 4 | 4 | between 3 and 5 |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - light figure Central Europe | 5 | 5 | semi-shade plant, rarely in full light, but generally with more than 10% r.i. |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - light figure Central Europe | 6 | 6 | between 5 and 7 |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - light figure Central Europe | 7 | 7 | plant generally in well lit place, but also occurring in partial shade |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - light figure Central Europe | 8 | 8 | light-loving plant, rarely found when r.i. is less than 40% r.i. |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - light figure Central Europe | 9 | 9 | plant in full light, found mostly in full sun, rarely with less than 50% r.i. |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - light figure Central Europe | ? | ? | no information |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - light figure Central Europe | x | x | indifferent behaviour |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - moisture figure Central Europe | 1 | 1 | indicator of extreme dryness, restricted to soils, which often dry out for some time |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - moisture figure Central Europe | 10 | 10 | indicator of sites occasionally flooded, but free from flooding for long periods |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - moisture figure Central Europe | 11 | 11 | plant rooting under water, but at least for a time exposed above, or plant floating on the surface |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - moisture figure Central Europe | 12 | 12 | submerged plant, permanently or almost constantly under water |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - moisture figure Central Europe | 2 | 2 | between 1 and 3 |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - moisture figure Central Europe | 3 | 3 | dry-site indicator, more often found on dry ground than on moist places, never on damp soil |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - moisture figure Central Europe | 4 | 4 | between 3 and 5 |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - moisture figure Central Europe | 5 | 5 | vascular plants: moist-site indicator, mainly on fresh soils of average dampness; bryophytes: moist-site indicator, lacking on wet soils or on soils frequently drying out |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - moisture figure Central Europe | 6 | 6 | vascular plants: between 5 and 7; bryophytes: between 5 and 7, but indicating constant moist or damp sites |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - moisture figure Central Europe | 7 | 7 | vascular plants: dampness indicator, mainly on constantly moist or damp, but not wet soils; bryophytes: damp-site indicator, mainly in damp to wet sites |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - moisture figure Central Europe | 8 | 8 | between 7 and 9 |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - moisture figure Central Europe | 9 | 9 | vascular plants: wet-site indicator, often on water saturated, badly aerated soils; bryophytes: in constant wet sites, on places sprayed by water (e.g. near waterfalls) or regularly flooded, or even submerged or floating |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - moisture figure Central Europe | ? | ? | no information |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - moisture figure Central Europe | indicator plant for frequent flooding | Indicator plant for frequent flooding. | |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - moisture figure Central Europe | indicator plant for often changing water-levels | Indicator plant for frequently changing degree of moisture. | |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - moisture figure Central Europe | x | x | indifferent behaviour |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - nitrogen figure Central Europe | 1 | 1 | indicator of sites extremely poor in available nitrogen |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - nitrogen figure Central Europe | 2 | 2 | between 1 and 3 |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - nitrogen figure Central Europe | 3 | 3 | indicator of sites more or less poor in available nitrogen |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - nitrogen figure Central Europe | 4 | 4 | between 3 and 5 |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - nitrogen figure Central Europe | 5 | 5 | indicator of intermediate nitrogen availability |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - nitrogen figure Central Europe | 6 | 6 | between 5 and 7 |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - nitrogen figure Central Europe | 7 | 7 | indicator of sites rich in available nitrogen |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - nitrogen figure Central Europe | 8 | 8 | between 7 and 9 |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - nitrogen figure Central Europe | 9 | 9 | indicator of extremely nitrogen rich sites, such as cattle resting places or near polluted rivers |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - nitrogen figure Central Europe | ? | ? | no information |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - nitrogen figure Central Europe | x | x | indifferent behaviour |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - reaction figure Central Europe | 1 | 1 | vascular plants: indicator of extreme acidity, never found on weakly acid or basic soils; bryophytes: never above pH 5, often near or below pH 3 |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - reaction figure Central Europe | 2 | 2 | between 1 and 3 |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - reaction figure Central Europe | 3 | 3 | vascular plants: acidity indicator, mainly on acid soils, but exceptionally also on nearly neutral ones; bryophytes: mostly below pH 5, on soils poor in nutrients |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - reaction figure Central Europe | 4 | 4 | between 3 and 5 |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - reaction figure Central Europe | 5 | 5 | vascular plants: indicator of moderate acid soils, only occassionally found on very acid or on neutral to basic soils; bryophytes: mainly between pH 5 and pH 6 |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - reaction figure Central Europe | 6 | 6 | between 5 and 7 |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - reaction figure Central Europe | 7 | 7 | vascular plants: indicator of weakly acid to weakly basic conditions, never found on very acid soils; bryophytes: around pH 6 until pH 6.9 |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - reaction figure Central Europe | 8 | 8 | between 7 and 9 |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - reaction figure Central Europe | 9 | 9 | vascular plants: basic reaction and lime indicator, always found on calcareous soils; bryophytes: exclusively in the neutral to basic range, around pH 7 and higher |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - reaction figure Central Europe | ? | ? | no information |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - reaction figure Central Europe | x | x | indifferent behaviour |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - salt figure Central Europe | 0 | 0 | not salt supporting |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - salt figure Central Europe | 1 | 1 | salt supporting, but mostly on soils poor in salt (0 - 0.1% Cl-) |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - salt figure Central Europe | 2 | 2 | oligohaline (I), often on soils with very low chloride content (0.05 - 0.3% Cl-) |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - salt figure Central Europe | 3 | 3 | beta-mesohaline (II), mainly indicating low chloride content (0.3 - 0.5% Cl-) |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - salt figure Central Europe | 4 | 4 | alpha/beta-mesohaline (II/III), low to moderate chloride content (0.5 - 0.7% Cl-) |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - salt figure Central Europe | 5 | 5 | alpha-mesohaline (III), mostly on soils with moderate chloride content (0.7 - 0.9% Cl-) |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - salt figure Central Europe | 6 | 6 | alpha-meso/polyhaline (III/IV), (0.9 - 1.2% Cl-) |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - salt figure Central Europe | 7 | 7 | polyhaline (IV), on soils with high chloride content (1.2 - 1.6% Cl-) |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - salt figure Central Europe | 8 | 8 | euhaline (IV/V and V), on soils with very high chloride content (1.6 - 2.3% Cl-) |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - salt figure Central Europe | 9 | 9 | euhaline to hyperhaline (V - VI), on soils with high and during drought periods extreme salt content (> 2.3% Cl-) |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - salt figure Central Europe | ? | ? | no information |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - salt figure Central Europe | x | x | indifferent behaviour |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - temperature figure Central Europe | 1 | 1 | cold-indicator plant, found only in high mountains (or in boreal-arctic regions), mostly in alpine and nival levels |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - temperature figure Central Europe | 2 | 2 | between 1 and 3 |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - temperature figure Central Europe | 3 | 3 | indicator of cool conditions, mainly subalpine |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - temperature figure Central Europe | 4 | 4 | between 3 and 5 |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - temperature figure Central Europe | 5 | 5 | indicator of fairly warm conditions, from lowland to montane, but especial in submontane-temperate sites |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - temperature figure Central Europe | 6 | 6 | between 5 and 7 |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - temperature figure Central Europe | 7 | 7 | warmth indicator, in warm lowland sites and colline levels |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - temperature figure Central Europe | 8 | 8 | between 7 and 9 |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - temperature figure Central Europe | 9 | 9 | indicator of extreme warm conditions, spreading from the Mediterranean only into the warmest places of the upper Rhine valley |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - temperature figure Central Europe | ? | ? | no information |
Macrophytes | ELLENBERG - temperature figure Central Europe | x | x | indifferent behaviour |
Macrophytes | growth form WIEGLEB, extended according to van de Weyer | batrachid | batrachid | macrophytes with floating and divided or undivided submerged leaves; anchored (e.g. Ranunculus - Batrachium, Shinnersia) |
Macrophytes | growth form WIEGLEB, extended according to van de Weyer | bryid | bryid | Bryophyta |
Macrophytes | growth form WIEGLEB, extended according to van de Weyer | ceratophyllid | ceratophyllid | pleustophytes (free floating) with large, divided, submerged leaves (e.g. Ceratophyllum, Utricularia) |
Macrophytes | growth form WIEGLEB, extended according to van de Weyer | charid | charid | submerged macrophytes with whorled branches; anchored by rhizoids (Charophyta) |
Macrophytes | growth form WIEGLEB, extended according to van de Weyer | elodeid | elodeid | submerged macrophytes with whorled sprouts and undivided, entire, small leaves; anchored (e.g. Egeria, Elodea, Hydrilla, Lagarosiphon) |
Macrophytes | growth form WIEGLEB, extended according to van de Weyer | equiseteid | equiseteid | shoots and leaves/branches with dentate sheaths, fertile plants with terminal sporangia (Equisetum) |
Macrophytes | growth form WIEGLEB, extended according to van de Weyer | graminoid | graminoid | Poaceae; anchored (e.g. Agrostis, Alopecurus, Glyceria, Phalaris) |
Macrophytes | growth form WIEGLEB, extended according to van de Weyer | herbid | herbid | submerged herbaceous plants; anchored (e.g. Berula, Cardamine, Mentha, Myosotis, Nasturtium, Sium, Veronica) |
Macrophytes | growth form WIEGLEB, extended according to van de Weyer | hydrocharid | hydrocharid | pleustophytes (free floating) with large floating leaves (Hydrocharis) |
Macrophytes | growth form WIEGLEB, extended according to van de Weyer | isoetid | isoetid | low-growing macrophytes with basal rosettes; anchored (e.g. Eleocharis, Isoetes, Litorella, Lobelia) |
Macrophytes | growth form WIEGLEB, extended according to van de Weyer | juncid | juncid | submerged macrophytes with undivided, narrow, entire, locular leaves (Juncus) |
Macrophytes | growth form WIEGLEB, extended according to van de Weyer | lemnid | lemnid | pleustophytes (free floating) with small, foliate floating sprouts (e.g. Azolla, Lemna, Spirodela, Wolffia) |
Macrophytes | growth form WIEGLEB, extended according to van de Weyer | magnonymphaeid | magnonymphaeid | macrophytes with large floating leaves attached to a submerged rhizome by an elongate petiole; anchored (e.g. Nymphaea, Nuphar) |
Macrophytes | growth form WIEGLEB, extended according to van de Weyer | magnopotamid | magnopotamid | submerged macrophytes with undivided, broad, entire leaves; anchored (e.g. Potamogeton lucens, Potamogeton perfoliatus) |
Macrophytes | growth form WIEGLEB, extended according to van de Weyer | myriophyllid | myriophyllid | submerged macrophytes with long stems and finely divided leaves; anchored (e.g. Cabomba, Myriophyllum, Oenanthe) |
Macrophytes | growth form WIEGLEB, extended according to van de Weyer | parvo-nymphaeid | parvo-nymphaeid | macrophytes with small floating leaves attached to a submerged rhizome by an elongate petiole; anchored (e.g. Sagittaria) |
Macrophytes | growth form WIEGLEB, extended according to van de Weyer | parvopotamid | parvopotamid | submerged macrophytes with undivided, slender, entire leaves; anchored (e.g. Potamogeton pectinatus, Zannichellia) |
Macrophytes | growth form WIEGLEB, extended according to van de Weyer | peplid | peplid | macrophytes with elongated or spathulate leaves forming a terminal rosette; anchored (e.g. Callitriche, Peplis portula) |
Macrophytes | growth form WIEGLEB, extended according to van de Weyer | ricciellid | ricciellid | small submerged pleustophytes (free floating), no differentiation in leaf and sprout (e.g. Riccia, Lemna trisulca) |
Macrophytes | growth form WIEGLEB, extended according to van de Weyer | stratioid | stratioid | weakly anchored to floating, partly submerged rosettes which overwinter on bottom of waterbody (Stratiotes) |
Macrophytes | growth form WIEGLEB, extended according to van de Weyer | vallisnerid | vallisnerid | macrophytes with long, floating basal leaves; anchored (e.g. Sparganium emersum f. vallisnerifolia, Vallisneria spiralis) |
Macrophytes | IC CB-GIG common metrics | medium-sized lowland streams (range: +1 to -1) | medium-sized lowland streams | |
Macrophytes | IC CB-GIG common metrics | small lowland sandy streams (range: +1 to -1) | small lowland sandy streams | |
Macrophytes | IC CB-GIG common metrics | small mid-altitude siliceous streams (range: +1 to | small mid-altitude siliceous streams | |
Macrophytes | IC CB-GIG disturbance indicator | disturbance indicator | 1 | species indicates a disturbance |
Macrophytes | IC CB-GIG ITEM score | ITEM score (range: 1.00 - 8.47) | ITEM score | |
Macrophytes | IC CB-GIG neophyte | neophyte | 1 | plant introduced to geographical region after 1492 by direct or indirect human activities |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT Bryophytes - continentality Switzerland (Alpine region) | 1 | 1 | oceanic: very high relative air humidity, macroclimate with low annual temperature range |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT Bryophytes - continentality Switzerland (Alpine region) | 2 | 2 | suboceanic: high relative air humidity, macroclimate with medium annual temperature range |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT Bryophytes - continentality Switzerland (Alpine region) | 3 | 3 | suboceanic to subcontinental: medium relative air humidity, macroclimate with medium annual temperature range |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT Bryophytes - continentality Switzerland (Alpine region) | 4 | 4 | subcontinental: low relative air humidity, macroclimate with medium annual temperature range |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT Bryophytes - continentality Switzerland (Alpine region) | 5 | 5 | continental: very low relative air humidity, macroclimate often with wide annual temperature range |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT Bryophytes - continentality Switzerland (Alpine region) | variation | range of variation regarding the continentality value: I - small variation, II - large variation | |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT Bryophytes - continentality Switzerland (Alpine region) | x | x | indifferent |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT Bryophytes - growth form Switzerland (Alpine region) | B | B | ± dendroid, mostly with creeping "rhizome" and errect shoots |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT Bryophytes - growth form Switzerland (Alpine region) | D | D | relatively large and essentially plagiotropic shoots in deep mat |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT Bryophytes - growth form Switzerland (Alpine region) | G | G | bud-like |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT Bryophytes - growth form Switzerland (Alpine region) | P | P | cushion of ± errect, densely arranged shoots |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT Bryophytes - growth form Switzerland (Alpine region) | R | R | turf form loosely growing, errect shoots |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT Bryophytes - growth form Switzerland (Alpine region) | T | T | thalloid, forming rosettes or branched bands |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT Bryophytes - growth form Switzerland (Alpine region) | Ü | Ü | thin mat of small, creeping shoots |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT Bryophytes - light Switzerland (Alpine region) | 1 | 1 | deep shade: never direct sunlight |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT Bryophytes - light Switzerland (Alpine region) | 2 | 2 | shade: direct sunlight relatively rare |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT Bryophytes - light Switzerland (Alpine region) | 3 | 3 | semi-shade: medium or during the day strongly changing light conditions |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT Bryophytes - light Switzerland (Alpine region) | 4 | 4 | well-lit places: direct sunlight relatively frequent |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT Bryophytes - light Switzerland (Alpine region) | 5 | 5 | full light: permanently sunlit during cloudless days |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT Bryophytes - light Switzerland (Alpine region) | variation | range of variation regarding the light value: I - small variation, II - large variation | |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT Bryophytes - light Switzerland (Alpine region) | x | x | indifferent |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT Bryophytes - moisture Switzerland (Alpine region) | 1 | 1 | very dry: exposed substrates in regions with low precipitation or in places protected from rain |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT Bryophytes - moisture Switzerland (Alpine region) | 2 | 2 | dry: exposed substrates in places with low humidity (mostly rocks) or ground in regions with low precipitation |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT Bryophytes - moisture Switzerland (Alpine region) | 3 | 3 | mesic: medium moisture conditions |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT Bryophytes - moisture Switzerland (Alpine region) | 4 | 4 | moist: substrate drying out only rarely, though hardly ever submerged |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT Bryophytes - moisture Switzerland (Alpine region) | 5 | 5 | wet: substrate never dry but frequently or permanently submerged |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT Bryophytes - moisture Switzerland (Alpine region) | variation | range of variation regarding the moisture value: I - small variation, II - large variation | |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT Bryophytes - moisture Switzerland (Alpine region) | x | x | indifferent |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT Bryophytes - nutrients Switzerland (Alpine region) | 1 | 1 | infertile substrates |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT Bryophytes - nutrients Switzerland (Alpine region) | 3 | 3 | intermediate substrates |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT Bryophytes - nutrients Switzerland (Alpine region) | 5 | 5 | fertile substrates |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT Bryophytes - nutrients Switzerland (Alpine region) | variation | range of variation regarding the nutrients value: I - small variation, II - large variation | |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT Bryophytes - nutrients Switzerland (Alpine region) | x | x | indifferent |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT Bryophytes - reaction Switzerland (Alpine region) | 1 | 1 | very acid: substrate pH < ca. 4 (e.g. raised bog peat) |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT Bryophytes - reaction Switzerland (Alpine region) | 2 | 2 | acid: substrate pH ca. 3.5 - 5 (e.g. rotten wood) |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT Bryophytes - reaction Switzerland (Alpine region) | 3 | 3 | subneutral: base-poor, substrate pH ca. 4.5 - 6.5 (e.g. silicious rock affected by lime) |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT Bryophytes - reaction Switzerland (Alpine region) | 4 | 4 | ± neutral: substrate pH ca. 6 - 7.5 (e.g. many soils in decidious forests) |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT Bryophytes - reaction Switzerland (Alpine region) | 5 | 5 | alkaline: substrate pH > ca. 7 (e.g. limestone) |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT Bryophytes - reaction Switzerland (Alpine region) | variation | range of variation regarding the reaction value: I - small variation, II - large variation | |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT Bryophytes - reaction Switzerland (Alpine region) | x | x | indifferent |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT Bryophytes - temperature Switzerland (Alpine region) | 1 | 1 | alpine and/or nival |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT Bryophytes - temperature Switzerland (Alpine region) | 2 | 2 | subalpine |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT Bryophytes - temperature Switzerland (Alpine region) | 3 | 3 | montane |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT Bryophytes - temperature Switzerland (Alpine region) | 4 | 4 | colline |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT Bryophytes - temperature Switzerland (Alpine region) | 5 | 5 | colline, only warmest places |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT Bryophytes - temperature Switzerland (Alpine region) | variation | range of variation regarding the temperature value: I - small variation, II - large variation | |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT Bryophytes - temperature Switzerland (Alpine region) | x | x | indifferent |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT vascular plants - continentality Switzerland (Alpine region) | 1 | 1 | oceanic: very high relative air humidity, very small daily and annual variation in temperature, relatively mild winters |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT vascular plants - continentality Switzerland (Alpine region) | 2 | 2 | suboceanic: high relative air humidity, small daily and annual variation in temperature, rather mild winters |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT vascular plants - continentality Switzerland (Alpine region) | 3 | 3 | suboceanic to subcontinental: medium relative air humidity, moderate daily and annual variation of temperature, medium winter temperatures |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT vascular plants - continentality Switzerland (Alpine region) | 4 | 4 | subcontinental: low relative air humidity, large daily and annual variation of temperature, rather cool winters |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT vascular plants - continentality Switzerland (Alpine region) | 5 | 5 | continental: very low relative air humidity, very large daily and annual variation in temperature, relativley cold winters |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT vascular plants - continentality Switzerland (Alpine region) | variation | range of variation regarding the continentality value: I - small variation, II - large variation | |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT vascular plants - light Switzerland (Alpine region) | 1 | 1 | deep shade: plant tolerates even less than 3% of relative illumination |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT vascular plants - light Switzerland (Alpine region) | 2 | 2 | shade: plant tolerates below 3 %, but often below 10 % of relative illumination |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT vascular plants - light Switzerland (Alpine region) | 3 | 3 | semi-shade: plant rarely tolerates below 10 % of relative illumination |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT vascular plants - light Switzerland (Alpine region) | 4 | 4 | well-lit places: plant tolerates light shade only occasionally or for short periods |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT vascular plants - light Switzerland (Alpine region) | 5 | 5 | full light: plant grows only in open and sunny places |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT vascular plants - light Switzerland (Alpine region) | variation | range of variation regarding the light value: I - small variation, II - large variation | |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT vascular plants - moisture Switzerland (Alpine region) | 1 | 1 | very dry |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT vascular plants - moisture Switzerland (Alpine region) | 1.5 | 1.5 | dry |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT vascular plants - moisture Switzerland (Alpine region) | 2 | 2 | moderately dry |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT vascular plants - moisture Switzerland (Alpine region) | 2.5 | 2.5 | fresh |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT vascular plants - moisture Switzerland (Alpine region) | 3 | 3 | moderately moist |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT vascular plants - moisture Switzerland (Alpine region) | 3.5 | 3.5 | moist |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT vascular plants - moisture Switzerland (Alpine region) | 4 | 4 | very moist |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT vascular plants - moisture Switzerland (Alpine region) | 4.5 | 4.5 | wet |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT vascular plants - moisture Switzerland (Alpine region) | 5 | 5 | inundated to flooded |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT vascular plants - moisture Switzerland (Alpine region) | variation | range of variation regarding the moisture value: I - small variation, II - large variation | |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT vascular plants - nutrients Switzerland (Alpine region) | 1 | 1 | very infertile |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT vascular plants - nutrients Switzerland (Alpine region) | 2 | 2 | infertile |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT vascular plants - nutrients Switzerland (Alpine region) | 3 | 3 | medium infertile to medium fertile |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT vascular plants - nutrients Switzerland (Alpine region) | 4 | 4 | fertile |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT vascular plants - nutrients Switzerland (Alpine region) | 5 | 5 | very fertile and over-rich |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT vascular plants - nutrients Switzerland (Alpine region) | variation | range of variation regarding the nutrients value: I - small variation, II - large variation | |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT vascular plants - reaction Switzerland (Alpine region) | 1 | 1 | extremely acid, pH 2.5 - 5.5 |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT vascular plants - reaction Switzerland (Alpine region) | 2 | 2 | acid, pH 3.5 - 6.5 |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT vascular plants - reaction Switzerland (Alpine region) | 3 | 3 | weakly acid to weakly neutral, pH 4.5 - 7.5 |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT vascular plants - reaction Switzerland (Alpine region) | 4 | 4 | neutral or alkaline basic, pH 5.5 - 8.5 |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT vascular plants - reaction Switzerland (Alpine region) | 5 | 5 | alkaline, high pH, pH over 6.5 - 8.5 |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT vascular plants - reaction Switzerland (Alpine region) | variation | range of variation regarding the reaction value: I - small variation, II - large variation | |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT vascular plants - reaction Switzerland (Alpine region) | x | x | wide range of variation |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT vascular plants - salinity Switzerland (Alpine region) | s | s | salt tolerant |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT vascular plants - salinity Switzerland (Alpine region) | ss | ss | salt dependent |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT vascular plants - temperature Switzerland (Alpine region) | 1 | 1 | alpine and nival |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT vascular plants - temperature Switzerland (Alpine region) | 1.5 | 1.5 | lower alpine, supra subalpine and upper subalpine |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT vascular plants - temperature Switzerland (Alpine region) | 2 | 2 | subalpine |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT vascular plants - temperature Switzerland (Alpine region) | 2.5 | 2.5 | lower subalpine und upper montane |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT vascular plants - temperature Switzerland (Alpine region) | 3 | 3 | montane |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT vascular plants - temperature Switzerland (Alpine region) | 3.5 | 3.5 | lower montane and upper colline |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT vascular plants - temperature Switzerland (Alpine region) | 4 | 4 | colline |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT vascular plants - temperature Switzerland (Alpine region) | 4.5 | 4.5 | warm colline |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT vascular plants - temperature Switzerland (Alpine region) | 5 | 5 | very warm colline |
Macrophytes | LANDOLT vascular plants - temperature Switzerland (Alpine region) | variation | range of variation regarding the temperature value: I - small variation, II - large variation | |
Macrophytes | leaf persistance | early-spring green | V | green only from early spring until early summer |
Macrophytes | leaf persistance | evergreen | I | evergreen |
Macrophytes | leaf persistance | hibernating green | W | leaves remaining green during the winter |
Macrophytes | leaf persistance | summergreen | S | green leaves only during the warmer seasons |
Macrophytes | life form - Raunkiaer | chamaephyte | chamaephyte | plants whose mature branch or shoot system remains perennially within 25 - 50 cm above ground surface or plants that grow taller than 25 - 50 cm, but whose shoots die back periodically to that height limit |
Macrophytes | life form - Raunkiaer | errant thallo-hydrophyte | errant thallo-hydrophyte | pleustophytic non-vascular cryptogams, free-moving in the water, not attached or rooted in the ground |
Macrophytes | life form - Raunkiaer | errant vascular hydrophyte | errant vascular hydrophyte | pleustophytic vascular hydrophytes, free-moving in the water, not attached or rooted in the ground |
Macrophytes | life form - Raunkiaer | geophyte | geophyte | periodic reduction of the complete shoot system to storage organs that are imbedded in the soil |
Macrophytes | life form - Raunkiaer | hemikryptophyte | hemikryptophyte | periodic shoot reduction to a remnant shoot system that lies relatively flat on the ground surface |
Macrophytes | life form - Raunkiaer | phanerophyte | phanerophyte | plants that grow taller than 25 - 50 cm or whose shoots do not die back periodically to that height limit |
Macrophytes | life form - Raunkiaer | thallophyte | thallophyte | non-vascular cryptogams |
Macrophytes | life form - Raunkiaer | therophyte | therophyte | annuals; plants whose shoot and root system dies after seed production and which complete their whole life cycle within one year |
Macrophytes | life form - systema | amphiphyte | A | living both entirely submerged in water as well as temporarily on dry ground |
Macrophytes | life form - systema | helophyte | H | basal parts submerged in water, leaves and inflorescences rising above water surface |
Macrophytes | life form - systema | hydrophyte | Hyd | living permanently completely or mostly submerged in water or floating on the water surface |
Macrophytes | life form - systema | others | SW | other water-bound plant; living primarily in terrestrial areas influenced by rivers or lakes |
Macrophytes | plant life span | annual | annual | annual species |
Macrophytes | plant life span | biannual | biannual | biannual species |
Macrophytes | plant life span | hapaxanth | hapaxanth | species is flowering only once in a lifetime and dies after flowering |
Macrophytes | plant life span | pa 5 - 50 | pa5-50 | perennial species, life span 5 to 50 years |
Macrophytes | plant life span | pa < 5 | pa<5 | perennial species, life span 2 to 4 years |
Macrophytes | plant life span | pa > 50 | pa>50 | perennial species, life span more than 50 years |
Macrophytes | plant life span | polyannual | polyannual | perennial species |
Macrophytes | zone - systema | A | A | plant living in the water or on the water surface |
Macrophytes | zone - systema | B | B | plant living in the riparian zone |
Macrophytes | zone - systema | C | C | plant commonly living along river and lake shores |
Phytobenthos without diatoms | geochemical imprinting | ++ | preference according to Rott et al. (1999) | |
Phytobenthos without diatoms | geochemical imprinting | x | additional opinion according to data from the literature or own assessment | |
Phytobenthos without diatoms | geochemical imprinting | acidiphil | ACF | occurrence at pH around 7, predominant distribution at pH < 7 |
Phytobenthos without diatoms | geochemical imprinting | acidobiont | ACB | occurrence at pH< 7, optimum at pH < 5.5 |
Phytobenthos without diatoms | geochemical imprinting | alkalibiont | ALB | occurrence exclusively pH > 7, optimum at pH 8.5 |
Phytobenthos without diatoms | geochemical imprinting | alkaliphil | ALF | occurrence around pH 7, predominant distribution at pH > 7 |
Phytobenthos without diatoms | geochemical imprinting | circumneutral | CN | occurrence in the range around pH 7 |
Phytobenthos without diatoms | geochemical imprinting | indifferent | IND | distribution in the pH spectrum without recognizable optimum |
Phytobenthos without diatoms | indicator taxon | disturbance indicator | C | disturbance indicator (indicating eutrophication or a moderate to poor saprobic status) |
Phytobenthos without diatoms | indicator taxon | disturbance indicator | D | disturbance indicator (indicating severe eutrophication or poor to bad saprobic status or heavy metal pollution) |
Phytobenthos without diatoms | indicator taxon | less sensitive species, occurrence not as restricted as under A | B | less sensitive species, occurrence not as restricted as under A |
Phytobenthos without diatoms | indicator taxon | PB kbr 01 | PB kbr 01 | Type 1: Alpine streams |
Phytobenthos without diatoms | indicator taxon | PB kbr 02 | PB kbr 02 | Type 2: Streams in the alpine foothills |
Phytobenthos without diatoms | indicator taxon | PB kbr 03 | PB kbr 03 | Type 7: Small coarse substrate dominated calcareous highland rivers |
Phytobenthos without diatoms | indicator taxon | PB kbr 04 | PB kbr 04 | Type 9.1 PB 6: Mid-sized fine to coarse substrate dominated calcareous highland rivers (Phytobenthos) Type 9.2: Large highland rivers |
Phytobenthos without diatoms | indicator taxon | PB kbr 05 | PB kbr 05 | Type 10: Very large gravel-dominated rivers |
Phytobenthos without diatoms | indicator taxon | PB kbr 06 | PB kbr 06 | Type 6: Small fine substrate dominated calcareous highland rivers |
Phytobenthos without diatoms | indicator taxon | PB kbr 07 | PB kbr 07 | Type 6K: Small fine substrate dominated calcareous highland rivers of the Keuper Type 9.1K: Mid-sized fine to coarse substrate dominated calcareous highland rivers of the Keuper Type 9.1 PB 4: Mid-sized fine to coarse substrate dominated calcareous highland rivers (Phytobenthos) |
Phytobenthos without diatoms | indicator taxon | PB kbr 08 | PB kbr 08 | Type 11: Small organic substrate-dominated rivers Type 12: Mid-sized and large organic substrate-dominated rivers Type 19: Small streams in riverine floodplains |
Phytobenthos without diatoms | indicator taxon | PB kbr 09 | PB kbr 09 | Type 14: Small sand-dominated lowland rivers Type 15: Mid-sized and large sand and loam-dominated lowland rivers |
Phytobenthos without diatoms | indicator taxon | PB kbr 10 | PB kbr 10 | Type 16: Small gravel-dominated lowland rivers Type 17: Mid-sized and large gravel-dominated lowland rivers |
Phytobenthos without diatoms | indicator taxon | PB kbr 11 | PB kbr 11 | Type 18: Small loess and loam-dominated lowland rivers |
Phytobenthos without diatoms | indicator taxon | PB kbr 12 | PB kbr 12 | Type 15_g: Large sand and loam-dominated lowland rivers Type 20: Very large sand-dominated rivers |
Phytobenthos without diatoms | indicator taxon | PB soba 01 | PB soba 01 | Type 5: Small coarse substrate dominated siliceous highland rivers Type 5.1: Small fine substrate dominated siliceous highland rivers Type 11: Small organic substrate-dominated rivers Type 12: Mid-sized and large organic substrate-dominated rivers |
Phytobenthos without diatoms | indicator taxon | PB soba 02 | PB soba 02 | Type 9: Mid-sized fine to coarse substrate dominated siliceous highland rivers |
Phytobenthos without diatoms | indicator taxon | PB soba 03 | PB soba 03 | Type 14: Small sand-dominated lowland rivers Type 16: Small gravel-dominated lowland rivers Type 17: Mid-sized and large gravel-dominated lowland rivers Type 19: Small streams in riverine floodplains Type 11: Small organic substrate-dominated rivers Type 12: Mid-sized and large organic substrate-dominated rivers |
Phytobenthos without diatoms | indicator taxon | sensitive species, characteristic of certain types of running waters | A | sensitive species, characteristic of certain types of running waters |
Phytobenthos without diatoms | life form | benthic | B | benthic living species |
Phytobenthos without diatoms | life form | epiphytic | E | species living on plants |
Phytobenthos without diatoms | life form | epiphytic on plankton | EP | living epiphytic on plankton |
Phytobenthos without diatoms | life form | planktic | P | planktic living species |
Phytobenthos without diatoms | life form | planktic/benthic | PB | living planktic or benthic |
Phytobenthos without diatoms | life form | terrestrial | T | living terrestrial |
Phytobenthos without diatoms | saprobity Pfister et al. | saprobic indicator (range: 1-4) | indicator | saprobic indicator (range: 1-4) |
Phytobenthos without diatoms | saprobity Pfister et al. | saprobic weight | weight | saprobic weight |
Phytobenthos without diatoms | substrate preference | endolithic | ENLI | in stone |
Phytobenthos without diatoms | substrate preference | endophytic | ENPH | in plants |
Phytobenthos without diatoms | substrate preference | epilithic | EPLI | on stone |
Phytobenthos without diatoms | substrate preference | epipelic | EPPE | on mud |
Phytobenthos without diatoms | substrate preference | epiphytic | EPPH | on plants |
Phytobenthos without diatoms | substrate preference | epipsammic | EPPS | on sand |
Phytobenthos without diatoms | substrate preference | epixylic | EPXY | on wood |
Phytobenthos without diatoms | substrate preference | sapropelic | SAPE | on decaying mud |
Phytobenthos without diatoms | substrate preference | tychoplanktic | TYCH | first in benthos, then in plankton |
Phytobenthos without diatoms | trophy Pfister et al. | trophic indicator | indicator | trophic indicator (range: 0.1-3.9) |
Phytobenthos without diatoms | trophy Pfister et al. | trophic weight | weight | trophic weight |
Phytobenthos without diatoms | water type | running waters | FL | species occurs in running waters |
Phytobenthos without diatoms | water type | standing waters | ST | species occurs in standing waters |
Diatoms | moisture van Dam | 1 | 1 | never, or only very rarely, occurring outside water bodies |
Diatoms | moisture van Dam | 2 | 2 | mainly occurring in water bodies, sometimes on wet places |
Diatoms | moisture van Dam | 3 | 3 | mainly occurring in water bodies, also rather regularly on wet and moist places |
Diatoms | moisture van Dam | 4 | 4 | mainly occurring on wet and moist or temporarily dry places |
Diatoms | moisture van Dam | 5 | 5 | nearly exclusively occurring outside water bodies |
Diatoms | nitrogen van Dam | 1 | 1 | nitrogen-autotrophic taxa, tolerating very small concentrations of organically bound nitrogen |
Diatoms | nitrogen van Dam | 2 | 2 | nitrogen-autotrophic taxa, tolerating elevated concentrations of organically bound nitrogen |
Diatoms | nitrogen van Dam | 3 | 3 | facultatively nitrogen-heterotrophic taxa, needing periodically elevated concentrations of organically bound nitrogen |
Diatoms | nitrogen van Dam | 4 | 4 | obligately nitrogen-heterotrophic taxa, needing continuously elevated concentrations of organically bound nitrogen |
Diatoms | oxygen van Dam | 1 | 1 | oxygen content continuously high (about 100% saturation) |
Diatoms | oxygen van Dam | 2 | 2 | oxygen content fairly high (above 75% saturation) |
Diatoms | oxygen van Dam | 3 | 3 | oxygen content moderate (above 50% saturation) |
Diatoms | oxygen van Dam | 4 | 4 | oxygen content low (above 30% saturation) |
Diatoms | oxygen van Dam | 5 | 5 | oxygen content very low (about 10% saturation) |
Diatoms | pH Denys Hustedt | 1 | 1 | irrelevant |
Diatoms | pH Denys Hustedt | 10 | 10 | acidobiontic |
Diatoms | pH Denys Hustedt | 11 | 11 | indifferent (= no apparent optimum) |
Diatoms | pH Denys Hustedt | 2 | 2 | alkalibiontic |
Diatoms | pH Denys Hustedt | 3 | 3 | alkalibiontic to alkaliphilous |
Diatoms | pH Denys Hustedt | 4 | 4 | alkaliphilous (=basiphilous) |
Diatoms | pH Denys Hustedt | 5 | 5 | alkaliphilous to circumneutral |
Diatoms | pH Denys Hustedt | 6 | 6 | circumneutral (= neutrophilous) |
Diatoms | pH Denys Hustedt | 7 | 7 | circumneutral to acidophilous |
Diatoms | pH Denys Hustedt | 8 | 8 | acidophilous |
Diatoms | pH Denys Hustedt | 9 | 9 | acidophilous to acidobiontic |
Diatoms | pH Denys Hustedt | pH indicator | indicator | pH indicator |
Diatoms | pH Hakansson | 1 | ACB | acibiontic |
Diatoms | pH Hakansson | 2 | ACBP | acidophilous to acibiontic |
Diatoms | pH Hakansson | 3 | ACP | acidophilous |
Diatoms | pH Hakansson | 4 | INAC | indifferent to acidophilous |
Diatoms | pH Hakansson | 5 | IND | indifferent or neutral |
Diatoms | pH Hakansson | 6 | AKIN | alkaliphilous to indifferent |
Diatoms | pH Hakansson | 7 | AKP | alkalipholous |
Diatoms | pH Hakansson | 8 | AKPB | alkaliphilous to alkalibiontic |
Diatoms | pH Hakansson | 9 | AKB | alkalibiontic |
Diatoms | pH Hakansson | pH indicator | indicator | pH indicator |
Diatoms | pH van Dam | 1 | 1 | acidobiontic: optimal occurunce at pH < 5.5 |
Diatoms | pH van Dam | 2 | 2 | acidophilous: mainly occurring at pH < 7 |
Diatoms | pH van Dam | 3 | 3 | circumneutral: mainly occurring at pH-values about 7 |
Diatoms | pH van Dam | 4 | 4 | alkaliphilous: mainly occurring at pH > 7 |
Diatoms | pH van Dam | 5 | 5 | alkalibiontic: exclusively occurring at pH > 7 |
Diatoms | pH van Dam | 6 | 6 | indifferent: no apparent optimum |
Diatoms | pollution CEE | pollution indicator | indicator | pollution indicator |
Diatoms | pollution Dell'Uomo | pollution indicator (range: 0.2 - 15) | indicator | pollution indicator (range: 0.2 - 15) |
Diatoms | pollution Dell'Uomo | pollution weight | weight | pollution weight |
Diatoms | pollution Gomez & Licursi | pollution indicator | indicator | pollution indicator |
Diatoms | pollution IPS | pollution indicator | indicator | pollution indicator |
Diatoms | pollution IPS | pollution weight | weight | pollution weight |
Diatoms | pollution Prygiel et al. | pollution indicator | indicator | pollution indicator |
Diatoms | pollution Prygiel et al. | pollution weight | weight | pollution weight |
Diatoms | preservation Descy | 2 | 2 | large |
Diatoms | preservation Descy | 3 | 3 | moderate |
Diatoms | preservation Descy | 4 | 4 | low |
Diatoms | preservation Descy | 5 | 5 | very low |
Diatoms | preservation Descy | preservation indicator | indicator | preservation indicator |
Diatoms | salinity Denys | 2 | 2 | markedly euryhaline |
Diatoms | salinity Denys | 3 | 3 | somewhat euryhalline |
Diatoms | salinity Denys | 4 | 4 | stenohaline |
Diatoms | salinity Denys | salinity indicator | indicator | salinity indicator |
Diatoms | salinity Huestedt | 10 | 10 | oligohalobous indifferent to halophobous |
Diatoms | salinity Huestedt | 10 | 10 | alpha-mesohalobous to oligohalobous indifferent |
Diatoms | salinity Huestedt | 11 | 11 | oligohalobous halophobous |
Diatoms | salinity Huestedt | 11 | 11 | beta-mesohalobous to oligohalobous indifferent |
Diatoms | salinity Huestedt | 12 | 12 | oligohalobous halophilous |
Diatoms | salinity Huestedt | 13 | 13 | oligohalobous halophilous to indifferent |
Diatoms | salinity Huestedt | 14 | 14 | oligohalobous indifferent |
Diatoms | salinity Huestedt | 15 | 15 | oligohalobous indifferent to halophobous |
Diatoms | salinity Huestedt | 16 | 16 | oligohalobous halophobous |
Diatoms | salinity Huestedt | 2 | 2 | polyhalobous |
Diatoms | salinity Huestedt | 3 | 3 | polyhalobous to mesohalobous |
Diatoms | salinity Huestedt | 3 | 3 | polyhalobous to alpha- mesohalobous |
Diatoms | salinity Huestedt | 4 | 4 | mesohalobous |
Diatoms | salinity Huestedt | 4 | 4 | polyhalobous to beta- mesohalobous |
Diatoms | salinity Huestedt | 5 | 5 | mesohalobous to oligohalobous halophilous |
Diatoms | salinity Huestedt | 5 | 5 | mesohalobous to euryhaline |
Diatoms | salinity Huestedt | 6 | 6 | mesohalobous to oligohalobous indifferent |
Diatoms | salinity Huestedt | 6 | 6 | alpha-mesohalobous |
Diatoms | salinity Huestedt | 7 | 7 | oligohalobous halophilous |
Diatoms | salinity Huestedt | 7 | 7 | beta-mesohalobous |
Diatoms | salinity Huestedt | 8 | 8 | oligohalobous halophilous to indifferent |
Diatoms | salinity Huestedt | 8 | 8 | alpha-mesohalobous to oligohalobous halophilous |
Diatoms | salinity Huestedt | 9 | 9 | oligohalobous indifferent |
Diatoms | salinity Huestedt | 9 | 9 | beta-mesohalobous to oligohalobous halophilous |
Diatoms | salinity van Dam et al. | 1 | 1 | fresh: CL- (mg-1) < 100 sal < 0.2 ‰ |
Diatoms | salinity van Dam et al. | 2 | 2 | fresh/brackish: CL- (mg-1) < 500 sal < 0.9 ‰ |
Diatoms | salinity van Dam et al. | 3 | 3 | brackish/fresh: CL- (mg-1) 500 - 1000 sal 0.9 - 1.8 ‰ |
Diatoms | salinity van Dam et al. | 4 | 4 | brackish: CL- (mg-1) 1000 - 5000 sal 1.8 - 9.0 ‰ |
Diatoms | salinity Ziemann | 1 | 1 | halophobous |
Diatoms | salinity Ziemann | 2 | 2 | oligohalobous |
Diatoms | salinity Ziemann | 3 | 3 | mesohalobous |
Diatoms | salinity Ziemann | 4 | 4 | polyhalobous |
Diatoms | salinity Ziemann | salinity indicator | indicator | salinity indicator |
Diatoms | saprobity Czech Republic | saprobic indicator (range: 0 - 3.5) | indicator | saprobic indicator (range: 0 - 3.5) |
Diatoms | saprobity Czech Republic | saprobic weight | weight | saprobic weight |
Diatoms | saprobity Hofmann | 1 | 1 | oligosaprobic |
Diatoms | saprobity Hofmann | 2 | 2 | oligo- ß-saprobic |
Diatoms | saprobity Hofmann | 3 | 3 | ß-mesosaprobic |
Diatoms | saprobity Hofmann | 4 | 4 | ß-meso - ß-alpha meso |
Diatoms | saprobity Hofmann | 5 | 5 | ß -alpha mesosaprob |
Diatoms | saprobity Hofmann | 6 | 6 | ß-alpha-meso - alpha meso |
Diatoms | saprobity Hofmann | 7 | 7 | alpha mesosaprob |
Diatoms | saprobity Hofmann | 8 | 8 | alpha-meso polysaprob |
Diatoms | saprobity Hofmann | 9 | 9 | polysaprob |
Diatoms | saprobity Hofmann | saprobic indicator | indicator | saprobic indicator |
Diatoms | saprobity Pfister et al. | saprobic indicator (range: 1-4) | indicator | saprobic indicator (range: 1-4) |
Diatoms | saprobity Pfister et al. | saprobic weight | weight | saprobic weight |
Diatoms | saprobity Sladecek | saprobic indicator (range: 0.1 - 4) | indicator | saprobic indicator (range: 0.1 - 4) |
Diatoms | saprobity Sladecek | saprobic weight | weight | saprobic weight |
Diatoms | saprobity van Dam et al. | 1 | 1 | oligosaprobous, oxygen saturation > 85%, BOD5 20 (mgl-1) < 2 |
Diatoms | saprobity van Dam et al. | 2 | 2 | beta-mesosaprobous, oxygen saturation 70 - 85%, BOD5 20 (mgl-1) 2 - 4 |
Diatoms | saprobity van Dam et al. | 3 | 3 | alpha-mesosaprobous oxygen saturation 25-70% BOD5 20 (mgl-1) 4-13 |
Diatoms | saprobity van Dam et al. | 4 | 4 | alpha-meso/polysaprobous, oxygen saturation 10 - 25%, BOD5 20 (mgl-1) 13 - 22 |
Diatoms | saprobity van Dam et al. | 5 | 5 | polysaprobous, oxygen saturation < 10%, BOD5 20 (mgl-1) > 22 |
Diatoms | saprobity Watanabe et al. | 0 | 0 | indifferent taxa (LECOINTE et al., 2003) |
Diatoms | saprobity Watanabe et al. | 1 | 1 | saprophilous taxa |
Diatoms | saprobity Watanabe et al. | 2 | 2 | saproxenous taxa |
Diatoms | trophy Bayern | trophic indicator (range: 1 - 3.9) | indicator | trophic indicator (range: 1 - 3.9) |
Diatoms | trophy Behrendt | trophic indicator (range: 1.1 - 4) | indicator | trophic indicator (range: 1.1 - 4) |
Diatoms | trophy Denys | trophic indicator | indicator | trophic indicator |
Diatoms | trophy lakes | trophic indicator (range: 1.1 - 4) | indicator | trophic indicator (range: 1.1 - 4) |
Diatoms | trophy Pfister et al. | trophic indicator | indicator | trophic indicator (range: 0.1-3.9) |
Diatoms | trophy Pfister et al. | trophic weight | weight | trophic weight |
Diatoms | trophy Schiefele & Schreiner | trophic indicator (range: 1.5 - 4) | indicator | trophic indicator (range: 1.5 - 4) |
Diatoms | trophy Schmedtje | trophic indicator (range: 1 - 3.6) | indicator | trophic indicator (range: 1 - 3.6) |
Diatoms | trophy Schmedtje | trophic weight | weight | trophic weight |
Diatoms | trophy TDI | trophic indicator | indicator | trophic indicator |
Diatoms | trophy TDI | trophic weight | weight | trophic weight |
Diatoms | trophy Whitmore | trophic indicator | indicator | trophic indicator |
Diatoms | trophy/organic pollution Schiefele | trophic indicator | indicator | trophic indicator |
Diatoms | trophy/organic pollution Steinberg | trophic indicator | indicator | trophic indicator |
Phytoplankton | approximate size class [µm] | Size classes were created by incremental doublings of the cell volume, represented by the upper boundary log-transformed (e.g. -0.3= cell volume <= 0.5 µm³, 0= cell volume 0.5-1 µm³, 0.3= cell volume 1-2 µm³, 0.6= cell volume 2-4 µm³ and so on). A total n | ||
Phytoplankton | habitat - river/lake | IndArt See | ||
Phytoplankton | habitat - river/lake | IndArtFluss | ||
Phytoplankton | life form | benthic | B | benthic living species |
Phytoplankton | life form | epiphytic | E | species living on plants |
Phytoplankton | life form | marine | _marine | marine living species |
Phytoplankton | life form | planktic | P | planktic living species |
Phytoplankton | life form | pleuston | Pl | species living on the water surface |
Phytoplankton | life form | possibly drifting into plankton | _drifted | benthic species, now drifting in the plankton |
Phytoplankton | living form | armoured flagellates | afl | armoured flagellates |
Phytoplankton | living form | bristle forming algae | bfa | bristle forming algae |
Phytoplankton | living form | chain forming algae | cha | chain forming algae |
Phytoplankton | living form | coccal algae | cal | coccal algae |
Phytoplankton | living form | colonies | col | colonies |
Phytoplankton | living form | colony forming algae | coa | colony forming algae |
Phytoplankton | living form | colony forming blue green algae | cfa | colony forming blue green algae |
Phytoplankton | living form | colony forming phytoflagellates | cpf | colony forming phytoflagellates |
Phytoplankton | living form | filamentous form | fif | filamentous form |
Phytoplankton | living form | Flagellates | fla | Flagellates |
Phytoplankton | living form | gallert forming green algae in colonies | gac | gallert forming green algae in colonies |
Phytoplankton | living form | heterotrophe Flagellaten | hfl | heterotrophe Flagellaten |
Phytoplankton | living form | housing forming phytoflagellates | fpf | housing forming phytoflagellates |
Phytoplankton | living form | large central diatoms | lcd | large central diatoms |
Phytoplankton | living form | large colony forming algae | lca | large colony forming algae |
Phytoplankton | living form | large phytoflagellates | lpf | large phytoflagellates |
Phytoplankton | living form | medium to large diatoms | mld | medium to large diatoms |
Phytoplankton | living form | medium-sized central diatoms | mcd | medium-sized central diatoms |
Phytoplankton | living form | needle-shaped algae | nsa | needle-shaped algae |
Phytoplankton | living form | phytoflagellaten | pfl | phytoflagellaten |
Phytoplankton | living form | small central diatoms | scd | small central diatoms |
Phytoplankton | living form | small colony forming algae | sca | small colony forming algae |
Phytoplankton | living form | small phytoflagellates | spf | small phytoflagellates |
Phytoplankton | living form | solitary centric diatoms | sod | solitary centric diatoms |
Phytoplankton | living form | solitary large single cells | slc | solitary large single cells |
Phytoplankton | living form | solitary large single cells or chain forming | slf | solitary large single cells or chain forming |
Phytoplankton | living form | solitary small algae | ssa | solitary small algae |
Phytoplankton | living form | Thecamoeba | the | Thecamoeba |
Phytoplankton | living form | undetermined form | udf | undetermined form |
Phytoplankton | MFG trophic score and indicator value | |||
Phytoplankton | mode of nutrition | heterotrophic (obligatory) | hetero | heterotrophic mode of nutrition |
Phytoplankton | mode of nutrition | mixotroph (optional heterotroph) | mixo | mixotrophic mode of nutrition |
Phytoplankton | mode of nutrition | no heterotrophy known | no | no heterotrophy known, phototroph |
Phytoplankton | morpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisak | |||
Phytoplankton | morpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisak | Chlorococcales - gelatinous colonies | 11b | |
Phytoplankton | morpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisak | Chlorococcales - naked colonies | 11a | |
Phytoplankton | morpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisak | colonial Phytomonadina | 3b | |
Phytoplankton | morpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisak | colonies - Nostocales | 5e | |
Phytoplankton | morpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisak | filaments - Chlorophytes | 10a | |
Phytoplankton | morpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisak | filaments - Conjugatophytes | 10b | |
Phytoplankton | morpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisak | filaments - Xanthophytes | 10c | |
Phytoplankton | morpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisak | large colonial or unicellular Chrysophytes/Haptophytes | 1a | |
Phytoplankton | morpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisak | large colonial or unicellular Dinophytes | 1b | |
Phytoplankton | morpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisak | large colonial or unicellular Euglenophytes | 1c | |
Phytoplankton | morpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisak | large Diatoms - Centrics | 6a | |
Phytoplankton | morpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisak | large Diatoms - Pennates | 6b | |
Phytoplankton | morpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisak | large unicells - other groups | 8b | |
Phytoplankton | morpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisak | large unicells - unicellular Conjugatophytes/Chlorophytes | 8a | |
Phytoplankton | morpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisak | large vacuolated colonies - Chroococcales | 5b | |
Phytoplankton | morpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisak | other colonies | 11c | |
Phytoplankton | morpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisak | other large colonies, mostly non-vacuolated Chroococcales | 5c | |
Phytoplankton | morpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisak | small colonies - Chroococcales | 5d | |
Phytoplankton | morpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisak | small Diatoms - Centrics | 7a | |
Phytoplankton | morpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisak | small Diatoms - Pennates | 7b | |
Phytoplankton | morpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisak | small unicells - Chlorococcales | 9b | |
Phytoplankton | morpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisak | small unicells - Chrysophytes | 9c | |
Phytoplankton | morpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisak | small unicells - Conjugatophytes | 9a | |
Phytoplankton | morpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisak | small unicells - other groups | 9d | |
Phytoplankton | morpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisak | small unicellular Chrysophytes/Haptophytes | 2a | |
Phytoplankton | morpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisak | small unicellular Cryptophytes | 2d | |
Phytoplankton | morpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisak | small unicellular Dinophytes | 2b | |
Phytoplankton | morpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisak | small unicellular Euglenophytes | 2c | |
Phytoplankton | morpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisak | thin filaments colonies - Oscillatoriales | 5a | |
Phytoplankton | morpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisak | unicellular Cyanobacteria | 4 | |
Phytoplankton | morpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisak | unicellular Phytomonadina | 3a | |
Phytoplankton | phytoplankton guild (PhytoLoss) | gelatinous large colonies | C3 | > 100 µm GALD, Phytomonadina, Chroococcales, Chlorococcales |
Phytoplankton | phytoplankton guild (PhytoLoss) | large Bacillariophytes | B2 | > 30 µm GALD, without chain-forming colonies |
Phytoplankton | phytoplankton guild (PhytoLoss) | large Chrysophytes/Haptophytes, Euglenophytes, Conjugatophytes, Chlorophytes, Chroococcales | U2 | large Chrysophytes/Haptophytes, Euglenophytes, Conjugatophytes, Chlorophytes, Chroococcales |
Phytoplankton | phytoplankton guild (PhytoLoss) | large Dinophytes | D2 | > 30 µm diameter |
Phytoplankton | phytoplankton guild (PhytoLoss) | medium-sized colonies | C2 | 30 - 100µm, Chlorococcales, Phytomonadina, Chroococcales and others |
Phytoplankton | phytoplankton guild (PhytoLoss) | medium-thick filaments | F2 | Chlorophytes, Conjugatophytes, Xanthophytes, Cyanobacteria, single Nostocales |
Phytoplankton | phytoplankton guild (PhytoLoss) | small Bacillariophytes | B1 | < 30 µm GALD |
Phytoplankton | phytoplankton guild (PhytoLoss) | small Chrysophytes/Haptophytes, Euglenophytes, Cryptophytes, Chlorococcales, unicell Phytomonad | U1 | small Chrysophytes/Haptophytes, Euglenophytes, Cryptophytes, Chlorococcales, unicell Phytomonad |
Phytoplankton | phytoplankton guild (PhytoLoss) | small colonies | C1 | colonial Chlorophyta < 30 µm GALD |
Phytoplankton | phytoplankton guild (PhytoLoss) | small Dinophytes - <30µm diameter | D1 | < 30 µm diameter |
Phytoplankton | phytoplankton guild (PhytoLoss) | thick filamentous aggregates | F3 | chain-forming Bacillariophytes, flocs-forming Nostocales |
Phytoplankton | phytoplankton guild (PhytoLoss) | thin filaments | F1 | Oscillatoriales |
Phytoplankton | seasonal occurrence – rivers | autumn | autumn | September to November |
Phytoplankton | seasonal occurrence – rivers | early summer | early summer | May to June |
Phytoplankton | seasonal occurrence – rivers | late summer | late summer | August to September |
Phytoplankton | seasonal occurrence – rivers | midsummer | midsummer | July to August |
Phytoplankton | seasonal occurrence – rivers | no | no | no specific seasonal occurrence |
Phytoplankton | seasonal occurrence – rivers | spring | spring | March to May |
Phytoplankton | seasonal occurrence – rivers | summer | summer | June to August |
Phytoplankton | seasonal occurrence – rivers | winter | winter | November to March |
Phytoplankton | size class trophic score and indicator value | |||
Phytoplankton | stenoecy factor | Alpine lakes | lake - AAF | natural lakes, Heavily Modified Water Bodies and Artificial Water Bodies of the Alps and Alpine Foothills |
Phytoplankton | stenoecy factor | Central Highland lakes | lake - CH | natural lakes, Heavily Modified Water Bodies and Artificial Water Bodies of the Central Highlands |
Phytoplankton | stenoecy factor | Central Highland rivers | river - CH | rivers and streams in the Central Highlands |
Phytoplankton | stenoecy factor | Danube Basin rivers | river - Danube | Danube and tributaries |
Phytoplankton | stenoecy factor | Lowland polymictic HMWB & AWB | pa.lake - LL | polymictic Heavily Modified Water Bodies and Artificial Water Bodies of the Lowlands |
Phytoplankton | stenoecy factor | Lowland polymictic lakes | pn.lake - LL | natural polymictic lakes of the Lowlands |
Phytoplankton | stenoecy factor | Lowland rivers | river - LL | lowland rivers and streams |
Phytoplankton | stenoecy factor | Lowland stratified HMWB & AWB | sa.lake - LL | stratified Heavily Modified Water Bodies and Artificial Water Bodies of the Lowlands |
Phytoplankton | stenoecy factor | Lowland stratified lakes | sn.lake - LL | natural stratified lakes of the Lowlands |
Phytoplankton | trophic anchor value | Alpine lakes | lake - AAF | natural lakes, Heavily Modified Water Bodies and Artificial Water Bodies of the Alps and Alpine Foothills |
Phytoplankton | trophic anchor value | Central Highland lakes | lake - CH | natural lakes, Heavily Modified Water Bodies and Artificial Water Bodies of the Central Highlands |
Phytoplankton | trophic anchor value | Central Highland rivers | river - CH | rivers and streams in the Central Highlands |
Phytoplankton | trophic anchor value | Danube Basin rivers | river - Danube | Danube and tributaries |
Phytoplankton | trophic anchor value | Lowland polymictic HMWB & AWB | pa.lake – LL | polymictic Heavily Modified Water Bodies and Artificial Water Bodies of the Lowlands |
Phytoplankton | trophic anchor value | Lowland polymictic lakes | pn.lake - LL | natural polymictic lakes of the Lowlands |
Phytoplankton | trophic anchor value | Lowland rivers | river - LL | lowland rivers and streams |
Phytoplankton | trophic anchor value | Lowland stratified HMWB & AWB | sa.lake - LL | stratified Heavily Modified Water Bodies and Artificial Water Bodies of the Lowlands |
Phytoplankton | trophic anchor value | Lowland stratified lakes | sn.lake – LL | natural stratified lakes of the Lowlands |
Phytoplankton | trophic focus | AAF+CH | AAF+CH | natural lakes, Heavily Modified Water Bodies and Artificial Water Bodies of the Alps, Alpine Foothills and Central Highlands |
Phytoplankton | trophic focus | eutrophic | eu | trophic index values: >2.5 – 3.5 |
Phytoplankton | trophic focus | eutrophic 1 | eu1 | trophic index values: > 2.5 – 3.0 |
Phytoplankton | trophic focus | eutrophic 2 | eu2 | trophic index values: > 3.0 – 3.5 |
Phytoplankton | trophic focus | hypereutrophic | hyper | trophic index values: > 4.5 |
Phytoplankton | trophic focus | indifferent | in | indifferent species |
Phytoplankton | trophic focus | mesotrohic | meso | trophic index values: >1.5 – 2.5 |
Phytoplankton | trophic focus | mesotrophic 1 | meso1 | trophic index values: > 1.5 – 2.0 |
Phytoplankton | trophic focus | mesotrophic 2 | meso2 | trophic index values: > 2.0 – 2.5 |
Phytoplankton | trophic focus | oligotrophic | oligo | trophic index values: 0.5 – 1.5 |
Phytoplankton | trophic focus | pn.lake - LL | pn.lake - LL | natural polymictic lakes of the Lowlands |
Phytoplankton | trophic focus | polytrophic | poly | trophic index values: > 3.5 – 4.5 |
Phytoplankton | trophic focus | polytrophic 1 | poly1 | trophic index values: > 3.5 – 4.0 |
Phytoplankton | trophic focus | polytrophic 2 | poly2 | trophic index values: > 4.0 – 4.5 |
Phytoplankton | trophic focus | sn.lake – LL | sn.lake – LL | natural stratified lakes of the Lowlands |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Western North Africa | 1 | ecoregion sensu Illies: North Africa ("X"), country: TU |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Western North Africa | 2 | ecoregion sensu Illies: North Africa ("X"), country: AL |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Western North Africa | 3 | ecoregion sensu Illies: North Africa ("X"), country: MO |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Western South Europe | 4a | ecoregion sensu Illies: Iberic Region (ER1), country: ES |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Western South Europe | 5a | ecoregion sensu Illies: Iberic Region (ER1), country: PT |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Western South Europe | 5b | ecoregion sensu Illies: Iberic Region (ER1), country: PT |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Western South Europe | 4b | ecoregion sensu Illies: Iberic Region (ER1), country: ES |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Western South Europe | 4c | ecoregion sensu Illies: Iberic Region (ER1), country: ES |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Western South Europe | 4d | ecoregion sensu Illies: Pyrennes (ER2), country: ES |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Western South Europe | 6a | ecoregion sensu Illies: Pyrennes (ER2), country: FR |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Central South Europe | 6b | ecoregion sensu Illies: ER8?, country: FR |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Central South Europe | 7a | ecoregion sensu Illies: Italy, Corsica and Malta (ER3), country: IT |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Central South Europe | 7b | ecoregion sensu Illies: Italy, Corsica and Malta (ER3), country: IT |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Central South Europe | 7c | ecoregion sensu Illies: Italy, Corsica and Malta (ER3), country: IT |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Central South Europe | 7d | ecoregion sensu Illies: Italy, Corsica and Malta (ER3), country: IT |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Central South Europe | 6c | ecoregion sensu Illies: Italy, Corsica and Malta (ER3), country: FR |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Asia Minor | 8 | ecoregion sensu Illies: Middle East (Y), country: Levante |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Asia Minor | 9 | ecoregion sensu Illies: Middle East (Y), country: IN |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Asia Minor | 10 | ecoregion sensu Illies: The Caucasus (ER24), country: Caucasus |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Asia Minor | 11a | ecoregion sensu Illies: Middle East (Y), country: TR |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Asia Minor | 11b | ecoregion sensu Illies: Middle East (Y), country: TR |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Asia Minor | 11c | ecoregion sensu Illies: Middle East (Y), country: TR |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Dinaric South Europe | 12a | ecoregion sensu Illies: Hellenic Western Balkan (ER6) , country: GR |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Dinaric South Europe | 13 | ecoregion sensu Illies: Hellenic Western Balkan (ER6) , country: AL |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Dinaric South Europe | 14 | ecoregion sensu Illies: Hellenic Western Balkan (ER6) , country: MK |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Dinaric South Europe | 15a | ecoregion sensu Illies: Dinaric Western Balkan (ER5), country: RS, ME, Kosovo |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Dinaric South Europe | 16 | ecoregion sensu Illies: Dinaric Western Balkan (ER5), country: BA |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Dinaric South Europe | 17a | ecoregion sensu Illies: Dinaric Western Balkan (ER5), country: HR |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Dinaric South Europe | 18a | ecoregion sensu Illies: Dinaric Western Balkan (ER5), country: SL |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Balkanic South Europe | 12b | ecoregion sensu Illies: Eastern Balkan (ER7), country: GR |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Balkanic South Europe | 11d | ecoregion sensu Illies: Eastern Balkan (ER7), country: TR |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Balkanic South Europe | 19 | ecoregion sensu Illies: Eastern Balkan (ER7), country: BG |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Balkanic South Europe | 15b | ecoregion sensu Illies: Eastern Balkan (ER7), country: RS, ME, Kosovo |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Eastern Central Mountains | 20a | ecoregion sensu Illies: The Carpathians (ER10), country: RO |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Eastern Central Mountains | 20b | ecoregion sensu Illies: The Carpathians (ER10), country: RO |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Eastern Central Mountains | 21a | ecoregion sensu Illies: The Carpathians (ER10), country: UA |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Eastern Central Mountains | 22 | ecoregion sensu Illies: The Carpathians (ER10), country: SK |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Eastern Central Mountains | 23a | ecoregion sensu Illies: The Carpathians (ER10), country: HU |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Eastern Central Mountains | 24a | ecoregion sensu Illies: The Carpathians (ER10), country: CZ |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Eastern Central Mountains | 25a | ecoregion sensu Illies: The Carpathians (ER10), country: PL |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Northern Central Mountains | 24b | ecoregion sensu Illies: Central Highlands (ER9), country: CZ |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Northern Central Mountains | 26a | ecoregion sensu Illies: Central Highlands (ER9), country: AT |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Northern Central Mountains | 27a | ecoregion sensu Illies: Central Highlands (ER9), country: DE |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Northern Central Mountains | 27b | ecoregion sensu Illies: Central Highlands (ER9), country: DE |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Northern Central Mountains | 27c | ecoregion sensu Illies: Central Highlands (ER9), country: DE |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Northern Central Mountains | 27d | ecoregion sensu Illies: Central Highlands (ER9), country: DE |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Northern Central Mountains | 27e | ecoregion sensu Illies: Central Highlands (ER9), country: DE |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Northern Central Mountains | 27f | ecoregion sensu Illies: Central Highlands (ER9), country: DE |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Northern Central Mountains | 27g | ecoregion sensu Illies: Central Highlands (ER9), country: DE |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Northern Central Mountains | 28a | ecoregion sensu Illies: Central Highlands (ER9), country: CH |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Southern Central Mountains | 27h | ecoregion sensu Illies: Alps (ER4), country: DE |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Southern Central Mountains | 26b | ecoregion sensu Illies: Alps (ER4), country: AT |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Southern Central Mountains | 26c | ecoregion sensu Illies: Alps (ER4), country: AT |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Southern Central Mountains | 18b | ecoregion sensu Illies: Alps (ER4), country: SL |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Southern Central Mountains | 7e | ecoregion sensu Illies: Alps (ER4), country: IT |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Southern Central Mountains | 7f | ecoregion sensu Illies: Alps (ER4), country: IT |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Southern Central Mountains | 28b | ecoregion sensu Illies: Alps (ER4), country: CH |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Southern Central Mountains | 7g | ecoregion sensu Illies: Alps (ER4), country: IT |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Southern Central Mountains | 6d | ecoregion sensu Illies: Alps (ER4), country: FR |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Western Central Mountains | 6e | ecoregion sensu Illies: Western Highlands (ER8), country: FR |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Western Central Mountains | 6f | ecoregion sensu Illies: Western Highlands (ER8), country: FR |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Western Central Mountains | 28c | ecoregion sensu Illies: Western Highlands (ER8), country: CH |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Western Central Mountains | 6g | ecoregion sensu Illies: Western Highlands (ER8), country: FR |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Western Central Mountains | 27i | ecoregion sensu Illies: Western Highlands (ER8), country: DE |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Western Central Mountains | 29 | ecoregion sensu Illies: Western Highlands (ER8), country: LU |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Western Central Mountains | 30a | ecoregion sensu Illies: Western Highlands (ER8), country: BE |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | British Isles | 31 | ecoregion sensu Illies: Ireland & N. Ireland (ER17), country: IE |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | British Isles | 46a | ecoregion sensu Illies: Great Britain (ER18), country: UK |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | British Isles | 46b | ecoregion sensu Illies: Great Britain (ER18), country: UK |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Western Lowland | 6h | ecoregion sensu Illies: Western Plains (ER13), country: FR |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Western Lowland | 6i | ecoregion sensu Illies: Western Plains (ER13), country: FR |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Western Lowland | 30b | ecoregion sensu Illies: Western Plains (ER13), country: BE |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Western Lowland | 44a | ecoregion sensu Illies: Western Plains (ER13), country: NL |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Western Lowland | 27j | ecoregion sensu Illies: Western Plains (ER13), country: DE |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Central Lowland | 27p | ecoregion sensu Illies: Central Plains (ER14), country: DE |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Central Lowland | 44b | ecoregion sensu Illies: Central Plains (ER14), country: NL |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Central Lowland | 27k | ecoregion sensu Illies: Central Plains (ER14), country: DE |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Central Lowland | 27n | ecoregion sensu Illies: Central Plains (ER14), country: DE |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Central Lowland | 45a | ecoregion sensu Illies: Central Plains (ER14), country: DK |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Central Lowland | 32a | ecoregion sensu Illies: Central Plains (ER14), country: SE |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Central Lowland | 27m | ecoregion sensu Illies: Central Plains (ER14), country: DE |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Central Lowland | 25b | ecoregion sensu Illies: Central Plains (ER14), country: PL |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Southern Lowland | 26d | ecoregion sensu Illies: Hungarian Lowlands (ER11), country: AT |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Southern Lowland | 23b | ecoregion sensu Illies: Hungarian Lowlands (ER11), country: HU |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Southern Lowland | 23c | ecoregion sensu Illies: Hungarian Lowlands (ER11), country: HU |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Southern Lowland | 18c | ecoregion sensu Illies: Hungarian Lowlands (ER11), country: SL |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Southern Lowland | 17b | ecoregion sensu Illies: Hungarian Lowlands (ER11), country: HR |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Southern Lowland | 23d | ecoregion sensu Illies: Hungarian Lowlands (ER11), country: HU |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Southern Lowland | 20c | ecoregion sensu Illies: Pontic Province (ER12), country: RO |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Southern Lowland | 21b | ecoregion sensu Illies: Pontic Province (ER12), country: UA |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Southern Lowland | 33a | ecoregion sensu Illies: Caspian Depression (ER25), country: RU |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Eastern Lowland | 33b | ecoregion sensu Illies: Eastern Plains (ER16), country: RU |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Eastern Lowland | 21c | ecoregion sensu Illies: Eastern Plains (ER16), country: UA |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Eastern Lowland | 34 | ecoregion sensu Illies: Eastern Plains (ER16), country: BY |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Eastern Lowland | 35 | ecoregion sensu Illies: Baltic Region (ER15), country: LT |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Eastern Lowland | 36 | ecoregion sensu Illies: Baltic Region (ER15), country: LV |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Eastern North Europe | 37 | ecoregion sensu Illies: Baltic Region (ER15), country: ET |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Eastern North Europe | 33c | ecoregion sensu Illies: Taiga (ER23), country: RU |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Eastern North Europe | 38 | ecoregion sensu Illies: Taiga (ER23), country: FI |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Western North Europe | 32b | ecoregion sensu Illies: Fenno-Scandian Shield (ER22), country: SE |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Western North Europe | 39 | ecoregion sensu Illies: Borealic Uplands (ER20), country: NO |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Arctic Europe | 40 | ecoregion sensu Illies: Tundra (ER21), country: Tundra |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Ural | 33d | ecoregion sensu Illies: Ural Mountains, country: RU |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Eastern Palaearctic | 33e | ecoregion sensu Illies: Siberia, country: RU |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Eastern Palaearctic | 33f | ecoregion sensu Illies: Siberia, country: RU |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Eastern Palaearctic | 33g | ecoregion sensu Illies: Siberia, country: RU |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Eastern Palaearctic | 41 | ecoregion sensu Illies: Mongolia, country: MN |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Selected Islands & Regions | 42 | ecoregion sensu Illies: Iceland (ER19), country: IS |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Selected Islands & Regions | 45b | ecoregion sensu Illies: Central Plains (ER14), country: DK |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Selected Islands & Regions | 45c | ecoregion sensu Illies: Central Plains (ER14), country: DK |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Selected Islands & Regions | 32c | ecoregion sensu Illies: Baltic Region (ER15), country: SE |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Selected Islands & Regions | 15c | ecoregion sensu Illies: Hungarian Lowlands (ER11), country: SR |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Selected Islands & Regions | 43 | ecoregion sensu Illies: Middle East (Y), country: CY |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Selected Islands & Regions | 47 | ecoregion sensu Illies: Middle East (Y) ?, country: Arabian Penisula |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Selected Islands & Regions | 12c | ecoregion sensu Illies: Hellenic Western Balkan (ER6) , country: GR |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Selected Islands & Regions | 12d | ecoregion sensu Illies: Hellenic Western Balkan (ER6) , country: GR |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Selected Islands & Regions | 12e | ecoregion sensu Illies: Hellenic Western Balkan (ER6) , country: GR |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Selected Islands & Regions | 12f | ecoregion sensu Illies: Hellenic Western Balkan (ER6) , country: GR |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Selected Islands & Regions | 4e | ecoregion sensu Illies: Iberic Region (ER1), country: ES |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Selected Islands & Regions | 4f | ecoregion sensu Illies: Macaronesian Region (ER1), country: ES |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Selected Islands & Regions | 5c | ecoregion sensu Illies: Macaronesian Region (ER1), country: PT |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Selected Islands & Regions | 5d | ecoregion sensu Illies: Macaronesian Region (ER1), country: PT |
Macro-invertebrates | small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert | Eastern North Africa | 48 | ecoregion sensu Illies: North Africa ("X"), country: EG |