

Ecological parameter: trophic focus

Parameter group: trophy related parameters

The parameter indicates trophic optima of species in different lakes of different ecoregions. The trophic optima were derived based on the current phytoplankton databases for lakes and rivers in Germany. Classifications are made according to the trophic class levels of LAWA (2014) and Pfister et al. (2016).

LAWA (2014): Trophieklassifikation von Seen. Richtlinie zur Ermittlung des Trophie-Index nach LAWA für natürliche Seen, Baggerseen, Talsperren und Speicherseen. Empfehlungen Oberirdische Gewässer. Hrsg. LAWA – Bund/Länder Arbeitsgemeinschaft Wasser. Kulturbuch-Verlag Berlin GmbH. 34 S. zzgl. Access-Auswertetool. (Autoren: Riedmüller, U., Hoehn, E., Mischke, U.). Update des Auswertetools unter: Pfister et al. (2016):

Category name:Abbreviations:Explanation:
AAF+CHAAF+CHnatural lakes, Heavily Modified Water Bodies and Artificial Water Bodies of the Alps, Alpine Foothills and Central Highlands
sn.lake – LLsn.lake – LLnatural stratified lakes of the Lowlands
pn.lake - LLpn.lake - LLnatural polymictic lakes of the Lowlands
oligotrophicoligotrophic index values: 0.5 – 1.5
mesotrohicmesotrophic index values: >1.5 – 2.5
mesotrophic 1meso1trophic index values: > 1.5 – 2.0
mesotrophic 2meso2trophic index values: > 2.0 – 2.5
eutrophiceutrophic index values: >2.5 – 3.5
eutrophic 1eu1trophic index values: > 2.5 – 3.0
eutrophic 2eu2trophic index values: > 3.0 – 3.5
polytrophicpolytrophic index values: > 3.5 – 4.5
polytrophic 1poly1trophic index values: > 3.5 – 4.0
polytrophic 2poly2trophic index values: > 4.0 – 4.5
hypereutrophichypertrophic index values: > 4.5
indifferentinindifferent species
Assigned taxa for each higher systematic unit:
TaxagroupNumber of assigned taxa / total number of taxa - percentage
Bacillariophyceae135 / 662 - 20.3%
Chlorophyceae223 / 621 - 35.9%
Choanoflagellata6 / 14 - 42.8%
Chrysophyceae45 / 165 - 27.2%
Coccolithophyceae1 / 5 - 20%
Conjugatophyceae26 / 299 - 8.6%
Coscinodiscophyceae21 / 117 - 17.9%
Cryptophyceae17 / 31 - 54.8%
Cyanophyceae98 / 246 - 39.8%
Dictyochophyceae2 / 7 - 28.5%
Dinophyceae21 / 71 - 29.5%
Euglenophyceae13 / 69 - 18.8%
Fragilariophyceae20 / 87 - 22.9%
Klebsormidiophyceae5 / 11 - 45.4%
Prasinophyceae3 / 13 - 23%
Protozoa1 / 8 - 12.5%
Trebouxiophyceae6 / 16 - 37.5%
Ulvophyceae1 / 9 - 11.1%
Xanthophyceae12 / 45 - 26.6%