

Ecological parameter: living form

Parameter group: life related parameters

The parameter provides information on shape, size, level of organisation, colony, filament or bristle formation and for some taxa, feeding mode and systematics. Modified after "Harmonised Taxalist Germany (HTL) - Phytoplankton" (Mischke et al., 2020).

Mischke, U., Kasten, J., Dürselen, C.-D., Täuscher, L., Riedmüller, U., Tworeck, A., Oschwald, L., Hoehn, E., Schilling, P. & W.-H. Kusber (2020): Taxaliste Phytoplankton (HTL_2020) in Ergänzung zur Bundestaxaliste für die WRRL-Bewertungsverfahren PhytoSee und PhytoFluss – Elektronische Veröffentlichung auf

Category name:Abbreviations:Explanation:
bristle forming algaebfabristle forming algae
coccal algaecalcoccal algae
filamentous formfiffilamentous form
gallert forming green algae in coloniesgacgallert forming green algae in colonies
housing forming phytoflagellatesfpfhousing forming phytoflagellates
large colony forming algaelcalarge colony forming algae
large phytoflagellateslpflarge phytoflagellates
large central diatomslcdlarge central diatoms
heterotrophe Flagellatenhflheterotrophe Flagellaten
chain forming algaechachain forming algae
small phytoflagellatesspfsmall phytoflagellates
small central diatomsscdsmall central diatoms
small colony forming algaescasmall colony forming algae
colony forming algaecoacolony forming algae
colony forming blue green algaecfacolony forming blue green algae
colony forming phytoflagellatescpfcolony forming phytoflagellates
medium to large diatomsmldmedium to large diatoms
medium-sized central diatomsmcdmedium-sized central diatoms
needle-shaped algaensaneedle-shaped algae
armoured flagellatesaflarmoured flagellates
solitary centric diatomssodsolitary centric diatoms
solitary large single cellsslcsolitary large single cells
solitary large single cells or chain formingslfsolitary large single cells or chain forming
solitary small algaessasolitary small algae
undetermined formudfundetermined form
Assigned taxa for each higher systematic unit:
TaxagroupNumber of assigned taxa / total number of taxa - percentage
Bacillariophyceae247 / 662 - 37.3%
Chlorophyceae332 / 621 - 53.4%
Choanoflagellata8 / 14 - 57.1%
Chrysophyceae60 / 165 - 36.3%
Coccolithophyceae1 / 5 - 20%
Conjugatophyceae62 / 299 - 20.7%
Coscinodiscophyceae70 / 117 - 59.8%
Cryptophyceae19 / 31 - 61.2%
Cyanophyceae134 / 246 - 54.4%
Dictyochophyceae3 / 7 - 42.8%
Dinophyceae33 / 71 - 46.4%
Euglenophyceae21 / 69 - 30.4%
Fragilariophyceae36 / 87 - 41.3%
Klebsormidiophyceae8 / 11 - 72.7%
Mediophyceae3 / 3 - 100%
Prasinophyceae4 / 13 - 30.7%
Protozoa1 / 8 - 12.5%
Trebouxiophyceae9 / 16 - 56.2%
Ulvophyceae3 / 9 - 33.3%
Xanthophyceae15 / 45 - 33.3%