

Ecological parameter: approximate size class [µm]

Parameter group: life related parameters

The parameter provides information on the approcimate size class of species. The size classes were created by incremental doublings of the cell volume, represented by the upper boundary log-transformed (e.g. -0.3 = cell volume <= 0.5 μm³, 0 = cell volume 0.5 - 1 μm³, 0.3 = cell volume 1 - 2 μm³, 0.6 = cell volume 2 - 4 μm³ and so on). A total number of 19 size classes were obtained, from -0.3 to 5.1.

Phillips, G., Skjelbred, B., Morabito, G., Carvalho, L., Solheim, A.L., Andersen, T., Mischke, U., de Hoyos, C. & Borics, G. (2010): WISER Deliverable D3.1-1: Report on phytoplankton composition metrics, including a common metric approach for use in intercalibration by all GIGs.