

Ecological parameter: morpho-functional groups according to Salmaso & Padisak

Parameter group: life related parameters

The morpho-functional groups are a tool for the synoptic analyses of phytoplankton communities, particularly comparing different lakes.

Salmaso, N., & Padisak, J. (2007): Morpho-functional groups and phytoplankton development in two deep lakes (lake Garda, Italy and lake Stechlin, Germany). Hydrobiologia 578: 97-112.

Category name:Abbreviations:Explanation:
large colonial or unicellular Chrysophytes/Haptophytes 1a
large colonial or unicellular Dinophytes1b
large colonial or unicellular Euglenophytes1c
small unicellular Chrysophytes/Haptophytes2a
small unicellular Dinophytes2b
small unicellular Euglenophytes2c
small unicellular Cryptophytes2d
unicellular Phytomonadina3a
colonial Phytomonadina3b
unicellular Cyanobacteria4
thin filaments colonies - Oscillatoriales5a
large vacuolated colonies - Chroococcales5b
other large colonies, mostly non-vacuolated Chroococcales5c
small colonies - Chroococcales5d
colonies - Nostocales5e
large Diatoms - Centrics6a
large Diatoms - Pennates6b
small Diatoms - Centrics7a
small Diatoms - Pennates7b
large unicells - unicellular Conjugatophytes/Chlorophytes8a
large unicells - other groups 8b
small unicells - Conjugatophytes 9a
small unicells - Chlorococcales9b
small unicells - Chrysophytes 9c
small unicells - other groups 9d
filaments - Chlorophytes10a
filaments - Conjugatophytes10b
filaments - Xanthophytes 10c
Chlorococcales - naked colonies11a
Chlorococcales - gelatinous colonies11b
other colonies11c
Assigned taxa for each higher systematic unit:
TaxagroupNumber of assigned taxa / total number of taxa - percentage
Bacillariophyceae247 / 662 - 37.3%
Chlorophyceae332 / 621 - 53.4%
Choanoflagellata8 / 14 - 57.1%
Chrysophyceae60 / 165 - 36.3%
Coccolithophyceae1 / 5 - 20%
Conjugatophyceae62 / 299 - 20.7%
Coscinodiscophyceae70 / 117 - 59.8%
Cryptophyceae19 / 31 - 61.2%
Cyanophyceae134 / 246 - 54.4%
Dictyochophyceae3 / 7 - 42.8%
Dinophyceae33 / 71 - 46.4%
Euglenophyceae21 / 69 - 30.4%
Fragilariophyceae36 / 87 - 41.3%
Klebsormidiophyceae8 / 11 - 72.7%
Mediophyceae3 / 3 - 100%
Prasinophyceae4 / 13 - 30.7%
Protozoa1 / 8 - 12.5%
Trebouxiophyceae9 / 16 - 56.2%
Ulvophyceae3 / 9 - 33.3%
Xanthophyceae15 / 45 - 33.3%