

Ecological parameter: saprobity Watanabe et al.

Parameter group: saproby related parameters

Classification as saprobic indicator (degree to which the decomposition of organic material is occurring in an aquatic environment) following Watanabe et al. (1988). Two different classifactions are provided: values modified by Coste (Lecointe et al., 1993) and values by Watanabe et al. (1988).

Watanabe, T., Asai, K. & Houki, A. (1988): Numerical water quality monitoring of organic pollution using diatom assemblages. In: Round, F.E. (ed): 9th Diatom Symposium, Bristol 24-30 Aug. 1986, Biopress Ltd. & Koeltz Scientific Books 123-141.
Lecointe, C., Coste, M. & Prygiel, J. (1993): OMNIDIA software for taxonomy, calculation of diatom indices and inventories management. Hydrobiologia 269/270: 509-513.

Category name:Abbreviations:Explanation:
11saprophilous taxa
22saproxenous taxa
00indifferent taxa (LECOINTE et al., 2003)